Post 2024 Biden/Trump debate?
All the talk about him dropping out a second term effort is wasted right now….
Joe Biden HAS TO wake up and get serious about keeping his job….
The debate is now behind him….
President Biden’s campaign aides and top surrogates scrambled Friday to shut down talk he might drop out of the race following a disastrous showing at a debate with former President Trump.
A campaign official dismissed talk of Biden withdrawing, while top Democrats viewed as potential successors to Biden worked to stamp out any talk of replacing the president.
“Democrats, stop worrying and start working. We all have the responsibility here to do our part,” Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D), who has been talked about as a potential 2028 candidate, said Friday morning on MSNBC when asked about if he’s concerned about Biden being at the top of the ticket.
“Sitting here and hand-wringing, sitting here and fretting, is not the answer,” he added.
“I think it’s unhelpful, and I think it’s unnecessary,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), who has been viewed as a White House contender, said on MSNBC late Thursday night. “We’ve got to go in, we’ve got to keep our head high, and, as I say, we’ve got to have the back of this president. You don’t turn your back because of one performance.”
Biden’s performance in Thursday night’s debate was largely panned, even by some members of his own party, who acknowledged it will stoke conversations about whether the president should be replaced atop the Democratic ticket before August’s convention…
The president himself brushed off concerns about his performance during a stop at a Waffle House following the debate Thursday, telling reporters, “We did well,” and saying it’s difficult to debate a candidate who lies as often as Trump.
Biden speaks often about his decision to run for the White House in 2020, citing Trump’s response to the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017 and his belief that the soul of the nation was on the line. The president, buoyed by his victory over Trump in 2020, still feels he’s the best candidate to defeat Trump again in 2024.
“Of course he’s not dropping out,” Biden campaign spokesperson Seth Schuster said in a text message to The Hill….
Biden raised $14 Million last night and he IS doing a campaign RALLY in Raleigh NC with a energetic crowd….
The President IS expected to answer several questions thrown at him last night that he didn’t…
Jen Psaki suggests that Biden actually watch the debate……
Trump’s people do NOT want a Biden change….
Is he planning to attend Trump’s next Inauguration?
Four Months CG……
And Monday will be another important day…..
We all saw how almost every major Republican capitulated to Trump, focusing on their own self-interest, and hoping the problem would eventually go away, somehow. Those that did speak out virtually ruined their future in the party.
It is coming up on 4 pm EST already. There is no doubt that behind the scenes, Democrats are in a panic, and rightfully so. Some seem to be in denial. Who is going to be the first prominent Democrat to have the “balls” to step up and potentially wreck their political career to say what has to be said?
The public silence may continue for now, but once they start looking at data and worrying about down-ballot blowback, a whole lot of people are going to start speaking up.
And while I know this is not exactly a fair comparison in some regards, I am certain that if the Access Hollywood tape had come out in June of 2016 instead of mid-October, Trump never would have been on the ballot. Some may think that means “Biden can still win.” Good luck.
Please read the linked piece….
Elected Democrats admit Biden had poor debate performance but reject talk of replacement…
They are scared to put their neck on the line.
EVERY.SINGLE.ONE.OF.THEM. wants him to drop out.Every one. They won’t say it. just like all the cowardly Republican politicians who every night hope Trump passes away in his sleep never say it.
So, if nothing changes we can have a beautiful narrative in November about how much better and classier and more filled with integrity Biden’s concession speech was compared to Trump’s victory speech.
For the RECORD?…..
No MAJOR Democrat has jumped ship….
The media HAS……
New York Times Editorial
“Mr. Biden answered an urgent question on Thursday night. It was not the answer that he and his supporters were hoping for. But if the risk of a second Trump term is as great as he says it is — and we agree with him that the danger is enormous — then his dedication to this country leaves him and his party only one choice.
The clearest path for Democrats to defeat a candidate defined by his lies is to deal truthfully with the American public: acknowledge that Mr. Biden can’t continue his race, and create a process to select someone more capable to stand in his place to defeat Mr. Trump in November.
It is the best chance to protect the soul of the nation — the cause that drew Mr. Biden to run for the presidency in 2019 — from the malign warping of Mr. Trump. And it is the best service that Mr. Biden can provide to a country that he has nobly served for so long.”
Put the Times piece in the file…..
It ain’t gonna happen ….
At least not NOW….
I guess I missed the NY Times Editorial Board calling for convicted felon/rapist Trump to drop out as ths nominee of the Party of Lincoln. You know “for the good of the country”
Speaking for myself, I have called for that sick, psychotic, SOB to drop out since the moment he came down an escalator.
Anyone who wants to see him lose should be concerned now that Biden is not going to be able to beat him. That is all it comes down to.
This *may* have reminded wayward Democrars how fucking important it is to keep an 8-1 right wing Supreme Court from potentially happening and get on board to vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is.
Not that I expect you to understand that since you agree with Trump that Roe v. Wafe being overturned “made everyone happy”.
I was thinking about the SAME thing Scott….
More than EVER?
Democrats HAVE TO STAND UP AND STICK with Biden…
This isn’t about him
It’s about Trump and America
“This isn’t about him
It’s about Trump and America”
If you folks truly believe this…
The choice is beyond obvious.
Please wake up (tried to type that in all caps, but it is getting put into moderation). You will regret this stubbornness for the rest of your lives.
Yet the party you dedicated the first half of your life to nominated him 3 times in a row.
I definitely do not believe overturning Roe v Wade “made everyone happy”, and Trump is insane/liar/both to suggest it, but it was the correct judicial decision in my opinion.
As for me, as if any of this is really about me, I actually “dedicated” more than half my life to a political party, but when it made a choice or went on a path, that was bad for America, I stood away, and spoke out against it, in whatever way I could, when it would have been easier, like so many others have, to just keep my thoughts to myself, and go along to get along.
Democrats are now in that place. They can be silent or they can put country first. Putting aside what is clearly obvious, which is that Joe Biden cannot be expected to serve effectively as President until January 20, 2029, the main and immediate concern is that he would lose to Trump, and for those who care about that party, that he could be such a drag, that Republicans could make major gains all across the country. My main concern though is that Trump himself is an existential threat to American itself. This is no normal election. As things stand now, Biden would still win some deep Blue states, such as Illinois, but not much else.
Hard choices have to be made. There is risk to any of them, but nothing is riskier and more dangerous, both to Democrats, and to America itself, to just shrug this off and await the inevitable.
This SE Cupp column pretty much matches my thinking about this situation.
Go back to the SE Cupp twitter tweet and read the replies…….
Democrats are NOT jumping ship
I fact ?
Biden’s lousy debate may turn out to be a Rallying Cry for him boosted by the media
Sure it will. Sure it will.
And today may be the day the Cubs start their turnaround and win the division.
Before the debate Trump jokes that he was going to “lose on purpose.” By Monday, james will be saying that Biden lost on purpose.
Right wing kooks were saying that Biden was going to do well because there would be a “body double” on stage. Soon enough, the apologists for Biden will be claiming that it was not actually him on that stage with Trump.
Joe Biden did NOT. Mess up ‘on purpose’….
He may get over against the media vote
But he did NOT plan this
Post in moderation. I am trying to link to a column that was published today.
Hoping the link to the SE Cupp column can be posted.
It’s up…..
“This isn’t about him
It’s about Trump and America”
If you folks TRULY believe this, the choice is beyond obvious. PLEASE WAKE UP. You will regret this stubbornness for the rest of your lives.
It’s imperative to find the right answer (or the closest to correct answer) for reasons we all agree upon.
But I honestly don’t know which course would face less peril.
Joe Biden has proven to be a much better President that I thought he might be.
But he still has to win in November.
On the other hand, finding and installing a new Democratic nominee would be incredibly difficult and very hard to pull off successfully.
See what happened to incumbent Presidents Wm H. Taft, Harry Truman, LBJ, Ford and Carter when they faced internal challengers to their quest for renomination and re-election.
This isn’t about Joe Biden’s achievements or Trump’s sins; it’s finding the least-bad choice for saving democracy.
I still don’t know the answer, and cannot agree with those who are so absolutely certain that they do.
Gonna take a few to find the Right’ answer
Might be too late though….
Biden ain’t quitting
Least anytime soon