He’s actually out under the eyes of the judge , who COULD put him in jail if he did something the judge feels is NOT Right…
Trump does NOT look like anybody different that just lost a criminal trial…..
The conviction IS REAL…..
There will be a appeal….
The conviction WILL be played over and OVER before the November Election…
It maybe looked at as political plus with some….
But NOT a Good weight to carry to whole LOT of others….
Joe Biden has flogged one line mercilessly throughout his career: “Don’t compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative.”
It can be easy to forget that this is an essential pillar of Trump’s strategy as well. Polls show a majority of Americans are dissatisfied with their options. The only way either can win is with the support of nose-holders. His convictions — and the certainty that they will remain in the news through sentencing and likely appeals — means reluctant Trump backers will have to pinch even harder….
In that sense, the charges aren’t like the felony indictments Trump is facing from prosecutor Jack Smith over trying to overturn the 2020 election. They are more like the allegations Hillary Rodham Clinton was facing in 2016 — and which Trump ceaselessly exploited — of improperly conducting official business on her personal email account. That controversy was damaging not because the underlying crime was so grave but because for many people it painted a picture of someone who thought she operated above the rules….
The Manhattan conviction, according to operatives in both parties, allows Biden to put Trump in a similar box.
There are two demographic slices he’ll be aiming at with such an appeal. One is highly educated, highly informed traditional Republicans, who can reliably be expected to vote. They don’t like Trump but are open to voting for him because they regard Biden as too old or his administration as too anti-business. The conviction makes it harder for this group to rationalize a Trump vote as the best among bad alternatives.
The other is low-information, less reliable voters. They typically aren’t paying close attention to the news, but a big event like the conviction can penetrate their consciousness in lasting ways.
Among both groups the argument is less that Trump is a would-be dictator who could end democracy. It is that he is a self-absorbed agent of chaos who is too preoccupied with his own troubles to govern effectively.
In both cases, small movements could have large consequences. A new Cook Political Report poll of swing-state voters showed Biden leading 49 percent to 45 among the most reliable voters but trailing Trump by 10 points, 41 percent to 51, among less regular voters.
Trump defenders have dismissed the entire trial as a kangaroo court and argue most people dimly understand the details. But in an odd way that underscores the danger. Highly informed voters will know that the behavior illuminated in the case doesn’t fit their definition of presidential propriety, and low-information voters may know little beyond the bright neon top-line: Trump is now a convicted felon…..
Larry Hogan has been iced out of the Republican Party by saying the rule of law should be respected no matter the verdict.
His polling showed him about double digits behind in the Senate race……
He IS the prime reason GOPer’s falling over themselves attacking the legal system for doing a damn good job in convicting their party leader of crimes..
Trump isn’t going to jail.
As for jail?
Few first offenders go to jail in NY for E class felonies
But Trump and the Secret Service agents on his detail COULD do a few days at Rickers for Contempt…..
As U and I know?
As a convicted felon Donald Trump is Still under the gag order and WILL have a probation officer sit down…..
Just the System doing its thing….
Sentencing July 11th
We should know he gonna do. Federal criminal trial by then