It was NOT smooth sailing as Trump & Co. would like you think and remember….
In fact?
I’m gonna bet that the same media that seem’s tro be lieving off of Donadl Trump now?
Will TURN on him starting after tomorrow and bring BACK the choatic Trump admin times….
Not all that long ago, many Americans committed hours a day to tracking then-President Donald J. Trump’s every move. And then, sometime after the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and before his first indictment, they largely stopped.
They are having trouble remembering it all again.
More than three years of distance from the daily onslaught has faded, changed — and in some cases, warped — Americans’ memories of events that at the time felt searing. Polling suggests voters’ views on Mr. Trump’s policies and his presidency have improved in the rearview mirror. In interviews, voters often have a hazy recall of one of the most tumultuous periods in modern politics. Social scientists say that’s unsurprising. In an era of hyper-partisanship, there’s little agreed-upon collective memory, even about events that played out in public.
But as Mr. Trump pursues a return to power, the question of what exactly voters remember has rarely been more important. While Mr. Trump is staking his campaign on a nostalgia for a time not so long ago, Mr. Biden’s campaign is counting on voters to refocus on Mr. Trump, hoping they will recall why they denied him a second term.
“Remember how you felt the day after Donald Trump was elected president in 2016,” the Biden campaign wrote in a fund-raising appeal last month. “Remember walking around in disbelief and fear of what was to come.”…
“What’s been clear for a while, especially among swing voters, is that Biden is just more front and center,” said Sarah Longwell, a Republican consultant who opposes Mr. Trump and has conducted dozens of focus groups with conservative and swing voters in recent months. “They know about what they don’t like about Biden, and they have forgotten what they don’t like about Trump.”
Polls suggest that Mr. Trump has also made inroads with voters who may have been too young to remember his first term in detail…
The frenetic pace of the Trump years meant many Americans made Trump news an obsessive habit — or tuned out completely. The rat-a-tat volume coincided with the continued rise of siloed, algorithm-driven social media and shrinking attention spans.
That environment created a kind of numbness that not even 91 felony counts or enormous civil penalties for defamation and fraudcan break through, said Andrew Franks, a professor of political psychology at the University of Washington.
“Negative information about Trump is no longer distinctive, it is just the air that we breathe,” Dr. Franks said. “It’s the water that we are swimming in. It just becomes a conditioned emotional response, where you either feel joy and admiration or disgust and anger at the sight of his face — but each individual act is just a drop in the ocean.”….
Fewer Voters Think Trump Committed Crimes
A new New York Times/Siena College poll finds the share of Americans who say that Donald Trump committed serious federal crimes, steadily on the rise since the fall of 2022, has declined since December.
“Voters across the political spectrum are now less likely to say that Mr. Trump acted criminally. Democrats are 7 percentage points less likely to say that they think Mr. Trump committed crimes, while the share of political independents who said the same is down 9 percentage points. Republicans have remained relatively stable, only ticking down one point since the end of last year.”
I don’t know why Maggie Haberman and Taegan Goddard are exaggerating this, but it’s just one poll in a series, close enough to the margin of error and the general trend that it could just be a variation within a normal range of expectations.
85% of Democrats still believe in the criminality of Donald Trump, down slightly from July 22.
57 % of independents believe in it, up from just 50% in July 2022.
and, since July 2022, a slightly larger percentage of Republicans agree up from below 10% then to 27% today.
See the chart at
A poll is just a snapshot in time
I would like to see Biden doing better, but he seems to not be….
I have pointed out here Biden and Democrats doing better than the polls and Trump not doing as well in relation to the polls…..