Democrats ARE played as ‘Worried’ about how close things are?
Sure it WILL be close….
But Donald Trump LOST four years ago….
Kamala Harris is NOT Hillary Clinton….
Donald Trump….Worried and Angry…. IS still Lying and LOSING it in public ….
Susan Glasser: “Of course, that has not stopped both parties from doing what they always do. In Democrats’ case, this appears to be the week when their traditional pre-election panic has set in. Strategists are now warning that Harris has ‘plateaued,’ that she ‘needs to be more aggressive,’ and that she has to reinvent herself as a centrist to ‘seal the deal.’ In recent days, I’ve read articles dissecting her challenges with male voters, Black male voters, Arab voters, Latino voters, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin voters. She also, apparently, has a Biden problem, a Bibi problem, and a hurricane problem.”
“If Democratic worrying were a natural resource, there would never be an energy crisis again. And, to be clear, sometimes the freakout is entirely justified…”
“Republicans, however, suffer from an inverse affliction, a form of congenital overconfidence that comes straight from the leader who has reinvented the GOP in his braggadocious image. In Trumpworld, there are never any bad polls or bad debates. Trump says his lead is ‘GETTING BIGGER BY THE DAY.’ On Thursday, he even posted what appeared to be an internal memo from his pollster, showing him ahead in all seven battleground states. And who’s going to quibble with him on his very own social-media platform, never mind that this week of polling shows, like all the other weeks, that Harris is (very) narrowly beating him.”
“Trump is the only candidate of my lifetime who can make a reliable applause line out of the latest Rasmussen poll. He can be convicted, humiliated, defeated in an election, but somehow he’s always on the attack, never on the defensive.”
Because we know the true threat Republicans pose. We know the stakes.
Indeed on the goal’s of those guys ‼️
I’ve been labeled here as a “ pessimist.”
Well, maybe a little pessimism is called for amongst the “ rah rah” that is the present daily fare on this site.
I prefer the term “ realist” however.Could Harris win? Of course !Or Trump?Sure!
My bottom line is that the polls show nothing more or less than a very close race and going bonkers over a 1 or two point” lead”, plainly within the MOE parameters of said polls ,is nothing more than one’s desire ,not the reality of the race.
So call me what you like.
This race presently is a tossup and no amount of cheerleading,nor endless recitation of mythical “ leads” will change that.
Harris HAS taken the lead ever since she becoame the Democatic choice for President….
The polls DO bounce around…..
But she DOES STAY on TOP…..
We won’t know until sometime around midnight Nov 5 goimng into Nov 6….
If Georgia, North Carolina , Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania DO get called for Harris?
She WILL be the next US President….
She’s in a Far Better position in those states which is why the model’s give her the edge for the Win….