My snap judgement has been the problem with a strong Woman being the American President ….
Almost 3 weeks after the election verdict?
Several other things have become apparent….
Latino and Black Male’s defected from Mixed/Black Kamala Harris….
But there is also this….
In the swing states?
Democrats did NOT come out in the numbers they did for Biden four years ago….
That has to be a function of the male vote….
I think Texas Republican Gov. Abbott exporting LEGAL Migrants to those states…..
And their inability to work legally adding to media headlines of overflowing numbers of immigrants hanging around in getting into trouble….
Of Course the Economy WAS an issue….
THAT will come back to haunt Donald Trump, whose policies WLL make things worse probably….
Gas Prices ARE ALREADY inching up….
It appears that the scaring people ABOUT Trump 2.0 did NOT OUT weigh Trump’s scaring people about the actions of the US Government , which people feel now, and have forgotten Trump’s four years of chaos and uncertainty….
The Biden years of calm helped some….
But Joe Biden NEVER got past being in the background of being a US Senator and Eight Years of being Vice President…
His follow thru on Trump’s wanting to leave Afghanistan turned out to be a horrific mess that tagged him also has a weak….
Americans vote FOR STRONG President’s….
THAT was NOT who Joe Biden projected…..
Donald Trump WAS always that guy who made the headlines….
Good or Bad….
Legal or a convicted Felon….
His own Airplane…
Long motorcades…..
Large crowds that left early….
But made the media picture to be posted on the event….
Kamala Harris was, and is NOT someone many people actually like….
(Trump ain’t that popular either)
She IS Serious….
She conveys that she WILL be on your case….
Left with a abbreviated campaign run and Trump keeping Biden on her back?
She should have walked in to a win…
THAT did NOT happen…
Going forward?
Democrats have many choices…..
First ….
Trump WILL probably help them with his chaotic meandering for the next four years
He’s termed out and Biden BEAT him and his sidewalk act just four years ago….
They gonna HAVE TO get better at getting out their vote….
They ARE gonna have to reach the working class Americans ….
At the expense of some of the “Left’ who do NOT come out and vote like the others do….
I Hate to go there ….
The Democratic nominee for 2028 should be a MALE, Governor that CAN and WILL make ‘NOISE” in the media….
And IS young enough shoot a basket ball, hit a baseball and throw a football….
Donald Trump HAS demonstrated that ‘government policy’ is NOT important for the voters….
Being a crook doesn’t matter either….
That don’t care in their daily lives….
They just want SOMEONE who ‘Feels their Pain’….
So apparently your definition of “ a strong President “ is a lying, cheating criminal who yells and screams and is barely coherent?
Like it or NOT?
Donald J. Trump HAS come across as a ‘STRONGER’ American President…
Joe Biden….
Has NOT….
Joe BEAT him back 2020….
But took an asswhiping from HIS OWN PARTY this time….
Is NOT Strong….
Ah Jack?
Biden and his wife WILL attend Trump’s swearing in…..
IDIOCY at it’s BEST!…..
So you think Biden ought to imitate Trump eh?
Biden is merely carrying on the tradition of the American presidency for years.
The idiocy here is you.So damn dumb that you don’t understand that.
Biden IS a idiot to sit there with Trump and show up with him to lie when he gets the job a second time….
I would have NO problem with Biden stepping down and letting Harris become President for the last month and a half….
Horse manure.
Biden had to withdraw because it was obvious that age had caught up with him.( we should note here that you were “ predicting as ant 48 hours before his withdrawal that “ Joe Biden isn’t going anywhere.” )
So much for your uh “ analytical” abilities.
And as everyone here knows you remained a major booster of Biden till the end.
You’ve been wrong about everything .Now you’ve made up this junk .
Clown foolery!
Joe Biden will be seen in the books as a ‘Weak’ President….
Me ‘wrong’?
Shit EVERYBODY got this wrong except the true believers….
That includes YOU…..
Your total abandonment of Joe Biden ,after staunchly defending him,literally up to hours before he withdrew( after you assured us that he “ ain’t going anywhere “ )says all we need to know about you.
As to him resigning?Why should he do that?