Those number’s jibe with almost all the current polls which have Donald Trump Approval in the negatives….
The +47 is actually the highest for Trump who isn’t making the vast majority of American’s Happy with Chaos actions and agenda…
Voters say OVERWHELMINGLY the US Economy Sucks….
Saying Trump is disapproval by -54% on the economy….
Cost of lining -55%….
Voters are NOT against Federal workers trimming …
But do NOT support the haphazardly meat cleverer way they have been done…
The Democratic Party , just standing around, while Trump/Musk/Project 2025 do ‘their thing’ takes a BIG Negative in the poll….
The poll’s respondent’s think the courts are doing a Good job….
And by an inch favor Democrats taking a majority in next years Mid-Term Elections….
Voters are starting 2025 sour on the state of the economy and President Donald Trump’s handling of it so far, even as his election to a second term sparked an upswing in positive feelings about the direction of the nation, according to a new national NBC News poll.
Buoyed by jubilant and unified Republicans, who are standing in lockstep with Trump and the expansive agenda he and congressional leaders are pushing in Washington, more registered voters see the U.S. as heading in the right direction than at any point since early 2004, though a majority still say the country is on the wrong track. Trump’s approval rating also equals his best-ever mark as president (47%), though again, a majority (51%) disapproves of his performance.
Meanwhile, driven in part by a pessimistic shift among Democrats since Trump’s election, just 18% of voters rate the economy as “excellent” or “good” — not as low as the poorest economic marks during the Biden administration, according to CNBC polling from 2022, but within a handful of points, and as low as that mark has been in NBC News polling since 2014. Majorities of voters disapprove of Trump’s early job performance on the economy (54% disapprove, 44% approve) and how he’s handling inflation and the cost of living (55% disapprove, 42% approve).
It’s a new development for Trump, who never previously had a majority against his handling of the economy in a national NBC News poll. Now, he is confronting jittery markets and businesses amid his early moves to put tariffs on U.S. neighbors and other allies. Trump also faces questions from voters about whether he is sufficiently focused on their core issue of costs as he pursues other projects like reshaping the federal bureaucracy.
Overall, the poll reflects an America that remains deeply divided in the months following Trump’s 2024 victory, as it was in the months before…
Meanwhile, 65% of Democrats say they want Democratic lawmakers to stick to their positions even if this means not being able to get things done in Washington, while 32% want them to compromise with Trump to gain consensus on legislation.
Still, voters remain split as to who they want to control Congress after next year’s midterm elections: 48% back Democrats, while 47% back Republicans.
As Trump dominates Washington, 53% of registered voters say Republicans in Congress are too supportive of the president, 6% say they are too critical and 39% say they are dealing with Trump in the right way. By comparison, 50% say congressional Democrats are too critical of Trump, 16% say they are too supportive of him and 30% say they are dealing with him in the right way.
A plurality, 44%, believe the Supreme Court is dealing with Trump in the right way, while 35% believe it’s been too supportive and 14% believe it’s been too critical.
“Voters are starting 2025 sour on the state of the economy and President Donald Trump’s handling of it so far, even as his election to a second term sparked an upswing in positive feelings about the direction of the nation,” according to a new national NBC News poll.
“Majorities of voters disapprove of Trump’s early job performance on the economy (54% disapprove, 44% approve) and how he’s handling inflation and the cost of living (55% disapprove, 42% approve).”
This is NOT a Good Poll for Trump…..
As I noted earlier this poll reflects an essential mishmash of opinions that are almost comical in the views expressed.Democrats ?Theyre agin’ em.Republicans ?Dont care for em either.The economy sucks and the Hell with Trump and that Musk character too!
Right now?
That amorphous entity,” the American people,” have no particular idea of what they are “ for.” They only know what they are “against…”.Everybody and everything.
The poll DOES reveal that The ECONOMY IS a developing Problem FOR Donald…..
And no matter how BIG Trump’s Ball’s ARE?
A BAD Economy CHEWS on a President to the Negative
Trump isn’t running again.
House and some Senate GOPer’s WILL BE in NINE months…..
Nine months? December 2025?
You’ve also told us how bad off the Democrats are.
And the polls you’ve cited show that.
So what?
Are you assuming that the Republicans are going to lose the House and/ or the Senate?
My point is simple.Right now “ the American people” are in a nihilistic mood .Its no longer a question of who they are “ for.”Instead ,it’s who they are opposed to the least.
In such a reality? All bets are off.Anything can happen.
Yeah Trump hasn’t helped the economy but at least he’s not a Democrat.
Trump hasn’t anything that I care about ,guess I’ll vote for the Democrats although I despise them.
Take your pick!
Polls show Democrats STERONGLY are AGAINST Trump polcy and actions….
Trump’s approval is LESS than 50% and it’s his HIGHEST?????
Trump IS racking up Shiut Economic numbers…
People lost a TRILLION Doillars in the market since Trump swore on a Bible he’s protect the country he says he ‘HATES’….
Democrats AND Republicans buy eggs and pay MORTE for Gas Jack…..
GOPer’s go out in public and get shouted DOWN….
As soon as JD Vance steps out in public he get Booooed and shouted at…
The guy can’t go vacation with the public like Biden could just sit on a beach chair at the beach….
Things BE just dandy????
I’m gonna REPEAT….
Those GOPer US Hoiuse members have a BRICK WALL they WILL have to climb starting in a year….
Trump KNOWS this….
I’m gonna bet that Musk is a goner by then….
And one Donald Trump puts his ole Democratric hat back on….
(He, he…already trying it out with NO CUTS to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid….They gonna try to ‘cook the Budget books’ to get past THAT one….)
Based on geographic polarization, there are relatively few truly competitive U.S. House seats these days. The vast majority of districts will be won easily by a Democrat or a Republican.
Sure, Democrats should hope to win a House majority in November 2026 (which is more than “9 months” away), but it would probably be a fairly thin majority.
For most House Republicans, their concern is winning a primary and not running up against an opponent endorsed by Trump and funded by Musk. Thus, most House Republicans are going to hang in there with Trump and Musk no matter what.
Those in more competitive districts will face other pressures, but you seem you greatly be claiming doom for Republicans and pending glory for Democrats in a way that is not anywhere close to evident. People were doing this before the 2024 election too and should have learned better.
As for the Senate races in 2026, it is about as likely that Republicans add to their majority than it is that the majority gets decreased. They are likely to still have it though. All those Democrats who yelled themselves blue in the face about how the filibuster needed to be done away with should be embarrassed.
There ARE GOPer’s in Biden district’s…..
The House campaign’s will kick in 9 months or so…
There ARE going to be a LOT of pissed Republican voters who were Federal workers that got screwed over…..
If the economy is garbage?
Even those in ‘safe’ Red districts will be worried
But Musk and the Project people will have done their damage already and be relegated to the sidelines by judges also
So the Democrats overall are in pretty good shape
Right James?
They ARE fractured, hurting , suffering and angry….
Mostly EVERYTHING ole’ Donald touches turns to Shit….
So in the end?
Trump will mess this up
Even I agree that SOME ONE SHOULD be checking on the government….
I did a post years ago about how the Pentagon NEVER passed an audit….
That’s NOT the issue for me
It’s MASS layoffs laid on people with no input from department heads….
It’s cutting places without knowing what would be the result
It just leaving tens of thousands of people without jobs from a damn email in a way that was heartless and Illegal
I have a little secret for Trump’s minions…..
Donald Trump ain’t gonna be President forever…..
Thinking about fucking with judges is probably NOT good for your long term future, eh?