Biden to Give Legal Status to Immigrant Spouses
“President Biden is expected to announce a new immigration program Tuesday that would provide a path to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens,“ the Wall Street Journal reports.
“Biden is planning to make the announcement at the White House alongside members of Congress, immigration advocates and U.S. citizens who, because of arcane immigration rules, haven’t been able to sponsor their spouses for green cards.”
Yet polls are now consistently showing that a sizable number of Hispanics are supporting Trump.
Who thinks Trump would do this?
Except for Miami ?
Trump is NOT gonna ‘carry’ many Latinos, Blacks , Asians and Young voters….
That whole herd media Bull Shit is already being nibbled away….
Doanld Trump ain’t gonna get All them people and white nationalists in the same damn boat.,..
Pictures of ‘Black’ crowds and shout puts with mostly white MAGA people are only gonna assure MORE people of color to MAKE SURE they come out and vote……
Beyond just Miami, there has been substantial movement towards Republicans among Latinos throughout all of Florida in the past few cycles.
That has also very much been the case among Latinos in South Texas.
It would be foolish to deny that something has been going on there.It does seem likely that Trump is poised to do better than he did in 2016 and 2020 among African-American, Hispanic, Asian, and “young voters.” Somehow james thinks that not carrying “most” means there are not still “many” and it would not point to a political problem for Democrats.
But yes, maybe more and more upscale white voters, the kind who used to vote strongly Republican, will continue to leave Trump and his ilk and vote for Democrats.
Check the numbers
Biden and DEMOCRATS OWN the minority vote…
Trump & Co. are simply trolling for perceptive support and media attention….
And yes there ate other small pockets of support for Trump among others of color who ate willing to vote for a guy who don’t give a shit about them
Talking about “owning” minorities is really distasteful.
Minorities VOTE Democratic……
Republicans ain’t their Friends
Just ran across the first documented sighting of james b on Politics1. Clearly, he was off to the races on his predictions.
If you think all those people are going to vote for Obama you’re delusional, I don’t care what they told the pollsters.
james b | Email | Homepage | 10.22.07 – 11:15 pm | #
I’m PROUD to have got that wrong……
Actually did NOT America was ready to elect a mixed race rookie US Senator President..,,
Was equally surprised like EVERYONE ELSE that a low life Real Estate entertainer could actually get elected President…..
Glad people came to their senses four years later
I DO blame Hillary partly for the four years of Trump,,,,
Here is the entire haloscan thread if anyone is interested. Sadly, I do not seem to have participated (at least not up to the point I have gotten to) on this one.
Holy SHIT!!!!!
We had a Great group of commentators 😳‼️
I got THAT Wrong
Happy to have
Politics1 WAS rocking and rolling back in 2097!
Nice trip down memory lane.
And there I am defending Dan Quayle!
We HAVE been at this for a LONG TIME, eh?