Young Men voted FOR Donald Trump
(A LOT of females also)
Men overvoted for Trump overall
Democrats should NOT run another woman next time no matter what…They are 0-2….
Harris carried Joe Biden on her back…
The economy is better, but NOT THAT Good…
Joe Biden NEVER wanted to get in a fight….
Trump NEVER backed away from one….
(America likes STRONG MALE President’s…NO Doubt)
Some who voted FOR Trump don’t REALLY like the guy, but held their noses and voted FOR the guy….
Biden’s Afghanistan fuck up hurt his Foreign affairs…
Kamala Harris IS Biden’s Vice President…She couln’t seperate herself from her boss…
She ran a DAMN Good campaign…
Something Hilary Clinton failed to do….
Some American’s ARE also very scared of what this country actually IS….
Donald Trump is NOT gonna get a blank check on what he want’s…
Donald Trump is in for a VERY ROUGH TIME…
On the Women Angle…
Particularly brutal was the victory of an opponent with a long and troubling history on gender: Last year, Trump was held liable for sexual abuse and in the past has bragged about groping women on tape. At least 17 women have accused him of sexual misconduct, allegations that Trump denies. His campaign against Harris, the sitting vice president, featured a torrent of attacks steeped in sexism.
Harris’s loss is disheartening enough, said Rebecca Kuske, a 28-year-old doctoral student in Wisconsin. But for the country to elect someone who has made his disrespect for women clear is “basically kicking you when you’re already down.”
Yet for other women, there was relief and exultation that Harris would not be president. Many said that ideology mattered much more than gender and that they would be happy to see a woman elected president provided the candidate embraced Republican or conservative politics.
Others said Harris — whose campaign began only in July after President Joe Biden ended his reelection bid — hadn’t convinced them she was ready for the job….
Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy America.
We have to accept that a lot of Americans want Trump in charge. Even a lot of Republicans who cringe at his words and actions approve of his policies on the economy and the border and his promise to “keep men out of women’s sports.”
Seeking Black and Latino votes at a Bronx barbershop, Trump delivered this message: “They take your kid. There are some places, your boy leaves for school, comes back a girl, OK, without parental consent.”
“What is that all about?” he wondered.
His support among Latino men jumped, despite the fact that he was running against a woman of color who could have made history as the first Madam President. He held his own with Black men. “A small but significant slice of Black men have historically been hesitant to support Black women seeking the highest positions of power,” Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Erica Green presciently wrote in The Times in August.
As Van Jones noted on CNN, there are many disappointed African American women who are trading in a “lot of hope for a lot of hurt.”
James Carville warned that Democrats needed to stop coming across as the party of preachy women. But then Barack and Michelle Obama tried to woo Black men by scolding them….
This was an epic battle of the sexes. Kamala Harris ended her campaign with Beyoncé, Oprah and Lady Gaga. Trump and Vance went down the rabbit hole of the bro ecosystem and ended with Joe Rogan’s embrace.
Shortly before the polls closed, the Trump adviser Stephen Miller tweeted, “If you know any men who haven’t voted, get them to the polls.”
At a polling center in Charlotte, N.C., a young man told CNN’s Brianna Keilar that he had been coerced to come vote for Harris at the last minute by his girlfriend, who was “blowing up” his phone and telling him she would break up with him if he didn’t.
Donald Trump STILL ain’t Right…
The founders of this country recognized the possibility that voters might someday elect an authoritarian leader and wrote safeguards into the Constitution, including powers granted to two other branches of government designed to be a check on a president who would bend and break laws to serve his own ends. And they enacted a set of rights — most crucially the First Amendment — for citizens to assemble, speak and protest against the words and actions of their leader.
Over the next four years, Americans must be cleareyed about the threat to the nation and its laws that will come from its 47th president and be prepared to exercise their rights in defense of the country and the people, laws, institutions and values that have kept it strong.
It can’t be ignored that millions of Americans voted for a candidate even some of his closest supporters acknowledge to be deeply flawed — convinced that he was more likely to change and fix what they regarded as the nation’s urgent problems: high prices, an infusion of immigrants, a porous southern border and economic policies that have flowed unequally through society. Some cast their votes out of a profound dissatisfaction with the status quo, politics or the state of American institutions more broadly….
The second the clock start’s running?
Donald Trump IS lameduck folks…..
Mr. Trump and his movement have all but taken over the Republican Party. Yet it is also important to remember that Mr. Trump can’t run for another term. From the day he enters the White House, he will be, in effect, a lame-duck president. The Constitution limits him to two terms. Congress has the power — and for some ambitious Republicans, perhaps the political incentive — to set a course away from Mr. Trump’s antidemocratic agenda, if it chooses to pursue it.
Governors and legislatures across the nation have spent months shoring up their state laws and Constitutions to protect civil rights and liberties, including access to reproductive and gender-affirming health care. Even states that voted overwhelmingly for Mr. Trump, including Kentucky, Ohio and Kansas, have rejected the most extreme positions on abortion. Other institutions of American civil society will play a crucial role in challenging the Trump administration in the courts, in our communities and in the protests that are sure to return…
The polls where mostly RIGHT…
image….Damon Winter/The New York Times