The list has begun of those‘upstanding’ violent protesters that President Trump pardoned getting in violent criminal situations after their Felon President let them off the hook….
One was shot dead by a cop who was assaulted…
Several pardoned people have renouced their pardon’s also…
“An Indiana man was fatally shot by a deputy during a traffic stop just days after he was pardoned by President Donald Trump for a misdemeanor related to the 2021 U.S. Capitol riot,” the AP reports.
A deputy tried to arrest the man when “an altercation took place between the suspect and the officer, which resulted in the officer firing his weapon and fatally wounding the suspect.”
Man Pardoned by Trump Wanted for Soliciting Minor
“A man pardoned for his involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021 riots at the Capitol has been released from federal prison -– but now must face a local charge of soliciting a minor he picked up before the insurrection,” the Houston Chroniclereports.
Just a day after his January 6 case was dismissed, Daniel Ball was arrested for pending federal gun charges — the first public arrest warrant filed in Washington, D.C. during the Donald Trump’s second term.
I’m starting a list of fuckups getting re-ARRESTED….
One by the Feds no LESS!
I hope the sheriff deputy who shot tide pos doesn’t get targeted by the “back the blue” crowd.
He’ll have backup……