The media story has Democrats running around with their hair on fire….
They should re-invent themselves….
They should put all the oldtimes in a boat and let float away….
Maybe they should stop and actually look at how they came out NOT so bad after all….
Things aren’t nearly as bad as one would think…
And the future actually looks Brighter for the party going ahead
And Trump IS gonna be a ‘Hot Mess’ like he was the last time only Worse….
He’s in the hole for hundreds of millions in Civil judgements…
He’s listening to ALL the RightWingNuts, some of who he no use for anymore since the November vote…
The Senate Republicans have already started to pushback against him…
The House GOP political knife fights are already here…
Even Stephen Miller is backing up on immigration….
And worse of all?
All the stuff that Biden had to deal with and got poor marks on?
Will be in Trump’s lap….
Oh, I forgot….
Threats of Traiff’s an Tax cut that will SURELY make the US Economy even worse than it is ….
And a promise to close the US Mexico border that was an issue that Trump pursued during his first term under the guise of covid and WILL generate HUGE legal action AGAIN.…
Russell Berman: “Trump’s popular-vote margin has shrunk to about 1.5 percent—one of the tightest in the past half century—and because some votes went to third-party and independent candidates, he’ll fall just short of winning a majority of the vote nationwide. Compared with incumbent governments elsewhere in the world, Democrats’ losses were modest. And in the House, they gained a seat, leaving the GOP with the second-smallest majority in history. A trio of Republican vacancies expected early next year will make passing Trump’s agenda even more difficult, and Democrats are in a strong position to recapture the chamber in the midterm elections, when the incumbent party typically struggles.”
“The final results are prompting some in the party to push back against the doom-and-gloom diagnoses of Murphy, Sanders, and others who say the Democratic brand is in tatters and needs an overhaul
One can acknowledge that it was a disappointing loss, but also a much closer one than the supposedly liberal media claimed in the days after Nov 5.
Indeed Scott…
I HAVE focused on the postive for Democrats here….
And the fuck up’s coming from Trump who can do NO better….
In rhe end a switch of 200,000 votes across 3 states would have given Harris the election. Even though she would have still lost the popular vote by over a million votes.
Can you imagine the howl from Trumpublicans had that happened?
Maybe we would finally be riding of the Electoral College.
It certainly would N OT have been as calm. as it has beeen the last month….
The Elec toral College isn’t going anywhere….
Hey there’s now areal chance that the EC will be done away with!
Remember the when James proclaimed “Joe Biden ain’t going anywhere?”
A scant 48 hours later,he pulled out!
Today..”The Electoral College isn’t going anywhere.”
There’s hope yet!
It’s NOT going anywhere
They have been at this for years
Just because Trump won the popular vote by a few hundred thousand isn’t going to change things
This goes on the list of Trump dreams
So sayeth Captain Obvious!
Democrats are kidding themselves if they do not realize the consequences of their loss or think they just need to stay the course because “Trump will mess up.”
We’ll see. After each recent election the losing party has done just that and it worked our well for them.
At best, with so much distrust in government and institutions, the two major parties may trade the White House back and forth every four years. I have spoken before about how there is an anti-incumbent electorate every Presidential elections and the opposing party has won more often than not. The last sizable majority win for an incumbent party in a Presidential year was way back in 1988.
People are getting news and consuming information through extremely different methods than the people here have been accustomed to in our lives as news consumers and political junkies. I certainly was not aware how powerful podcasts had become until after this election, so rules and norms are clearly changing.
Fundamentally though, Democrats have a problem in that they have lost much of their working class base to the Trump version of the Republican Party and that is not going to be sustainable long-term, even if they would win the House back in 2026, as would be normal in a midterm considering the margin, or win in 2028 because of anti-incumbent sentiment. Right now, the “Democrat” brand nationally seems to be as low as at any point in about 100 years.
A agree about the White House switch’s which are fairly regular….
And I expect the Dem’s regain a House majority come 2027….
I disagree on the working class loss….
Going forward?
Trump and company are gonna work to screw the working class on jobs, benefits , taxes , health, consumer prices and who knows what else….
The fall back will be to Democrats…
With both parties being distrusted, it is doubtful Democrats are going to get them back on economic issues, especially considering Trump has moved his party so much closer economically to Democrats.
Democrats have taken a huge hit on cultural issues.
It used to be that it was far more likely than not that a President would win two terms. Now, we have had back to back Presidents who have failed in that regard for the first time in a very long time.
I see Democrats actually NOT as hurt as the media says for ther resons I’ve stated….
You have seen Democrats being in tip top shape every day since sometime in the 2008 election.
You were convinced they would win the 2010 midterms, the 2014 midterms, and the 2024 election.
Things are really, really, really bad for Democrats now in many parts of the country and of course they are shut out, at least for two years, in the entire federal government. It is up to them to listen to the voters and correct things. Thinking that 2024 was a fluke, like many thought 2016 was simply a fluke, would be a grave mistake.
Things are Soooooo
Bad that a spending bill is to be passed with Democrats getting things the WingNuts in the House are ALREADY CRYING….
What about the HUGE House Majority!
And Trump picks bending like pretzels to try and get confirmation?
You are in a time warp thinking that the things you are going to say about Trump on this blog or any of us can say on any blog are going to make the American people suddenly “see the light” on Trump. It’s all pointless. We have all done this for years now. It did not work.
But if venting makes you feel better, then feel free.
by the way, on the topic of the small House majority for Republicans, we can look at the results, including three very narrow pick-ups for Republicans in Pennsylvania and recognize, that if nothing else, Josh Shapiro on the D ticket would have been enough to give the House to Democrats and probably gotten them one more Senate seat in Pennsylvania.
She picked Walz
Give it up
And several hundred people actually see my posts everyday…..
May not comment
But I see them in the stats
Actually a few more since the election
Some have handles from the Ukraine and Russia….
Generated from my daily Ukraine posts
Swimming against the tide IS ALRIGHT for me
Every one I reach is a snail victory for me and the world
and picking him was a mistake in part because of the reason I just stated.
but there were other mistakes in that campaign too of course, chief among them being not having an answer to what she would have done differently than Biden.
She is/was stuck with him
Biden was unpopular
He just dragged her down
That was just one of many reasons
“several hundred people” have not seen a post of yours since the day you started this website.
Maybe 150 actual human beings, maximum.
Those are computer generated stats.
Bots are “seeing” your posts. This is not rocket science. Anybody who understands the concept of social media knows about this.
Like the Big Guys?
Of course there are bots
But they ain’t all
Unless you are blocking them from posting, one actual Ukrainian, would have after three years now, attempted to leave a comment saying, “The name of the country is Ukraine, not The Ukraine!”
She needed to put more political distance between the two of them. A tough position to be in but there was no other choice.
There is nothing in the Constitution saying a Vice President cannot do so.
Picking Walz was a huge mistake though. I thought it was made out of ovetconfidence, but her campaign said she was trailing in their polls the entire time. So, it was made out of fear of extreme elements of their base, and that is a bad place to be running a campaign from.
Let me see?
Ur working for someone and the board has to make a choice
Keep the CEO
OR Promote U?
So you speak to the board members and shitcan ur BOSS?
Anybody think THAT works?????
Obama WAS popular
Biden was not
Almost all are Bots. This is not a criticism of you. It’s just reality.
I keep getting random “people” who based on their photos appear to be supermodels following me on Twitter or liking my posts, but I know better.
Super model’s looking for $$$, eh?
Trump WILL mess up….
Remember Biden BEAT him because he DID the last time…
We just have to suffer thru….
Trump will mess up and then the person who follows him will mess up and so on and so on…
Not good for America. We should want better.
Tough job with Congress and FOR 330 Million Americans and the rest of the plaNET
Because if there is one thing that is damn sure, Joe Biden messed up as President, and that is why we are tragically going back to Trump.
True THAT…..
Joe NEVER was Mr Entertainment….
He wasn’t elected to be an entertainer. He also wasn’t elected to try to be FDR. He was elected to be stable, fairly quiet, and not seek a second term.
Plus, pardoning his own son and attacking the judicial system, after promising he would not, probably shocked a whole lot of people.
Let’s address ur views
Biden actually held the damn place together after Trump couldn’t deal with with Covid …
Talking about drinking what????
Biden got an infrastructure bill passed
Trump was out begging for wall money
Trump’s immigration policies were a mess
Tied up in the courts
No more
No less
The last four years we had to listen to him whining and crying
But he was so fucking Good
He got himself convicted as a felon in debt to NY.for a haft a Billion dollars
Yes Trump is what?
I have no idea what you are actually trying to say but the bottom line is that the majority of the people of this country, by far, believed Joe Biden was not a good President. Some of those people voted for Harris regardless, but not enough.
The election was decided because enough Americans, including those who voted for Biden in 2020, decided that their lives were better under Trump and wanted to go back. I believe those people were both off-base and selfish to a great extent, but the American people have gotten it wrong before. Here the people rule. That is the way it should be. We get the government we deserve.
People just disagree with you on Joe Biden. Certainly now. The rest will be up to history.
Biden WAS elected because people got tired of the Trump ‘mess’ which IS ALREADY RUNNING…..
They WILL tire of him AGAIN
Democrats will return to power
Trump was elected because people got tired of the Biden “mess.”
This is reality. One of the two things happened more recently than the other.
My point is Democrats need to do a lot more, both in the short term and long term, to remain viable.
Republicans will need to do a lot more to prepare for a post-Trump political universe.
I do not have a party. I want to still have a country.
Joe Biden made mistakes for sure. But the American people are the ones who really “messed up” in 2024.
Biden BEAT Trump first go round…
A lot of good that did. Really? What is the point of any of that anymore? If the rematch would have reached the conclusion, it would have been a brutal knockout. The replacement fighter did somewhat better and made it to the final bell, but not enough to win.
Trump won twice as a replacement for both Obama and Biden. That should mean something to Democrats. They should at least want to understand why and not jump to the most base of conclusions and attempt to shrug it off.
Had Trump won in 2020, at least we would be done with him now.
Obama was termed out….
Trump did beat Biden and Harris as one
People wanted change from Obama in 2016
He was termed out…..
We know who, eh?
In my entire life, regardless of whom was elected President, I have always wanted the best for America and for Americans. That does not change now. Whatever we rightfully feel about Trump personally or fear about his policies, it would be horrible to root against America.
Makes no bones about it
Was she working for Biden personally or was she working for the country.
Your entire premise speaks volumes
For the record, Constitutionally, Biden could not have fired Harris, if that is what you are getting at.
A completely offbase analogy.
There was a completely easy and diplomatic way to give a stock response to “how would you have been different than Biden.”
A campaign operative could craft it in about 15 seconds. If you really cared, I could demonstrate the three sentences or so she could have said over and over again to put the issue to rest. The same with a simple generic statement about protecting the border. All this stuff about.. “Well, I am the only candidate to have prosecuted trans-national gangs…” People did not have any idea what she was saying there. They just knew that they felt that the country had a huge problem with illegal immigration.
They just chose not to use these responses or put anything like that in her speeches or interviews or town hall answers. They did not feel they needed to. They were very. very wrong.
If we go back to the December after each election we complie thousands od pages of “autopsieea” of what the losing paty did wrong nd “predictions” as to how the losing party is destined to be lost in the political wilderness for years to come.
What do they almost all of them have in common? They were wildly inaccurate.
That’s why I have to laugh at the self proclaimed “prognosticators” on here.
This was the one election where “democracy was on the ballot” and Democrats believed they had no right to lose, against a convicted felon. etc. etc.. It is an entirely different situation. The amount of political alignment away from Democrats towards Republicans in many groups and demographics is hard to ignore and the results were surprising to many people who did not anticipate it would actually happen. Democrats are not just automatically going to win back Hispanic males because “Trump messed up.”
All of that makes the need for an “autopsy” more important than ever.
How did that 2012 Republican autopsy turn out?
Republicans had a great 2014 which would have been even better if not for the insurgent wing of the party nominating a bunch of extremists who could not win general elections.
Then, when a very strong bench of Republican candidates emerged for 2016, with several of them having a lot of promise of winning against Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton got on the phone with Donald Trump, and told him he should run for President as a Republican.
Then he did and politics as we always knew it was thrown upside down in ways that could not have been comprehended at the time. The Republican Party went batshit crazy and nominated him and Hillary was such a horribly flawed candidate who ran a terrible campaign, she lost, in what was at least a semi-fluke. A “normal” Republican probably would have won soundly.
Then in the eight years since, for all the problems Trump and Republicans have brought upon themselves, Democrats continued to move further to the left and failed to understand Trumpism and how to confront it. Only a massive pandemic allowed them to win in 2020 with a candidate who was clearly supposed to serve no more than one term.
Then, the pandemic receding as an immediate health concern but with lingering economic impact, made worse by Biden policies, general distrust of the government and “elites”, foreign policy chaos , whether rightfully blamed or not, and huge self-inflicted problems on the southern border. just because there was an assumed mandate to do anything possible that was different from Trump there, the Administration became a failure.
Also. Joe Biden, was was already historically old for a President, began to accelerate in his aging process, in a way which was impossible to ignore (though exaggerated somewhat by his political enemies), but not without his party and allies gaslighting Americans into thinking they were crazy to have any concerns about him or his health or ability to do the job up until age 85.
By the time they were forced to deal with the obvious, it was likely too late.
That’s about as best I can do in summing up the last 12 years.
When Sunny Hostin tries to throw her a softball and ask “how would have you been different than Biden”, all she had to say was this.
“I have been honored to work alongside Joe Biden, who I think has done great things for our country. However, there are clearly things that should have been done differently over the last four years. Had we known that Trump and his allies would kill a bipartisan bill to protect our border and stop illegal crossings, we should have taken executive action sooner. Since that was done, the situation has improved. I wish it would have been done earlier.”
*could compile thousands of pages of ‘autopsies’*
Similarly there’s no guarantee Republicans sill win back college educated whites post Trump.
No one knows and all these autopsies are about fighting the last war.
True, but college educated whites make up a far smaller percentage of Americans, and getting smaller all the time. Plus. a lot of them still vote Republican.
The good news for Democrats is that they will not have to run against Trump again considering there are some people who seem to come out only to vote for Trump when he is on the ballot.
The bad news is they will next have to run against someone who does not have Trump’s specific baggage and will be a good deal younger. There are a lot of people who did not vote for Trump because he is Trump but might vote for that other person.
In regards to the headline here.
If you do not think Democrats “lost their shirts”, they at least lost their coats and now winter is here for them.
As I say in the post
On reflection?
Democrats just getting set up 2026/2028 elections wins
You still lost in 2024 after being beyond convinced you wouldn’t. If nothing else, it should make you question your own sense of these things more.
A Republican, either Trump or Vance, will be President for four years. Looking at the 2026 Senate map, I do not see that going back to Democrats. Democrats may get the House in two years, but what is that really going to do? Another impeachment vote?
In the meantime, Trump and his ilk are going to attempt to fundamentally alter America and there is going to be very little to stop them for four years.
So for people who are actually Democrats, this should be a little difficult to just shake off. They had a job to do and failed miserably, even if they did not lose in a textbook landslide.
Most Democrats I know have NOT just shaken off Trump’s win
They simply do NOT UNDERSTAND it…..
The guy is a prime example of EVERYTHING WE WERE taught in school was BAD…..
But his whining and crying and money get him a second shot at screwing up the Presidency and MORE….
The Democrats have nowhere else to go but UP…..
They can go further down if they do not find a way to fix their problems. These problems are both related to Trump and unrelated to Trump. They started before Trump and have gotten worse since. They are not going to go away when Trump goes away.
As a NY Giants fan you should understand the concept of a necessary rebuild but do not appear willing to try.
As a non-Democrat I agree, so much of the appeal of Trump is hard to understand but we all have to adapt to the reality we live in. Whatever made us anti-Trump folks feel comforted or optimistic in both 2017-2020 and then again in 2021-2024, and especially during the last campaign just was not the right answer. We are back at square one or worse.
Why do u have bring the damn NY Giants into this?
It’s the General Manager
It’s a team that has no players for the coaches
Trade away anything of worth
They suck!
The Democrats WILL do fine in 2026….
People will be tired of Trump messing up AGAIN
The sequence of things will return to the Democrats and NO ONE will cast a shadow as Big as Trump who will be ready to retire and count his money and whine
my intended final post for the day is in moderation. Please publish it.