Elon Musk HAS been the face of the Trump actions in the last few months….
Quietly in the back ground?
The Admin HAS been following a playbook created by the Conservative Project 2025 group to change the ‘policy’ of the American Government from the present Modern Day post FDR (or Woodrow Wilson) one back to how things were done REALLY ‘back in the day’ when the American Government did NOT provide the wide based domestic support for Americans and Abroad….
The Project 2025 people believe that a President is elected to COMPLETELY run the United States Government without checks and balances from the Legislative or Judicial Branch …
This IS something that even high School students are NOT taught….
The people who put the Constitution as the law of the land envisioned NOT a new King , like in England or France….
But a President that had counter balances to PREVENT such a situation to occur in the new country…
The Project people believe that Federal Courts should NOT under ANY circumstance stop and President from doing what HE WANT’s…(Even if it would be against the Law?)
The piece below has a Q & A with Paul Dans the original chief architect of the Project….
Dans IS strong on unlimited Presidential power, but interestingly is also against the Musk/Trump cuts in Foreign Aid and Mass Job lay-offs, which has effected his family….
A year ago, Paul Dans was chief architect of what was shaping up to be the blueprint for Donald Trump’s second term. Eight months ago, he was sent into MAGA exile.
Dans was the director of Project 2025 at the Heritage Foundation when, midway through the 2024 presidential campaign, he and his program started to become a huge political liability for Trump. Democrats warned of Project 2025’s “radical” agenda, saying it would mean a ban on abortion, elimination of LGBTQ+ rights, and complete presidential power over federal agencies along with the elimination of some of them, including the Department of Education. At the Democratic National Convention, Saturday Night Live’s Kenan Thompson held up a giant-size replica of the 900-page Project 2025 book and quipped, “You ever see a document that could kill a small animal and democracy at the same time? Here it is.”
Conservatives began blaming Heritage and Project 2025 for hurting Trump’s election chances. Trump himself repeatedly contended he hadn’t even read Project 2025, claiming on Truth Social that he had “no idea who is behind it.” In an interview with the POLITICO Deep Dive podcast published Saturday, Trump campaign adviser Chris LaCivita complained that “there was some stuff in there that we were like, ‘Where the hell did that come from?’”…
This week, in his first in-depth interview since Trump returned to the presidency, Dans effectively confirmed what Democrats were saying all along and Trump himself denied: There really is almost no difference between Project 2025 and what Trump was planning all along and is now implementing. And if the White House were to call, he’d be glad to get back on the team.
“It’s actually way beyond my wildest dreams,” Dans said. “It’s not going to be the easiest road to hoe going forward. The deep state is going to get its breath back. But the way that they’ve been able to move and upset the orthodoxy, and at the same time really capture the imagination of the people, I think portends a great four years.”…
So as it turns out, the Trump administration’s program and Project 2025 seem to be one and the same. True?
I’m not saying that. I’m saying that directionally, they have a lot in common, but so do great minds. We had hoped, those of us who worked putting together Project 2025, that the next conservative president would seize the day, but Trump is seizing every minute of every hour. I’m not sure that you’d be able to implement Project 2025 without Donald Trump’s ability to bring people together and Elon Musk’s ability to focus the direction of the work.
In other words, what’s being implemented now is Project 2025, for the most part. But that was the issue brought up during the campaign, when Trump said he had nothing to do with Project 2025. Did the president not tell the truth?
He absolutely told the truth. Project 2025 was done outside of President Trump. It was done by the conservative movement to really say, “This is what we believe in. This is what we want to see in the next conservative president.”
You’ve said this agenda goes back much further than Trump — you wanted to attack the federal administrative state that you view as populated by liberals, one that started more than 100 years ago under Woodrow Wilson…
But that’s still very much at issue. You and your conservative colleagues are saying the president can do whatever he wants to federal agencies based on the “unitary executive theory” of the Constitution, and by seeking to overturn the Impoundment Control Act [which prevents the president from blocking congressional spending]. But doesn’t the president have to implement the policies passed by Congress even if he doesn’t agree with them?
I think what we’re engaging in is going to be a constitutional debate on the order of what happened in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787. We have designed the system so that each of these three independent branches have their own constitutional obligations, and when these overlap or collide is ultimately for the people to sort out. So this is a debate that needs to happen. The pendulum over the last 100 years has swung in a direction that’s been a major incursion on both the core executive branch authority, but also an abandonment of the responsibility of the legislature to do its work. In that span of time you’ve seen an activist judiciary step up and answer these questions. Is that really the ultimate equilibrium we should live with? I think that’s going to get played out through a national conversation and the court system…..
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