The California Democratic Governor WAS sniffing around more than a year ago….
But stopped…..
It would appear that he’s back on the hunt for the Democratic nomination….
He starts this seriously by trying to leading the Democratic Governors to band together to challange Tryump’s efforts to punish those he feels are NOT beholding to him….
As Donald J. Trump savored a sweeping victory in the presidential race, Democratic leaders in at least three state capitals have begun mobilizing to push back against potential Republican policies on issues like reproductive health and the environment.
In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom called lawmakers on Thursday into a legislative special session next month “to safeguard California values and fundamental rights in the face of an incoming Trump administration.”….
Democratic governors have aggressively opposed Mr. Trump since 2017, when he entered office. Several have positioned themselves nationally as leaders in a fight against his agenda, which they view both as extreme and as a threat to the values of their constituents. Mr. Newsom and Mr. Pritzker, in particular, have risen as standard-bearers for their party and as potential presidential contenders in their own right.
Other Democratic-led states are expected to to join the effort, especially given the federal power that Republicans could wield starting next year, particularly if they win the House in addition to the Senate and the White House…
“The freedoms we hold dear in California are under attack — and we won’t sit idle,” Mr. Newsom said in a statement on Thursday. “California has faced this challenge before, and we know how to respond.”
California has nearly 39 million residents, and the economy is so large — dwarfing those in all but a handful of countries — that it can move markets and steer national policy. During the four years that Mr. Trump was previously in office, the state sued his administration more than 120 times.
The state’s attorney general, Rob Bonta, said that he and his staff had been conferring with other attorneys general for months and had prepared detailed legal challenges should the former president return to office. “We won’t be flat-footed come January,” he said….
“I think that what happened during the first Trump administration is going to repeat itself,” said Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the law school at the University of California, Berkeley.“
There’s a more conservative court today than when Trump took office in 2017, and I think this Trump term is going to be more aggressive, earlier, in pushing the conservative agenda, but I also think states will be equally aggressive in pushing back early on.”….