President Joseph Biden will do a sales pitch for a second term in office in way he seldom does….
Before camera’s to a leage audience….
President Biden enters his State of the Union speech on Thursday with an economic record that has defied forecasters’ gloomy expectations, avoiding recession while delivering stronger growth and lower unemployment than predicted.
But polls suggest voters know relatively little about the legislation Mr. Biden has signed into law that seeks to boost the economy through spending and tax breaks for infrastructure, clean energy, semiconductors and more.
They remain frustrated over high prices, particularly for groceriesand housing, even though the rapid inflation that defined Mr. Biden’s early years in office has cooled. Mr. Biden consistently trails his predecessor and likely November opponent, former President Donald J. Trump, on economic issues.
His speech on Thursday will try to make the case for the success of “Bidenomics.” Mr. Biden will begin to hint at what his agenda might bring in a second term, including efforts to increase corporate taxes and to reduce the cost of housing, one of the most tangible examples of what Mr. Biden calls his attempts to build an economy that prioritizes workers and the middle class.
Mr. Biden’s State of the Union speech will “discuss the historic achievements he’s delivered for the American people and lay out his vision for the future,” Lael Brainard, who heads the president’s National Economic Council, told reporters ahead of the speech. She stressed recent wage gains, low unemployment and new factory construction that she said were linked to Mr. Biden’s agenda….
Biden goals vs reality….
President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address last year included a slew of promises and hints about what the president wanted to accomplish in the year ahead.
So how did Biden live up to these promises? POLITICO dug through last year’s speech and assessed his progress on some of the major issues just before he’s set to deliver Thursday night’s highly anticipated address. We graded him using the following scale: success, in progress, needs improvement, fail.
What Biden said: “I ran for president to fundamentally change things, to make sure the economy works for everyone so we can all feel pride in what we do. To build an economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not from the top down. Because when the middle class does well, the poor have a ladder up and the wealthy still do very well. We all do well.”
What he’s done: While cautiously touting economic gains during last year’s speech — from low unemployment to declining food inflation — the president noted that there’s “more to do.” Since this time last year, gas prices have dropped, inflation has consistently ticked down and consumer confidence has risen in a positive sign for Biden. The downward trend continued in the most recent report, though inflation cooled less than expected.
The result has been a more positive outlook for Americans about the economy overall, and the Fed, for now, is leaving potential mid-year rate cuts on the table.
But even with all the positive news, high prices continue to plague a majority of Americans who say the cost of groceries is too high or that they can’t afford to buy a home….
President Biden speaking about Senator Mitt Romney just now-
“This guy has complete integrity. That’s a fact.”
I agree Mr. President.
Long way though from “he wants to put y’all back in chains.”
I just tuned in ….
Ole Joe seems to be doing a DAMN GOOD Job….
And Mike Johnson HAS TO sit there and LISTEN…..
FINALLY JOseph Biden gets up and FLEXES!
And he’s got the place rocking!
THIS IS the guy I’ve been LOOKING FOR
Johnson just keeping eating the garbage SANDWICH SITTING THERE
Some Updates…
Biden’s allies see tax policy as a real advantage against Trump. Democratic polling suggests Trump is vulnerable to attacks that paint him as favoring big corporations — and Biden is trying to position himself, with tax increases, as a crusader for what he calls fairness.
Zolan Kanno-Youngs
March 7, 2024, 10:03 p.m. ET4 minutes ago
4 minutes ago
Zolan Kanno-YoungsWhite House correspondent
Biden is attempting a difficult balancing act here. He points to a guest who has benefited from his piecemeal effort that has canceled more than $138 billion in student debt. But many voters I speak to are still disappointed his plan to cancel up to $400 billion in student loans was blocked by the Supreme Court.
In Case You Missed It
Erica L. Green
March 7, 2024, 10:02 p.m. ET4 minutes ago
4 minutes ago
Erica L. GreenWhite House correspondent
President Biden topped his State of the Union speech by highlighting the threats to America at home and abroad, saying that not since Lincoln and the Civil War has democracy and freedom been under such assault. He made a forceful case to continue supporting Ukraine, asserting that he would “not bow down” in supporting its defense against Russia. Biden got the usual partisan claps and cheers for his talking points but solicited his first heckler when talking about the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. Someone shouted “Lies!” after Biden said, “We all saw with our own eyes: These insurrectionists were not patriots.”
Alan Rappeport
March 7, 2024, 10:01 p.m. ET5 minutes ago
5 minutes ago
Alan Rappeportreporting on economic policy
Biden is assailing the Trump tax cuts and calling for a higher corporate minimum tax and a new tax on billionaires.
Chris Cameron
March 7, 2024, 10:01 p.m. ET5 minutes ago
5 minutes ago
Chris Cameron
Biden touched on an education trope that brought a lot of attention on him during the 2020 Democratic debates, saying how important the home environment is to a child’s education and development. “I think I pointed out last year that children coming from broken homes, where there’s no books and not read to, not spoken to very often, start school, kindergarten or first grade having heard a million fewer words spoken.”
Maggie Haberman
March 7, 2024, 10:00 p.m. ET6 minutes ago
6 minutes ago
Maggie Habermansenior political correspondent
On X, George Santos, who attended the speech tonight, posts that he’ll be running in the First Congressional District in New York.
NY Times…
CNN Politics with the speech.…..
Biden shows up energetic and forceful amid concerns over his age
By now, questions over Biden’s age and fitness for office have become one of the principal backdrops to the presidential campaign. It’s one of the main reasons many Democrats say they would have preferred a different candidate.
So it was unavoidable that Biden would face the issue during his State of the Union, whether he wanted to or not. Apart from the substance of his speech, how he spoke and how he looked while he was speaking were going to be important factors in how Americans absorbed his message.
The president came out fired up and gave an energetic speech that was a far cry from some of his more subdued efforts that have concerned supporters.
Biden spent most of the last week fine-tuning and meticulously rehearsing his speech, both at the White House and at the presidential retreat Camp David. That appeared to pay off in his forceful delivery Thursday night.
Aides acknowledged ahead of the speech it was a topic on voters’ minds and something the president was prepared to address, if not dwell on, in his speech.
His argument on that front – that Trump is almost the same age, but with an antiquated and vengeful outlook – sought to defuse the issue and turn it around on his opponent.
“My lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. A future based on the core values that have defined America: honesty, decency, dignity, equality. To respect everyone. To give everyone a fair shot. To give hate no safe harbor,” Biden will say, according to excerpts shared with CNN ahead of the speech. “Now some other people my age see a different story: an American story of resentment, revenge, and retribution. That’s not me.”
It’s highly likely that argument takes a prominent role in the campaign going forward…..
Manu Raju
Biden comes out swinging against Trump over Russia/NATO
— Attacks the overturning of Roe v Wade
— And raising Jan. 6 attack
Inside the room, Dems are enjoying this speech. And Rs very much aren’t
After one of his broadsides, MTG could be seen saying: “What is he talking about?”
Jared Ryan Sears
And now Biden is following up with his successes. Listing all of the ways he turned this nation back around after Trump had run it into the ground.
-Best economic recovery in the world
-Unions strongest in decades
-Manufacturing booming
-Unemployment continuing to stay under 4% for over 2 years
-Wage gap reducing
This is what Biden needs to do. Show the mess Republicans made and the great job he has done getting America back on track.
So far a great speech.
Biden gives Israel a point of view ….
But also points to providing HUGE aid effort TO Gaza….
And saying Israel must do its part to protect and save lives…
He pushes for a TWO STATE solution…..
Biden on being strong against China…..
Biden finished at 10:33 EST….
Actually give Speaker Johnson a slap handshake…..
He’s talking to Democrats and gets good feedback from them ….
I must say….
I’m surprised at Biden’s vigor and flexing….
I’ve looking for this….
I didn’t think he had it in him….
He does…..
We’ll need MORE of this fire……….
Democratic lawmakers want to get face time with him and give him kudo’s ….
One said ‘You was Preaching Tonight’….
Biden getting GOOD media of the speech…..
Biden goes after Trump, GOP in feisty State of the Union address:
Biden slams Trump multiple times in State of the Union address
Fiery Biden takes on GOP, makes case for second term
A La’ Bill Clinton……
President Joe Biden IS STILL working the room…..
Chris Cillizza
Biden had to show he was energetic and up to the job tonight. He absolutely did.
Doesn’t make the age issue go away. But it has to help rally nervous Democrats.
ichael Beschloss
Biden hit the ball out of the park tonight.
Let’s Remember….
This IS Joe Biden’s kinda second home….
US Senate time there….
VP there…..
In his environment….
Republican counter is now running….
I’m ahead of the pack BUT?
Biden SHOULD get a bounce in the polling over the next few days?
Great speech by President Biden! The Republicans were gobsmacked! Mike Johnson mostly bobbleheaded and rolled his eyes at almost everything our President said–including ending cancer.
For his one classy act–standing and applauding for John Lewis–he will likely be removed tomorrow.
Then you have Troy Nehls
. Goober wore a Trump mugshot tshirt under his jacket. Truckers waiting for parking lot blowjobs have been dressed better.
He, he, he…..
I’ve been waiting for this…..
The Boston Globe
Senator Katie Britt is delivering her Republican response to President Biden’s State of the Union speech. Watch it live.
Why women are wearing white at the State of the Union
Photo’s from the 2024 President Biden State of the Union….
For those crying about Biden’s speech being ‘Political’?
WHAT THE FUCK IS Trump trying to use to keep his big ass out of Jail?
Marjorie took the prize last night and she didn’t even realize the President was making fun of her.
The worst was when little Mikey Bible couldn’t even introduce the President, but we should thank Mikey for the timing of his invite.
Finally, I wonder who on SNL will play the junior Senator from Alabama this weekend?
Katie Britt’s performance is God Awful.
Actually even God doesn’t want anything to do with her terrible overacting and wants her to take off that cross.
The State of our Politics is sad.
A convention speech delivered as a State of the Union Address…in regards to substance there parts of which I agreed with strongly, many parts I disagreed with strongly.
A completely bizarre and pathetic one woman off Broadway show/YouTube rant masquerading as an official response by a once serious political party where there was so much substantive matters that could have been presented in a substantive way by a substantive person. If she could play a ukelele, should could have at least accompanied herself with some background music.
Joe Biden, as I point out?
IS emebrassing the direction Donald Trump HAS….
He went POLITICAL…..
DAMN GOOD turn around…..
I LOVE the crying on social media right now….
Joseph Biden….
ALL 81 years of him PUT ON A DAMN SHOW equal to ANYTHING Donbald Trump could…..
Been waiting for THIS…..
Biden will seat down to do a Q & A with Johnathan Capehart on MSNBC this weekend….
Another good move finally….
Biden getting in the game…..
And NOT in a court room either….
And NOT out trying get money to pay civil judgement’s for sexual misconduct ….
Not a Bad show for a 81 year old guy, eh?
I forgot to mention Biden steering down the Supreme’s on their Altio 5 Roe decision….
Remember, Katie Britt is supposed to be the smart Senator from Alabama…
And I am sure she actually is.
The whole thing was just so bizarre though starting with the optics of having her deliver it in the kitchen. If nothing else, she guaranteed that SNL’s cold open will not be making fun of Biden but will be of her. She made their job so easy.
In communication, politics or otherwise, but especially in politics, regardless of what you are saying, people respect you more if you are delivering it in an “authentic voice.” If it sounds like something you are actually speaking from the heart about.
Not only did Britt deliver part of the speech in one fake voice, but she did it in two fake voices, and kept alternating between them. Katie/Karen?
She definitely made choices in that performance. I guess those are the only choices she wants women to make.
Like Mike Johnson?
And the other RightWingNuts….
And especially ‘The Donald’….
They ARE LOST…..
Their counter just confirms it….
Joe Biden probably gave the speech of his life….
The Handmaid’s Response…It was really awful…but again it appeals to the base who thinks America is just awful right now…
Biden did okay, he still is hard to look at, but he did have more energy than usual. He is going to need a lot of that in the next 8 months if we can be talking about his second presidency then…I did say to James’ son today that I do feel that if Biden wins…he probably can’t finish out his second term…either he will get to sick or pass…I don’t wish that on the guy and I am certainly not hoping for it, but I am just being honest and assessing the situation from a real statistical point of view with lifespans in the US…let alone what 8 years of a presidency can do to your health at 80 something years old…
The IMPORTANT part IS Biden winning so we have a good path and leadership…..
The other guy should be doing time…..Broke….
Katie Britt slams Biden on border in SOTU response
Stop with this ageist bullshit. That’s what Russian bots are paid to do all day.
Biden has more than proven he can do the job, he’s forgotten more about government than Trump will ever know, and he hit it out of the park last night.
You have two choices for President and his opponent is 30 months younger, grossly obese, and most likely has some sort of chronic social disease.
Let’s stipulate that both candidates are old. One exercises and one eats Big Macs and rides around in a golf cart.
Seems like an easy pick to me.