Just a little reminder…..
As President?
Trump NEVER got along with the American Intelligence Community and the Pentagon…..
We’ll be seeing reports about how things are gonna go the second go around…..
The American President will probably renew his close personal relation with Putin which should have the American and other nation’s Intelligence service’s making sure to. ‘listen in’….
Trump HAS been know to reveal ‘secrets’ to the Russian’s on his own…
He just go over on possesing secrte stuff the government had get serach warrants to take back….
In the case of the nation’s military?
TON’s of ex-Military types have just finished outing the guy that was their boss for poor judgement, mistakes and contempt for their service….
Trump WILL try to get General’s that will be his lackies….
Within these groups of American Government organization’s?
People can’t be too happy….