Donald Trump is out doing rallies and pasteing himself ALL over everyplace….
He lives for it….
President Biden is NOT….
Joe Biden doesn’t like the spotlight and media attention…
He believes in trying to get the job done and can’t understand why Trump gets ALL the attention….
Please reread my sentences above this one…..
I keep repeating this here….
It is NOT enough to BE President….
To keep the job?
You HAVE to sell YOURSELF….
Joseph R. Biden just is NOT doing that….
Nor does it appear his handlers are pushing him to do….
Trump has protestors….
He handles them….
Biden is being steeered away from any conflict and media , which have no choice but to turn to Trump….
(It’s so bad that Biden’s handlers are bringing in Obama and Bill Clinton to help with generating media attention)
Attention IS Attention….
Good or Bad….
“He’s better in small venues,” a Biden ally said, citing retail politics as “where he thrives.”
“But the downside is that means he doesn’t reach as many voters,” the person added. “The point is to reach as many voters as you can, and those small events don’t.”
The campaign is applying the guarded approach to its marquee fundraiser this month with Biden and former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, as first reported by NBC News.
Organizers are discussing whether to hire a private company to vet attendees, according to three people familiar with the planning. The lowest-cost tickets will be set at a price still high enough — the campaign hopes — to interest only true supporters of Biden’s re-election effort, these people said.
And the moderator of a discussion with the three presidents will be late-night host Stephen Colbert, whom the campaign sees as a low-risk, friendly choice, the people familiar with the planning said.
Biden’s aides view events without disruptions as more valuable than larger ones where his message gets drowned out by protesters. They saw his Virginia speech as an inflection point that prompted them to rethink the sizes, audiences and locations of events for him and other top White House officials, including Vice President Kamala Harris. The strategy shift is driven by concern that the protests get more attention than the events’ messages and showcase divisions within the Democratic Party over Biden’s support for Israel in its war against Hamas.
The Biden campaign is organizing a number of “larger-scale events over the coming weeks,” after the State of the Union address, according to a source familiar with the planning, “reaching voters where they are, including on college campuses.” ….
Part of the President’s problem IS of his own making….
By allowing the Israeli sitruation with Gaza to simmer , without stronger action AGAINST the Netanyhu officals he IS hurting his domestic standings and endangering his support in key groups he needs…
His efforts to work a cease-fire in Gaza IS a American domestic issue…..
Biden does NOT see the issue’s in political terms….
Protestors against him DO and they VOTE….
Lots of them…..
image…NBC News
Pretty devastating critique from one who goes bonkers at any criticism of Biden from other posters.
Well if ur talking about me on this?
I’m being consistent ….
I have pointed out that like Hillary….
Joe Biden does NOT like to campaign…
He also does NOT like to do crowds….
These ARTE two things Donald Trump does WELL….
I have aLSO POINTED AS HERE that like it or NOT?
The media MUST be fed….
Biden’s handlers have had bricks thrown at them on this and are reluctantly coming around…
As u point out…
Joe Biden COULD keep being the Senator TOO LONG that became President and won, BUT went on to fuck up a secomnd term….
Of course I’m talking about you.
Who else here goes bonkers at any criticism of Biden usually with some absurd comments that the poster saying such things believes Trump is the “ second coming” and other such tripe?
As to you being uh “ consistent?”
Your penchant for contradicting yourself is well known and requires no further comment.
As to the point of your criticism of Biden?I agree with Bdogs explanation.
Finally as to your claim that I” point out?”Ihave no idea what the following sentence even means and it is certainly nothing I’ve said.
Joe Biden IS the Democratic nominee Jack…
I will continue to critque his lousy campaign so far…..
And he has MY vote and probably yours and Bdogs…..
It’s also because he looks and sounds like the Crypt Keeper now…I am not saying he isn’t fit for the job, but when he speaks on the mic…he sounds unfit…and we all know perception is everything…and if you sound and look like you belong in an assisted living facility then running the country is a major problem for you to give off that aura of leadership…
Absolutely Bdog….
More contradiction….
When I commented a few months ago that Biden looked old ,talked old and acted old?
You excoriated me with outlandish claims that I thought Trump was the “ second coming” and other junk.
Why all of a sudden you’ve “ discovered “ what was plainly evident to anyone with the least discernment.
I urged you to put down the Pom poms and face reality.You didn’t like that either.Now?
You are being uh “ consistent?”
Beyond ridiculous!
Trump IS perceived as the “second Coming’…..
And yup….
THAT IS Junk….
I’m NOT a Pom…Pom guy…..
Joe Biden is what we have to make sure Donald Trump don’t win again…
I HAVE pointed out Joe’s weak and strong points….