Could President Biden be about to create a commercial port in the south of Israel that could generate a HUGE economic gift to the Plantains?…More countries sign on by the day….
The Palestinians will have to set up some sort safe logistical delievery structure to handle the aid by sea effort distribution…
Could the Israeli hard-liners have an American President start a worldwide effort to rebuild something they wanted to disappear?
Could ole’ Joe end up being the Arab friend after all?
And would all of this bring back ANOTHER internal Palestine Gaza Civil war for control of a growing economy?
President Biden implores Israel to allow more aid into Gaza….
Airdrops and some groud delieveries continue….
Here’s what we know:
Britain and the E.U. said they would help set up a maritime aid corridor to Gaza, as aid agencies warned that Israel was not allowing in enough supplies by land.
Several nations say they will participate in a sea route for aid to Gaza.
Gazan authorities say 5 people were killed in airdrop accident.
The first seaborne aid to Gaza could depart Cyprus as early as Saturday.
In his State of the Union speech, Biden urges Israel to ‘do its part’ to increase aid to Gaza.
Israeli forces ‘fired precisely’ at Gazans near an aid convoy, the military says in an initial review….
Mar 7, 2024 – ISW Press

Western media reported on March 7 that the United States will establish a temporary port in the Gaza Strip to facilitate the flow of humanitarian aid. US President Joe Biden is expected to announce the project during his State of the Union address on March 7. White House officials disclosed that the United States plans to build a temporary port off the coast of the Gaza Strip before moving the structure closer to shore. Western reporting noted that the project would require up to thousands of US service members stationed off the Mediterranean coast. Palestinian militias have previously condemned US humanitarian efforts in the Gaza Strip as insufficient and creating chaos. CTP-ISW will follow up with additional details on the proposed temporary port in future updates.