There have been hundreds of elections across the coun try since the 2020 Presidential Election….
There have NO real complaints about ‘rigged elections’….
The media stories about worries about this have been just that….Stories…
Fake Electors FOR Trump HAVE been charged with crimes in several states….
The American election system just keeps rolling along….
Republicans across America , for the most part , have NOT embraced their ‘Party Leader’s’ crying baby self directed rants…..
A mirror-image shift has been underway in neighboring Michigan, where former congressman Mike Rogers is also avoiding discussion about the 2020 vote. Rogers had previously declared the election “free and fair” and compared Trump to a “gangster” for pressing Georgia election officials to find more votes for him. Now running for Senate with Trump’s endorsement, Rogers has tried to quickly move on when asked about those views in media interviews.
Two years ago, many of the highest-profile GOP candidates for top offices in swing states eagerly amplified Trump’s false election claims, telling voters the last election had been stolen and warning them the next one could be, too. That position turned out to be a turnoff to many swing-state voters, contributing to Republican defeats in important races for governor and other statewide offices in Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Undeterred, Trump has followed the same election-denying approach as he runs for president this year, while also declining to say whether he will accept the results in 2024. He routinely makes false claims about elections in interviews and on social media and this month baselessly told supporters at a rally in suburban Milwaukee that “radical left Democrats rigged the presidential election in 2020.”
But this time, many of the Republicans running alongside Trump in swing races are being far more ambiguous about their stance on 2020. Whether they have previously dismissed or embraced his claims, GOP nominees in some of the year’s most critical races are now evading the question and changing the topic. A number of them have steered clear of his most brazen allegations but tried to endear themselves to Trump’s supporters by questioning voting rules.
The dynamic reflects the bind confronting GOP candidates in competitive races: If they echo Trump’s false claims that the election was stolen, they could alienate swing voters whose support they will need in November. If they say it was decided fairly, they risk Trump turning his ire against them…
image…ABC News -The Walt Disney Co.
You think the fact that some of them have changed their tune or simply dont want to talk about it now is admirable in some way
They are nothing but liars, cheats and thieves and deserve nothing but contempt.
They maybe
They ain’t following Trump off the cliff