Can we talk about something ELSE?
In Tuesday evening’s vice-presidential debate, Vance — who during his 2022 Senate run described himself as “100 percent pro-life” and ran on a platform promising to “end abortion” — said he and Trump were working to earn “the American people’s trust back on this issue” and implied that he supported the decision by an unnamed friend in an abusive relationship to terminate her pregnancy….
A small group of House Republicans and Republican candidates have also shifted their tone on the issue and are espousing a surprising stance — support for abortion rights — while not necessarily backing legal protections proposed by Democrats. In one example, Rep. John Duarte (R-Calif.) recently described himself to The Washington Post as “pro-choice,” despite earning positive ratings from antiabortion groups because of his voting record.
And several Republican gubernatorial candidates have released misleading ads that try to gloss over their past support for abortion restrictions and instead cast themselves as more moderate on the issue. Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson (N.C.) released a new ad claiming he supports the state’s current law — which bans nearly all abortions after 12 weeks — because of his and his wife’s “very difficult decision” three decades ago to have an abortion….