Will it come out in the debate tonight?
Kamala Harris is NOT Hillary Clinton…..
Trying to bully and attack her personally may hurt his performance….
But Donald Trump tends to be ‘Trump’ no matter what….
“It’s one thing for a male candidate to attack a female candidate from a podium when he’s giving a news conference, or in a campaign ad, or at a rally,” said Jennifer Lawless, a University of Virginia professor who has written extensively about gender and politics. “The feeling is a little bit different when he’s standing eight feet away from her.”
“Nobody,” she added, “wants to see a male candidate explicitly … intimidate or bully a woman.”…
Trump has struggled with demeanor before. In 2016, he prowled behind Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on the debate stage and interrupted to call her a “nasty woman” — two moments that many observers viewed as politically harmful for him, despite his eventual victory over Clinton. Strategists often point to a cautionary tale further back from Clinton’s 2000 Senate debate with Republican Rick Lazio, who memorably interrupted Clinton, walked over to her onstage and brandished a pledge rejecting “soft” unregulated funds supporting a candidate. Lazio unsuccessfully pushed Clinton to sign onstage in a move that some viewed as intimidating….
image….Washington Post
The Missouri Supreme Court has ruled that a Constitutional Amendment legalizing abortion will appear on the Nov. Ballot. Cole County Judge Christpher Limbaugh ruled against the ballot initiative and Sec of State Jay Ashcroft removed it from the ballot pending the high court review. The deadline to get it added to the ballot was 5 pm today.
Another WIN for Women..,,,
They need to come out and VOTE