Ya can’t make this shit up…..
It’s three months from election day and the Republicans are crowning Donald Trump,…
GOPer’s are fine with the 78 year old problems and all…..
That’s a different story….
A President three years older then Trump , who isn’t a criminal, doesn’t have sexual assault issues and does owe anybody money HAS pundits, media , some of his party’s lawmakers and rich donors trying to get him to NOT run for a second term?
Makes sense RIGHT?
I mean it would seem that the above group of people would rather have Donald Trump win then Joe Biden?….
But it get’s worse….
IF President Biden was to change his mind (I don’t think THAT is gonna happen…But Biden seems to have opened the door a crack)?
Who replaces him?
Natural choice would be the Vice President Kamala Harris, Right?
Harris, a mixed race woman, actually polls worse than Biden against Trump….
Today someone is out with a piece suggesting that instead of her?
How about a White Male like former astronaut Senator Mark Kelly is a suggestion…
Like I said up front….
You CANNOT make this stuff up….
Joe Biden has my vote….
He’s held his slight trailing Trump since his ill fated debate….
If the guy can get the 10% of undecideds to flow his way?
He CAN beat Donald Trump AGAIN….
But it certainly would help if ALL the DAMN Democrats fell in behind him like the other guy has his people doing after they goy past the guys fuckups, which are worst then Biden’s age…..
The November Election is getting closer every day….
For God’s sake, it’s been three weeks since the debate, about a hundred days till the election, and it’s way time to get our shit together.
Folks like you and me, no matter whether we agree or not, have NOT been able to settle this either way—but rather only to argue and gloom and doom about it all. A thousand cuts, and NO ONE out there is fooled, and it IS taking a toll on us and our fight. The Democrats ARE in disarray.
What WILL settle it is if the power brokers in our party put their STUFF on the table. Either way, either side, freaking bring this thing to a head. Lay it out and put your name on it, once and for all. Make your pitch.
To those who will inevitably reply that Joe HAS already replied, I agree, he has. Several times. NOW he needs the full support of his party, or he really needs those who can’t support him fully to put their names on it, so he understands exactly what he is up against.
And then, it’s up to Joe. And after that, it’s up to US, whether we got our way or not, to put all our heart and soul into beating Trump. But we cannot do that YET, because IMO, it seems our Democratic leaders/bigwigs are afraid to have that day where push comes to shove. But it must come. Yesterday would have been good.
Heh, just an ending note here—I thought about using that old “don’t cut the dog’s tail off one inch at a time” thing, but then, thinking of Kristi Noem, thought better of it. ;)….
New Open Thread is HERE….
Good Afternoon All……
Joe Biden is too old to be President. He would be 86 years old at the end of his 2nd Term and if he wants to avoid being tossed out by his own Cabinet under the 25th Amendment Rule, Section 4 he should abandon his Re-Election Campaign.
Trump is only 3 years younger than Biden…..
He’d be 82 if he won at end of his term….
Trump can’t speak with out crying and whining
Trump projects Strength, Biden Weakness.
For once Daniel……
You ARE Correct…….
Biden’s optics are lousy
If Democrats are going to have a chance of stopping Trump, Biden has to walk away. It is that simple.
There will be decades of regret if this stubbornness persists.
If Biden steps aside–and he should– Harris is the nominee.
Any other candidate speculation is pure fiction.
They have NOBODY to do BETTER than Biden THREE MONTHS OUT…..
If I didn’t know better I’d thing ole Putin himself started this Bull Shit…..
Some money people, pundits, media and REPUBLICANS ARE ALL singing the SAME FUCKING TUNE…..
Forget the Trump issues, forget the Project 2025, Forget Jan. 6…..
Yes, they do.
There you go again with “Putin made Biden lose the debate..”
Are you even serious anymore? I shouldn’t answer that.
I said I don’t believe it….
I wouldn’t be surprise if they find that the Russian fanned the situation though
once again, despite what the host says here, every Democrat polls better than Biden:
This includes VP Harris, although others poll better than she does, also.
General Election: Trump vs. Biden
Trump 51, Biden 49
General Election: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. Stein
Trump 43, Biden 39, Kennedy 13, Stein 2, West 2
General Election: Trump vs. Harris
Trump 52, Harris 48
General Election: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. Stein
Trump 43, Biden 41, Kennedy 4, Stein 1, West 1
General Election: Trump vs. Harris vs. Kennedy vs. Stein vs. West
Trump 44, Harris 39, Kennedy 5, Stein 2, West 1
You can repeat it TRUTH SOCIAL STYLE all you want, but it is not accurate.
All Democrats, including Harris, run at least three points better than Biden does, across battleground states. The states that are not battleground states do not even matter.
I just showed you the numbers
How u see them is up to u……
Harris should be THE Alternate
But in the linked piece there is reach for a white male
Mark Kelly is mentioned
Whether Harris should be or shouldn’t be the replacement, she does better against Trump than Biden does against Trump.
Look at it this way, regardless of the polls.
Just among the two of them, which one at least has the chance to improve their image or standing?
Biden definitely does not. Nobody who thinks he is too old now (which is about 80 percent of the country) is suddenly going to change their mind and decide he is not too old. Perceptions of Biden are clearly baked in. He cannot improve anything for himself.
Harris has low numbers also, but any Vice President who has run for President has dealt with those same political problems. Maybe she would bomb on the big stage, but she can at least provide an opportunity to get people to change minds about her. If not and if nothing else, at least she can more effectively put the spotlight on Trump, who also is not going to become any more popular.
Ok CG….?
Harris would have to be reintroduced to the public
She is a smart, take no prisoners woman
But she IS A WOMAN
Mixed to boot
She could probably steam roller Trump in a debate
BUT in doing so?
She would probably lose some votes….
Word is the Trump operation IS getting ready should she end up being the nominee
outdated and not reflective of the reality of the situation. Democrats need to do anything to change the narrative.
Polling is showing that 2/3 of Democrats wants Biden out. That Adam Schiff is calling today for him to drop out is definitely a sign that Pelosi wants him out. You can be sure Obama wants him out too.
This is a Defcon 1 Moment for Democrats. The clock is indeed ticking. The DNC is trying to change the rules to nominate him, without any valid reason, before the convention now. It is time to let the grown-ups take over and try to save their party and by association, perhaps the country.
I agree with CG.
You don’t hear that very often!
Any thoughts on Nikki Haleys speech Jack?
Nikki is trying to preserve some political viability here in SC.
Her options are limited.Lindsay Graham is up in two years but her friend Cong. Ralph Norman is “ exploring “ a candidacy.( Norman was the only SC congressman to support Nikki presidential bid).So that’s probably out.
Scott might get a Cabinet position in another Trump administration.That would lead to an election for the last two years of his term.So theres that.
The Governors seat is up in 2026.Nikki didn’t get along well with the Republican legislature during her previous governor years.Besides she’s already done that.
Trump let her make a convention speech.Maybe he could give her an ambassadorship and ship her out of his hair?
Or Nikki might just try for the Republican nomination in 2028.I don’t see her as a major factor in what will undoubtedly be a crowded field.
Ur up Jack
Had some scrubbing to do recently
I definitely think she intends to run in 2028.
It will be Vance vs DeSantis vs Haley vs who the heck knows. Maybe I will be for Pence by then.
Slightly more likely I will be for Beshear by then.
Thanks Jack. She jumped at a chance to speak at the Hate Fest in Milwaukee.
Too bad Chris Christie wasn’t the last one standing to Trump.
I replied to your post above but I guess it’s in James’s filter.
The Blue MAGA crowd in California is all over social media today crapping on Adam Schiff (with some of the expected anti-Semitic tropes) and threatening to not vote for him now in his Senate election.
U Surprised!!!!!
U REGULAR Democrats HAVE Biden’s BACK…….
If u actually look at the polls?
The ‘Fundamental’ support FOR Biden IS THERE…..
He is close to Trump in the swing states and with undecided’s he’d pull off a win….
Those states have Democrats Senators leading
I still doubt voters will vote for the Democrat Senators and NOT for Biden….
Don’t make sense
There is nothing regular about those people.
We all agreed that there would be unexpected events in this campaign. Biden testing positive for Covid today, after not feeling well, is one of them. I hope it is only mild.
Menendez is out.
Van Jones on CNN floating a Whitmer/Shapiro or Shapiro/Whitmer ticket.
I don’t know if anything like that will happen, but as I have been trying to post, I think we are getting closer to something hap.penin,g.
If the news breaks tomorrow night during the Trum.p speec.h, or immediately after, it would be smar.t.
testing testing 1 2
Van Jones on CNN floating a Whitmer-Shapiro or Shapiro-Whitmer ticket.
I don’t know if anything like that will h.app,en, but as I have been trying to post, I think we are getting closer to somet.hing hap.penin,g.
If the news breaks tomorrow night during the Trum.p speec.h, or immediately after, it would be smar.t.
Van Jones IS on DRUGS…..
His choices are fantasy land….
james obviously has some sort of AI program set to prevent me from posting anything he might not want to hear.
¿Me dejará escribirlo en español? He estado tratando de decir que definitivamente parecen estar sucediendo cosas. Se dice que el presidente se ha vuelto más receptivo al mensaje que recibe. Ha estado tratando de asegurarse de que Harris pueda ganar. Creo que filtrar la noticia mañana por la noche durante o justo después del discurso de Trump sería una decisión inteligente.
Thank goodness for multiculturalism! Hope you all can read Spanish!
Might as well:
תתן לי לכתוב את זה בספרדית??? ניסיתי לומר שדברים בהחלט מתרחשים. אומרים שהנשיא הפך להיות יותר פתוח למסר שהוא מקבל. הוא ניסה לוודא שהאריס יוכל לנצח. אני חושב שהדלפת החדשות מחר בלילה במהלך נאומו של טראמפ או מיד אחריו יהיה צעד חכם.
Kimberly Guilfoyle is literally something from a horror movie.
Gavin Newsom will never be able to overcome that.
Ttump Sr is watching his “future daughter in law” with a look on his face like he truly despises her.
In the meantime, while she is speaking, Fox News is interviewing future brother in law Eric instead.
Kimberly is literally possessed by a demon. I am certain of it. This is not a joke.
Republicans need to get back to their serious origins. That’s why I propose a ticket of CG and the Texan.
JD Vance is not someone who can give a good speech. Pretty dismal in this role, but it probably does not matter.
On the issues, he sounds a lot like John Edwards of 2004, Definitely not the Republican Party I once knew.
and now they are playing the Bill Clinton convention song?
playing “Don’t Stop” at a Republican Convention could be what causes me to vote for Biden.
Thankfully though, he will be dropping out soon enough.
Schiff saying Biden needs to go is very much like Goldwater telling Nixon to resign in terms of importance. It’s locked in now, even without the new health stuff.
“Don’t Stop” tonight. Might as well play the Soviet National Anthem tomorrow.
Fleetwood Mac will have a cease and desist in 3. 2..
Trump was falling asleep during his son’s speech. He was slumped over like a fat piece of shit.
Trump slumped over and falling asleep during Jr’s speech. Slumped over and lppled terrible.
Pelosi has now told Biden to drop out.
Sorry guys on the filtering……
I think your probably right on Biden’s next move…..
It’s sad…..
Indeed sad. He never should have run for a second term, I know he cares about the country. It would be a good idea to have the news come out during or right after Trump’s speech tonight, to take the spotlight away.
He IS doing a good job
Not running would have made it worse as a lame duck President……
Especially with Trump……
Before his debate debacle he WAS in it….
All this IS compounded by his OPTICS….
And failure to engage the media
I am not able to post anything at all on the topic. I am not sure why.
A clear majority of the country disagrees that he is doing a good job, but that is not the point.
I was saying from the beginning that he should have done a one term pledge in 2020, and he would have won by more. He would have maintai,ned some more popularity during his term and his party would be in better shape now.
There were clearly iss,ues and insta,nces going on behind the scenes before the deba,te that were kept covered. The debate made it impossible to continue along those lines.
Biden’s approval has been even or better than Trump
That has literally not been the case in years.
In fact CG?
I think Biden’s approval IS HIGHER THAN Trump RIGHT NOW…….
What you think is often not correct.
Same as everyone here and even the paid pundits, eh?
Not exactly. There are opinion and facts, and you do not let facts stop your incorrect opinions.
The polling data clearly shows that Biden at this stage of his term, has lower job approval numbers than Trump, and lower than anybody who was running for reelection since polling began.
Please check CG……
There ARE a LOT of people who will hold their noses and vote for Trump, NOT liking the guy, but NOT liking Democrats MORE.,,,
Biden and Trump are both unpopular for different reasons.
People (who aren’t Republicans)like Biden personally but think he is too old.
People think Trump is an asshole but that he still displays strength.
Trump has a ceiling of 47% it seems. He’s never going to be popular.
Biden has failed to convince those who approve of his policies and positions that he can forcefully advocate for them in the future.
So it’s time for him to step aside and let Kanala Harris–A former prosecuter– prosecute the felon Trump’s unpopular Republican policies.
Yes that’s pretty much my position.
What should be and what would be are entirely two different things
Another post in filter
Nothing has been posted on the Politics1 Twitter feed in a couple of days. I hope everything is ok with Ron.
Who seems to be a Republican now
I don’t think he seems to be a Republican now, his associations with Larry Hogan aside.
He has sort of re-invented himself politically more than Madonna but the latest description he has been using is “Great Society Radical Centrist Democrat.”
He should do what he wants
He’s posted pics on Facebook. Looks like he is traveling overseas with family.
Legendary comedian Bob Newhart has passed away at age 94.
I watched “Newhart” religiously as a kid. When I think of Vermont J still think of that show today.
I later watched The Bob Newhart Show on TV Land reruns.
A legend. RIP.
Larry, Darryl, and Darryl were the true stars of that show.
I am glad he got to see the Cubs win the World Series.
Trump accepts the GOP nomination tonight….
Lou Dobbs has passed away.
Hulk Hogan is all in for Trump. Calls him his hero. He also said similar things about Obama once.
I feel vindicated for the time in my childhood I was the only fan in the entire arena rooting against him when he wrestled either the Big Bossman or the Honky Tonk Man around 1989. He definitely noticed me booing him.
George W. Bush had it exactly right. This is some weird shit.
What will be remarked upon is that the last name of Firefighter Corey is spelled wrong on the jacket. Interesting story about how the family so graciously sent it to him. Maybe the name on the jacket was always wrong..
While there is no doubt that Trump has the lead in the election going into tonight, I cannot see how this weird display helps him one bit. It seems a like a big wasted opportunity.
He is doing his usual rally shtick, instead of anything resembling a convention speech, but doing it in a low-energy way. So, he’s not “rising to the moment” nor is he giving his crowd the red meat they usually want.
What is the point of any of this? Any non-political person who turned this on interested to see what he might have to say, stopped watching a long time ago.
Trump is sundowning. The media needs to start asking why he isn’t dropping out.
He is like this every hour of the day. This is what happens when he knows his microphone is not going to be cut off and is not preparing for it.
On to the Late Great Hannibal Lecter now.
I do think any sort of voter on the fence will watch this and ask themselves if Trump is ok and think they do not really want him to be President.
Hopefully, Ms. Harris will rise to the occasion in a few weeks and try to actually be a unifying figure.
What is his staff thinking right now?
Did they actually listen to him that he wanted to rip up the speech he wrote and just do his usual riffs and think this would be a good idea?
the speech they wrote.
I just pray that Joe Biden is not actually watching this and thinking now, “Well, hot damn, maybe I don’t have to drop out now.”
No, you still do.
Low Energy Trump.
He even had a Jen Bush “please clap” moment when he said people should “be excited”
This rambling lunatic thinks Scott Walker is still the Governor.
Actually, I think I am misjudging Trump.
He is doing all this on purpose because he thinks it will get Biden to stay in the race.
Headline on Drudge Report:
“Mellow Don Leaves Hannibal Lecter at Home”
They didn’t wait long enough!
Check those balloons for classified documents!
Trump fans online are about 1/8th as despondent as Democrats were after the debate, so at least there is that. It’s not nothing. You guys needed some sort of break to go your way.
I will say without a doubt that in 2024
1. Biden had the worst debate performance in the history of televised Presidential debates By far.
2. Trump had the worst Presidential acceptance speech in the history of televised Presidential acceptance speeches. By far.
points should be deducted because Trump had a teleprompter available
Trump is trying turn over a new middle of the road leaf……
He will Never be for All of America or Anything
The Nevada Republican Senate nominee who was severely burned in combat and whom Trump gushed over in the speech tonight?
Earlier in the evening, Trump refused to shake his hand. We all know how he feels about being around disabled vets.
Morning All ……
Morning All……..
Joe Biden getting ready to go back to campaigning he says
More questions about Trump’s health….
The political assault on Joe Biden continues in broad daylight…..
Trump isn’t the culprit’s ARE NOT TRUMP or Republicans…..
4,000+ visit’s to this place this week and counting!