So Trump worked to try to change the loss to something he could get his supporters to fight for HIM against the criminal actions he and his cohorts knew they did….
Time: “It was a strikingly cohesive message from virtually all corners of the conservative firmament, even among those who don’t subscribe to the America First doctrine. This didn’t happen by accident. It was part of a deliberate strategy by Trump to impose the same talking points throughout the party: that Trump’s felony conviction was nothing more than a Democratic hit job…”
“While some in Trump’s orbit held out hope for a hung jury, people close to him say he was expecting a guilty charge… Now the Trump campaign is corralling the entire GOP apparatus around a crusade that has the effect of undermining faith in the rule of law.”
So Trump is now a convicted felon.
I opined earlier this week that such a conviction would have no effect on the upcoming election.Of course it’s only been a few days ,however, there does not appear to be anything much to contradict that opinion.
Nate Cohn says that about 4% of Republicans have said that if Trump was convicted they wouldn’t vote for him.Ok let’s wait and see.Thats a rather small number and with the Trump propaganda networks,i.e., Fox, Newsmax etc from which most Republicans get their “ news” working overtime to absolve the rapist/ felon from any wrongdoing? My confidence in that alleged 4% is shall we say uh “small.”
And of course the forthcoming appeal will take several years to work its way through the courts,which even “ constitutional lawyer “ and Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson ,who demanded the Republican dominated Supreme Court step in to correct the injustice of it all,has reluctantly conceded.( the “ constitutional lawyers” last gig was trying to help Trump steal the 2020 election.He goes to “ church” a lot though.)
I myself have some hesitation as to the use of a federal election law as a conduit to a state statute felony conviction?Legal scholars ,of which I do not claim to be, have conceded that such a prosecution rested on a “ unique legal theory.”
Meanwhile , except for Maryland Senatorial candidate and former Governor Larry Hogan and well known anti Trumpite John Bolton, Republicans have pretty much uniformly fallen in line with the party leader Trump and his attacks upon the American justice system, even presumed Anti Trumper Susan Collins is expressing opposition to the treatment of her Leader.
And so it goes.
Of course the terrorist wing of Trumps party is issuing threats to the judge ,attorneys and jurors in the recent matter.Serious or just hot air?Yet to be determined.
The election upcoming? Still too close to call.In other words, as of now?Nothing has changed as a result of all the hoopla over the trial.
It IS entirely too soon to gauge the fallout for Trump 2024 that WILL occur….
Yes there will be no difference to the MAGA types…. But Trump could be a axe murder snd they’d vote for him……
As usual?
This IS about the middle and soft side of the Grand ole Party……
The phase’Convicted Felon WILL define Donald J. Trump until Election Day…..
The ex-President will try dance around it….
But that won’t work…..
You knocked DA Bragg and the charges
U came out wrong
The spectacle WAS broadcasted across America and the world…..
A hurt and deranged Trump will emerge soon and go forward…..
I think he will be a bit off his. Game as he was in the trial….
A High Court private/official immunity ruling as expected could land Trump in a DC Federal criminal trial late summer and I would expect THAT would just about cost Trump any chance of getting his old job back…..
He’s only got but so much fight in him….
The ‘System’ is chewing on his ass piece by piece….
The oldtimer looks Tired Jack….
And Biden, who tends to looks older can still put together coherent sentences, something Trump can’t anymore
More lies
I never “ knocked” the charges as you say ( whatever “ knocked” means)
I simply echoed the remarks of many legal scholars concerning the use of a federal election law as the basis for a state felony charge.
That remains an open question.
We should remember that the previous prosecutor ,Cyrus Vance, elected not to bring the charges and indeed even Bragg ,early on ,refrained from doing so and conceded that they were using a unique legal theory.
That question will be answered during the appellate process.
You don’t understand any of this of course for reasons I have previously explained and the four other people who post here do understand.
As to the rest of your uh “ predictions” and the remainder of your diatribe?
I’m sure the 200 or so “ ghost” visitors here ( a figment of your deranged imagination) have been thoroughly educated by your uh self described “ keen observations.”
U just DID knock the case which HAS produced a STRONG AND SOLID conviction…..
Good evidence
Lousy Defense effort
The NYS. Law IS CLEAR and i and others feel a NYS APPEAL will fail….
Bragg got hounded into this and it is now a landmark plus for him and the legal system….
Not a bad look at all
And from Bragg
No gloating……
The trial posts went out to over 400 ….
And views jumped to over 250 some days
I’m happy to keep it going…..
And that my regulars drop in from time to time….
So if one questions a legal matter that means they are “ knocking “ it?
I see I see. Now as to your delusions….
So you have a blog consisting of news items and opinions from various places on the net,usually introduced by your editorial comments (0ften indecipherable) .
And for reasons unknown ,hundreds of people visit here daily .I presume to read your comments seeing as how the articles themselves are readily available elsewhere, minus your lead in comments and then mysteriously these “ persons” never ever make any comment.Never!Not one !
Doesn’t that strike you as odd?
Or could it be as a previous poster here explained to you,these “hits “you’re getting are bots ?That would certainly explain why ,what sixteen or seventeen years after you began this site,only a handful of people ever post a comment.
Yet, you continue to engage in your delusions .
Sad in a way.
Of COURSE Trump’s still whining and crying….
Ur Right
He has EVERY RIGHT to do so…….
It DOES GET ANNOYING to see a grown old timers doing this while his minions portray him as the second coming
The guy got caught
This ain’t the ONLY caught he has sitting in his lap….
Civil judgment’s outstanding for about $600MILLION
AND U think I’m doing a stretch????
He, he, he
The oldtimer IS IN DEEP SHIT
U trying to sell something Trump HIMSELF KNOWS ain’t True
Just more for the serial liar and his reality
I don’t even understand what this is all about.
I’m not trying to “ sell” anything.Just expressing the views that are held by many distinguished legal minds in the country, a group I’m certainly not claiming membership in.
The talking heads on this one came off as virtually UNANIMOUS in getting the jury verdict RIGHT……
All this , ‘it’s Trump’ the Supreme’s will save his ass thing may continue to surprise U and others
And Trump STILL HAS criminal and more civil cases to navigate and run a campaign….
While he’s a convicted FELON and a ward of the court no less!
I applaud ur opposition argument’s
As i have said over the years it makes me better
You simply don’t understand the law.Your idea that a jury verdict is the be all end all of a case is naive in the extreme.
I have been reading and discussing with other attorneys, this case.
There is a split of opinion .Surprisingly, a very left wing friend of mine who has done work for the ACLU and have served many years as a Federal Public Defender believes that the felony charge will end up dismissed.
Some very distinguished law professors have arrived at the same conclusion.
Personally, I am of the opinion that if the case reaches the US Supreme Court the odds are that the felony charges will fall.
I disagree…….
The case will be upheld by the NYS High court…
I’m certain….
We’re talking about years out when Trump will have hopefully LOST his third try for the job and just trying to rewrite history
We ALL know Trump is gonna appeal
The judge did a damn good job of cover his ass…
And for someone who doesn’t understand the law?
I did DAMN good on this one and the NYS AG case…
NY IS Vastly different place then the South
Ignorance is bliss!
Trump & Co.????
I agree on THAT…
I posted a response.
It apparently disappeared into never never land.
I have no interest in redoing it.
Ur up…,.