They NEED to get this to make sure Trump and Republicans have something to stop any Trump run on Congress….
The final makeup of the House will take a bit…..
The race for the House is on a knife-edge, with redistricting accounting for some early seat changes but no clear trend about which way control of the chamber is headed.
Republicans came into Election Day holding a 220-212 majority, with three vacancies — two in safe blue seats, one in a safe red seat. Democrats will need to pick up just four seats in order to capture control of the House and, with it, the speaker’s gavel and chairmanships of all committees.
The battlefield is narrow. According to the Cook Political Report, there are 22 “toss-up” seats at the heart of the fight — 10 held by Democrats and 12 held by Republicans. A few dozen more seats are being hotly contested but lean toward one party….
The Senate will spend the first part of the New Year confirming the president’s judicial and Cabinet nominees, as well as hundreds of others nominated for other political roles.
If Republicans manage to win complete control of Congress, they will be in the same situation they were in 2016 — with Trump back at the helm.
In that scenario, Republicans will have to determine how to use budget reconciliation, an arcane process that would allow them to fast-track legislation without Democratic support: Do they push forward first with another round of Trump tax cuts? Or do they try once again to repeal or overhaul Obamacare, as they failed to do in 2017?
Johnson, whose political fate is tied to the outcome of the election, has recently said Republicans would go big and pursue a “massive reform” of the Affordable Care Act if his party wins….
New Open Thread is HERE…..
Trump is going to have to make some big slash in immigration early on.
His supporters are expecting that.
He floated earlier the idea of turning immigration enforcement over to local law enforcement.My experience with local LE tells me that is going to be,shall we say,” interesting.”
If I remember correctly ?
Trump tried THAT before it didn’t work on several levels….
Cop’s asking for people’s ‘papers’ like back in the day ran into court cases….
Cop’s loading up jails with illegal’s cost local governments money that Trump didn’t give a shit about and THAT stopped that…
As I posted in my ‘Wait’ post today?
Trump and his minions ARE gonna re-stir up a batch of hornets nests that ARE gonna help Democrats in the 2026 midterms and 2028 elections….
From the Washington Post…notes on Trump’s victory
“The gender gap between Harris’s share of men and women,with men more likely to favor Trump.Thats actually a somewhat normal gap and it would suggest this wasn’t largely about men being unwilling to vote for a woman.
In the other post I did this morning I point to the fact that Harris attacking Trump, who IS a certfierd fuck-up, only helped Trump….
No Gap….
Plain SEXISM for the SECOND time….
Democrats NEED to NOT run a Woman again for President anytime soon….
America simply is NOT ready for it….
Of course you do.
You are operating as per normal
You draw an unwarranted simplistic conclusion( that Harris lost just because she was a woman)
Myself and another poster effectively refute such.
Then,when a major newspaper reports that Harris’s support among males wasn’t that different from normal you try vainly to try to contradict that,apparently implying ,with no evidence whatsoever, that a male candidate would have possibly beaten Trump
Because if that isn’t your implication?
Then how can you claim that her being a woman was the reason for her loss?
Harris LOST significant numbers of MALE voters across all categories…..
They WUZ NOT happy ….
She was no Hillary….
She led Trump the WHOLE campaign….
They lied….
Democrats go 0-2 with Strong women for President…..
They NEED to NOT beat a dead horse these days
She never led Trump the entire campaign. At best she was tied. She was in better shape right when she got in and then right after the D convention and then right after their debate, but people have short memories. The Harris/Trump debate was held too early. Going to the grocery store or the gas pump made them forget about those things fairly quickly. It started feeling extremely dicey in October. They never recovered.
For the third time in a row, polls at least slightly underestimated Trump. The ones that showed Trump doing better than some of the others turned out to be right. The Republican pollsters were more accurate. Perhaps they had the better model. Perhaps there are just people who do not want to admit to pollsters they are voting for Trump, but then do it.
I have to agree to a degree
The late polls DID show Trump closing
Most of us didn’t believe the numbers and the Seltzer poll turn out to be the outlier I called it to be…….
And yes
It would appear that some who actually voted for Trum were afraid to admit it to pollsters
Morning everyone…….
We ARE about to ALL get a taste of of a shit sandwich
The Emperor Trump Show IS gonna Dominate the media
As it did on the first episode
Things ARE going to get worse
Wait and see
It actually makes me Tired….
The masses self flatulence
Question of the Day … for people far more liberal than me.
Should Justice Sotomayor retire immediately so that Biden can appoint a new member of the SCOTUS before the Senate changes hands? As some are mentioning, an option might be Kamala Harris, although I would point out she is only 10 years younger than Sotomayor. Plus, I think she may want to attempt a 2028 political comeback.
Of course two of those votes would be Manchin and Sinema.
They might not go along.
Then,would Sotomayor herself go along?
I think Manchin and Sinema, not to mention Romney, Murkowski, and Collins would all vote to confirm someone who was not seen as “way left.”
Obviously, Sotomayor would have to go along. Odds are she is hearing about everything being said about her today on Twitter and thinking she plans to still be alive in four years.
I am about 100 percent certain that Clarence Thomas will announce his retirement in the next couple years. The left will get their wish as far as that goes.
Or eight years?
Sotormayor would be Trumps age.
And who knows who will be President then or who will control the Senate?
Apologies for just needing to vent. I still feel dazed and reeling.
As we know, Harris delivered the same stump speech at every rally, and was pretty good in how she delivered the message she wanted to deliver. It would have been a great idea to have added the following line to her stump speech at every appearance (even though the right would have mocked for her “copying.”)
All she had to say was, “We will continue strengthening our border. Unlike my opponent, I will sign bills to do that into law and I will work closely with the Governors of our border states to stop illegal immigration. If any person who is in this country illegally commits a crime, they will be prosecuted and deported.”
A Democrat running for President is jut too “proud” to ever say anything like that and it was never said and the party paid an *enormous* price. As should be abundantly clear, being tough on illegal immigration would not have lost them Hispanic votes.
It looks like the Senate will wind up 53 R 47 D (I will have predicted just two races wrong, but will wait until everything is final)
The 2026 map will be better for Democrats but netting 4 seats is a lot harder than netting 2 seats.
On the other hand, this looks Democrats just very narrowly avoided 57-43. Thank your swing voters who voted for Trump and the D Senate candidate in MI, WI, AZ, and NV.
Chuck Schumer was unremarkable
He is not being replaced as D leader.
I will be shocked if Trump does not endorse Rick Scott for Majority Leader and thus that becomes his job
But Chuck STILL has been mostly a NON-Factor
He has the filibuster..
Remember, that thing that so many Democrats said needs to go because it reeks of slavery and segregation.
They really need it now.
The Senate isn’t the House
There WILL be push back by some Republicans there
The media tends to forget that Congress has control over a lot of things President’s THINK they do
Trump will have total control over the Senate and House majorities.
Until 2027, at the earliest, Democrats in Washington D.C. have the filibuster and that is it.
I disagree about ‘Total’ control….
The GOPer’s wisely did NOT shut down the Government a little while ago….
Even the GOP Senator’s are NOT going to make themselves completely irrelevant…
Speaking in general terms, and not about some specific rare exceptions with Senators or House Members, they will do his bidding, as long as he remains popular with Republican primary voters and activists, which will be the next four years. They are stuck with him. He owns them and they know it.
We’ll see…..
On some issue’s GOPer Senator’s HAVE resisted and had Trump even chage dirrections I believe….
Morning All…..
Catchup on yard work today….
Sorry guys….
Ur up….
Lot of House races still not called
209 GOP
197 Dem
House numbers.,,,,
Democrats closing
The estimates I saw said it will end up at 218 (literally a one seat) majority to maybe 221 for Republicans.
Closer than it has ever been if it winds up like that. Any sort of vacancy or a Member having an illness or being away from Washington would be an even bigger deal.
Casey loses his US Senate seat in Pennsylvania
Democrats do take a hit there
In 2006, it was huge for Democrats when Sherrod Brown easily knocked off Mike DeWine and Bob Casey beat Rick Santorum in a landslide. I remember there was so much talk on the P1 comment section about both Brown and Casey. Eighteen years later, they both go down.
Now, DeWine is Governor of Ohio, at least for two years. He has not exactly been a Trump Republican, and is on his way out the door. He gets to replace JD Vance. I hope he picks his ally Matt Dolan, who has twice now lost Senate primaries to Trump backed candidates, but can wind up replacing Vance.
Pat Summerall’s daughter to be WH Chief of Staff. First ever woman in that role. I cannot imagine she will actually enjoy it.
Or Last….
Wikipedia does not even know yet, but I must pass along the news that Raymond Wardingley, aka “Spanky the Clown”, also a USAF veteran and one-time perennial Republican candidate and occasional Mayoral nominee in the City of Chicago has passed away at age 89.
Rest in peace.
I don’t want to brag (too much) but if every House race concludes with the person currently ahead winning, I would once again have a prediction record of 420-15. I also think it is very likely that incorrect number may go down a little bit once all the California results are in. I think race by race, I might have beaten all the professional handicappers.
The House is 199 to 211 GOPer up
With 20+ still to be called i believe
The hill has 216 – 204 GOP- Dem
Wow, did Pelosi ever throw Kamala Harris under the bus today.
Democrats being Democrats, we can be sure there will be a lot of finger pointing in the short-term.
Pelosi has turneed into a BITTER ASSHOLE…..
The Democrats and the Liberals are taking it on the chin,rightfully so one can argue, for the election of Trump.
Bad campaign, Joe Biden,snobbery, elitism ,the list goes on as to specific reasons for Harris’s defeat
And of course, there’s one group that is beyond criticism in this or any other election for that matter…the American people.
So maybe,just for the Hell of it,let’s approach the unapproachable.
If this election showed anything, it was the what the majority are.No more of Jimmy Carters “ we need a government as good and decent as the American people “( in my twenties I found that amusing on many levels) or Reagan’s “ city on a hill” description.Now?
Lying, cheating, and stealing are ok or at least “ excusable.Name calling ,touch of bigotry here and there ,arrogant threats? Hey so what?We will go to “ church “ on Sunday and pray.That will make it all ok!
It’s a great day in America!
I agree. The American people wanted this. They’re fucking stupid jerks.
It was 1964. The Republican candidate ,Barry Goldwater was buried in a landslide by 15 million votes.The Republican Party was facing extinction ,the media mavens told us . Four years later? Republican Richard Nixon was elected President.
It was 1972, my first year of law school.Democrat George McGovern wins only one state in a crushing defeat to Nixon. Four years later? Democrat Jimmy Carter is elected President.
Things are looking bad for the Democrats today.Four years from now?
Who knows?
Post in moderation
Lying, cheating, and stealing are excusable as long as we don’t have to pay too much at the grocery store. Not that there is anything inherently wrong with personal economic security, but some things should matter more. This is not a band new attitude among Americans that suddenly came along because of Trump.
You have a point. Partisans excused scandals by Nixon, Reagan and Clinton because the economy was doing well on their watch.
It’s never been as blatant as it is now with Trump.
Litchman was WRONG ALSO……
Trump says he won’t be bringing Nikki Haley nor Mike Pompeo into his administration.
Question in SC ,where does Nikki go from here?
She is absolutely going to run for President in 2028. Whether or not there will be a market for her among Republicans remains to be seen. A lot more to be known after the midterms. She would not have joined the Administration if asked.
I don’t think Nikki Haley has a chance in Hell of being the Republican nominee.
As to her not joining Trumps administration if asked?
According to Nikki she was “ waiting by the phone” to campaign for him.The call never came.
As to SC politics which was the actual focus of my post?She could run for Governor again .Doubt she does and if she does she will be defeated.Scott was making noises about not running again , however ,most people think he will.He would handily defeat Nikki if she was dumb enough to run against him.She won’t .
Tim Scott is going to be the NRSC Chair.
That’s why he will run again ,plus his wife apparently wants him to,at least that’s the word making the rounds here.
The Gay thing IS gone?
What would the “ gay thing” have to do with him being NRSC Chair?
I asked a question….
IS THAT gone from the discussion ABOUT him?
Cause IT was LOUD for a while….
Actually that has not been an issue in SC ,as it has been for Lindsay Graham.
Still ,Graham has easily won reelection numerous times.
Yup on ole Lindsey….
Pretty PROgressive state u have their Jack
Would a REPUBLICAN woman have a better chance than a Democrat?
I see this “ a woman can’t be elected President “ is your latest obsession.
Not a Obsession….
Just a observation of FACT…..
0-2 against a ole fucked up white guy….
WORSE this time even with the guy being a criminal….
You don’t ‘Get the Message?????’
No it’s not a “ fact.”
Indeed, I have read hundreds of analysis of the election and None claim that her being a woman was decisive in her loss.
There were many other issues as I and CG have pointed out to you but ,as usual, you make something up ,repeat it over and over and that turns it into a “ fact.”
Now, since you claim that the “ woman issue” was the reason she lost?Name the male Democrat who would have won, complete with an analysis of why he would have done so.
If men don’t vote, Harris wins
A fatal miscalculation’: masculinity researcher Richard Reeves on why Democrats lost young men
Here’s How Badly Harris Lost Young Men
How did Kamala Harris lose young male voters by this much?
Hispanic male voters shunned Kamala Harris because they think ‘a woman belongs in the kitchen’: radio host
Jack I could do a WHOLE page of these linked pieces…..
A MAJOR problem in this country HAS been a woman running for President…..
Most major democracies have had women leaderes including Mexico RIGHT NOW….
Democrats could listen to u and running another one….
Doesn’t mean there never will be one….
But right now?
And yes having Joe Biden as her boss for 3 1/2 years did her and Democrats NO FAVORS….
Democrats ARE still fundraising online…..
US House
19 to be called….
218 to get majority….
If you haven’t heard?
Harris LOST EVERY Swing State
This week is the worst. I cannot even watch football to feel better about this. I have not been this miserable in years.
Anyway, again, being a female was not the reason she lost.
She lost for many reasons, but chief among them was that the policies and results of the Biden Administration over the last four years are unpopular. People saw it as a failed Presidency. This is essentially no different than 2008 when George W. Bush was unpopular President, even though, I thought then, and now that he was great, the American people disagreed. I voted the last two times for a Democrat, but I also believe the Biden Administration was an abject failure.
So, even worse than 2008 was the fact that you had the sitting Vice President running to succeed the unpopular President, and she came in very late in the game, with no primaries, and no real testing. When she replaced Biden on the ticket, she essentially replaced him as the head of the Administration. The main reason she lost was that she said they did everything right and she would do the same things over the next four years.
You cannot win saying that when people are this angry. Male, female, Golden Retriever, it does not matter.
I think if Laura Kelly, the Governor of Kansas, had somehow been the D nominee, she might have beaten Trump.
Please check the stat’s….
Harris LOST with White, Black, Brown and Yellow MALES….
For the 100th time?
Kamala Harris IS the SECOND Strong Democratic Woman to lose to LOUSY Trump….
Of course there WAS other reasons….also
I say so here repeatily….
I liked Joe Biden….
But I also said he was ‘Senator’ NOT a forecful President….
THAT cost him his job….
Because Trump screwed things up so bad ?
People cancelled his ticket ….
There is absolutely NO reason to think that the oldtime felon won’t make things WORSE…
And we’ll suffer thru it again….
For some reason?
We keep testing the American system…
And we get a reiforcement that people WILL vote AGAINST their own interest’s...
And they turn around and say….
“I didn’t know that….’
Looks like Dem’s AIN’T gonna get the House after all….
Marco Rubio looks like the Trump Sec of State pick…..
Representative Michael Waltz, Republican of Florida, to be his national security adviser, and Representative Elise Stefanik, Republican of New York, to be ambassador to the United Nations
Morning everyone
GOPET’s ALREADY fighting among themselves
Apparently Trump is getting some pushback from some Republicans on his plan to pardon the Jan. 6 terrorists.
Former VP Mike Pence says he’s against it.
Trump will probably still do it though and most Republicans will support it.
They are for “ law and order?”
I’ll do the post later
Reality IS ALREADY dropping in Trump & CO’s lap
These Republicans should want these freaks released pardoned and have them move next door and date their daughters. Maybe impregnate em too!
It’s what they voted for!
I’m over the loss
The week has been tough
But I see the light in the coming storms FOR Trump and the Republicans that NOW will have the Biden headache’s dropped in their laps….
In addition?
The scrambling over the scraps has begun in earnest
Right wing extremists are going to have a challenger for House Speaker Mike Johnson unless Trump calls off the dogs.
Another Reality check as Trump takes over
They are coming hour by hour
Not completely final but looks like my 2024 Prognostications totals will be:
Governor 11-0
Senate 32-2
House 421-14
(Electoral College 52-4)
Like in 2016?
Just about EVERYBODY struck out….
Even the polling model’s showed a ‘slight’ lead for Harris….
The pundits and pollsters jumped back and forth covering their asses….
CNN, MSNBC talking heads were stunned on the air….
People I talk to at work are still in disbelief ….
NOT ME anymore…..
I’m looking for ward…..
Anti-Woman and now reports of Democrats simply NOT VOTING coming in?
Trump and the GOPer’s are ALREADY working to move things sideways going forward….
Democrats should be able to post gains in 2026 and 2028….
I guess I’ll do a new Open Thread…..
The header is outdated, eh?