Yesterday IS Gone…
Like it or not….
Donald Trump and the Media ARE about ATTENTION.…
Not about what actually gets done …
THAT does NOT Matter….
Ole Joe Biden IS who he IS….Old School….
That hasn’t changed and it cost him his job….
Tossing us back into another four years of a Chaotic Mess…..
“I have come to the conclusion in recent days that I’m wrong about that,” the South Carolina Democrat, 84, remembers telling Biden. “The new environment that we currently live in — style seems to carry the day more than substance.”
“Your style,” he told the president, “does not lend itself well to the environment we’re currently in.”
Clyburn’s conclusion — which was shared by anxious Democrats in the months before the president ended his reelection bid — undermined Biden’s theory of presidential leadership. After Donald Trump’s ascent, Biden believed that he just needed to show Americans that traditional democracy still worked — by listening to experts, working with Republicans, passing popular policies — and voters would rally around him.
He succeeded in Phase One of his plan, enacting legislation, much of it bipartisan, to reshape the nation’s infrastructure, revive the semiconductor industry and fight climate change. But Phase Two never happened. The truth of Biden’s presidency is that he failed in what was by his own account his most important mission: making Trump’s presidency seem like an aberration.
“He governed through traditional processes and institutions,” said Julian E. Zelizer, a presidential historian at Princeton University. “It didn’t change the picture of where he started, this anger in the electorate toward institutions, this support for a pretty radical conservative vision that Trump embodied. It didn’t do anything to end the very intense polarization that exists in this country.”…
The final chapter of Biden’s presidency offers perhaps the sharpest challenge to his embrace of American tradition, as he grapples with the victory of a rival who revels in flouting it.
To show that he respects the peaceful transfer of power, Biden is welcoming Trump, who openly challenged that transition. Biden has repeatedly directed his aides to do all they can to help Trump assume the presidency, after years of calling Trump unfit for high office.
When the president-elect visited the White House shortly after the election, Biden spent nearly two hours with him in the Oval Office, repeatedly waving off aides who told Biden he had other events scheduled, according to people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a private conversation. In the prep session for that meeting, Biden pressed his aides on what other information Trump might need to succeed.
The ultimate farewell to Biden’s presidency, and perhaps to his way of politics, will take place on Jan. 20, when Biden attends his successor’s inauguration, disregarding that Trump skipped Biden’s four years earlier.
That’s just his style….
Despite Donald Trump and the RightWingNuts efforts?
The American ‘System’ WILL assert itself over and OVER during the next four years….
It IS ALREADY doing so….
image…The Economist
Joe STILL ‘don’t get it’…..
Biden Regrets Pulling Out of Race
“Joe Biden regrets having pulled out of this year’s presidential race and believes he would have defeated Donald Trump in last month’s election – despite negative poll indications,” The Guardian reports.
I like the pure “ revisionism’” of James vis a vis Joe Biden.
To hear him tell it now,he was always in favor of Biden stepping aside .Nothing could be further from the truth .
Indeed, while myself and CG were urging that he d so,James was constantly telling us that such wasn’t going to happen,neither was he in favor of such and while Bidens debate performance was catastrophic to most of us?James just thought he had a bad night.Finally, a mere 48 hours or so before Bidens withdrawal,he confidently predicted.”Biden ain’t going nowhere.”
Well at least he finally got it right today .No Joe doesn’t ‘ get it.”And back then?
Neither did he.
I think Biden is ‘nuts’ to question his stepping aside….
Yes I I have and DO his accomplishments….
In the end he WAS a Gonner….
In fact?
Trump ran against Biden/Harris in the end….
And YES I thought Biden would NOT give in….
He DID….
It didn’t matter, eh?
And YES Jack…..
President shouldn’t jump ship from a second term without a fight
Even against their own party…..
To do so?
Would mean NO second term President’s in the future…..
Biden is almost as delusional as Trump if he believes he should not have dropped out or would have won. I have always thought they have more personality similarities than Democrats want to acknowledge.
Had he not left the race, Republicans would have close to 60 Senate seats and would have won at least 15-20 more House seats.
Incumbent Presidents will always have the edge for reelection unless their record makes them unpopular or there are insurmountable concerns about their age/health. Biden had both of those problems which makes it a unique case.
He, he, he…….
‘ have always thought they have more personality similarities than Democrats want to acknowledge…’
I have said this for years!
Goes along with Trump’pimping’ the GOPer’s and MAGA
I don’t remember you saying that Biden and Trump “..have more personality similarities than Democrats b want to acknowledge.”
Exactly when was that?
Re-elected Presidents:
T, Roosevelt
Defeated Presidents:
John Adams
J.Q. Adams
Van Buren
Cleveland (Panic if ’87)
B. Harrison
Hoover (Depression)
Ford (oil crisis; inflation)
Carter (malaise; Iran hostages(
GHW Bush (economy)
He, he, he…..
Thank’s DSD….
If ya get it RIGHT?
Ya get to Four more years on salary , the house, the ride, the airline and the headaches….
The point or clarification I was [indirecctly] trying to make was that when Jack wrote that incumbent Presidents win re-election barring some political, social or economic misfortune, those failures are more common than people might imagine: at least a third of incumbent Presidents who seek re-election fail to start a second term (lost renomination, withdrew early or lost the general election) and only about half win a second term.
It IS a tough job
Done in quick sand
I think it was dumb of Biden to second guess dropping out.
When Trump has his inevitable health issues it will seem like genius for an 80 yir old man to know when it’s time to retire.