All the glee that the Trump camp projected is suddenly GONE……
Trump’s poll numbers have NOT gotten Better….
As a matter of fact?
In most to all polls?
Trump has a ceiling of about 47%-49%….
Harris comes in a few points higher in several polls….
OVER 50%….
Michigan sure looks like it’s going for Harris after all and the early vorting in Pennsylvania belongs to harris also…
The Madison Square extravaganza the Trump THOUGHT they had?
Has blow up in their faces…..
Latest political stunt went from a Trump everyday Blue collar dig at Biden’s ‘Garbage ‘ comment to a 78 year old guy NOT be able to climb the steps to get into a damn white painted garbage truck , with Trump ADMITING he almost hurt himself…
The guy who LOST last time…Getting turned out of office?
You know the felon, sexual predator, who owes New York State $500 Million or so?
Looks like he could go 0-2 …….
Tara Palmeri: “We’re less than a week from Election Day, and the mood inside the Trump campaign has undergone yet another transformation. Last week, I reported on the preemptive but undeniably palpable sense of euphoria washing over Mar-a-Lago as data rolled in depicting early-voting surges in Nevada, Georgia, and North Carolina.”
“But now, as the early results from Pennsylvania reveal an influx of first-time female voters who will likely break for Harris, a newfound anxiety is taking hold. While Trump continues to claim he has a massive lead, setting the stage to contest any unfavorable result, some in the Mar-a-Lago-sphere are starting to believe that his surge last week was two weeks premature.”
This is nothing but pom pom waving.
Of course he may lose. Talking about it like it is a done deal is risky and possibly “bad luc.k.” The same thing with all the MAGA pom pom wavers who insist he is going to win in a landslide and only cheating can even make it close.
The reality is that based on the polls, Trump has a better chance at 270. Harris has a better chance of getting more popular votes. The latter part will not matter, and frankly, if it is as close as it looks, Trump will have a lead in the popular vote during the Tuesday returns, and that will last until California comes in much later.
Prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. Not a bad philosophy.
Post in moderation again. I guess I must look like a Texan.
Not going to attempt anything further.
Relieved to see the just released Marist polls from MI, WI, and PA.
Harris at 50 or 51 in those states. Still must expect it to go down to the wire.