This escalation will probably force the college to call in the NYPD to confront the situation more seriously sooner or later…..
Dozens of protesters breached an administrative building at Columbia University early Tuesday morning, barricading entrances and flying a Palestinian flag out a window on the Ivy League campus in Manhattan.
Why it matters: The occupation is a dramatic escalation of campus chaos sweeping the nation. The number of arrests in the pro-Palestinian protest movement is approaching 1,000, per AP.
Driving the news: At Columbia, the movement’s epicenter, students used furniture to barricade Hamilton Hall, which was occupied during a 1968 civil rights and anti-Vietnam War protest, AP reports.
- The student radio station, WKCR-FM, broadcast a play-by-play of the takeover.
- Protesters locked down the building in fewer than five minutes once they’d entered, according to the Columbia Spectator, which detailed how the demonstrators carried out the takeover starting just past midnight.The big picture: College administrators, desperate to end tent encampments, on Monday began to suspend and discipline students while police cracked down.
- At Cal Poly Humboldt, north of San Francisco among ancient coastal redwoods, student protesters have barricaded themselves for a week in a building that includes the president’s office, tagging walls and renaming it “Intifada Hall,” the New York Times reports.
- Columbia announced it had begun to suspend students who remained in a tent encampment past a 2pm ET deadline.
- A Columbia protester told reporters: “We will not be moved unless by force.”….
image….Demonstrators supporting Palestinians in Gaza barricade themselves Tuesday morning inside Hamilton Hall at Columbia University, in Manhattan. Photo: Alex Kent/Getty
Lock em up!
As is typical, when I try to post something here, it does not appear.
And its up CG…….
I had to deal with an old pest…..
No.w, yo.u hav.e prote.stors, do.wn the U.S. flag.s from the of ca.mpus and hois.ting the Pale.stinian fla.g in its p.lace.
If will get Do,nald Tr.ump elect.ed again, it will be like this. The Chic.ago conv.ention is going to be an absolu.te madh.ouse, both and outs.ide the hall, and you can be cer.tain the curr.ent Mayo.r of Ch.icago is noth,ing at all like the one that was there in 19..68.
As we all know, the lea,der of the Republi.can Par,ty was hor,ri,fically dere.lict in his du.ties on 1/6/,21 in not spea.king out agai,nst de,struc,tion and lawle.ssness during the time it was The lead,er of your pa,rty oug,ht not follow that ex,.a.mple any f.urt,her.
Peaceful protest is a good thing….
Violence or taking over property IS NOT….
The student’s who are destructive have to leg to stand on to me….
But even the camp outs and office holds without tearing apart anything are NOT of the mob action of Jan. 6 , 2021……
Not YET at least…..
As we saw in anti-police protests back then..,.
What started as one thing ended up being something quite different
These protests started and always have been about hating Jews and their right to exist as Jews.
Not everybody who is showing up to protest realizes that, but like the people at Charlottesville,and the people at the Capitol on 1/6, they ought to look around and realize what is going on and what they are getting caught up in.
Things DO change….
From the orginal to having just having OUTSIDE angry people…..
These Protest turning violent help no one…do I personally believe they have a right to protest, for sure…but I second what CG said…this just helps Donald Trump…continues the view of lawlessness under a Democratic President…Is that a truth….no…but is it a perception…for sure…plus these kids don’t even know what they protesting about…
I also AGREE when you take over building’s?
You’re no better than the Jan. 6 people….
And yea….
It would seem to be join the crowd and I bet some of those arrested ain’t Columbia students, eh?