I’m NOT gonna stop on this at the PDog….
Sentor’s work in back rooms….
President’s ARE supposed to LEAD…..
Joseph R. Biden is FOUR years older than Donald Trump….
That’s all….
Trump presents himself as a crazy guy fighting that media treats as Front page treat ….
President Biden hides and IS getting his ass kicked by the Israeli leader, a actually strong economy , with high prices and migrants flooding Northern Cities….
Americans LIKE a strong leader….
Joe Biden isn’t appearing that way right now….
His handler’s hope is that Trump over the next months before the election will offer voters a choice between a experienced leader that doesn’t camapaign and a crazy, sexual offender, broke, lying, convicted felon….And that those voters WILL WTF up and come out and vote AGAINST the crazy guy AGAIN…
Right now Biden’s handlers…. Afraid, are keeping their boss wrapped up away from crowds and media , the opposite of Trump….
(The poll actually show’s* Biden way ahead among voters (19%) who take a HARD look at Trump’s negatives right now, which is why a good many of us think Trump WILL lose again in the end)
Right now….
The crazy shows up ahead in a new NYTimes/Sienna poll….
Mr. Biden has marched through the early nominating states with only nominal opposition. But the poll showed that Democrats remain deeply divided about the prospect of Mr. Biden, the 81-year-old chief executive, leading the party again. About as many Democratic primary voters said Mr. Biden should not be the nominee in 2024 as said he should be — with opposition strongest among voters younger than 45 years old.
Mr. Trump’s ability to consolidate the Republican base better than Mr. Biden has unified the base of his own party shows up starkly in the current thinking of 2020 voters. Mr. Trump is winning 97 percent of those who say they voted for him four years ago, and virtually none of his past supporters said they are casting a ballot for Mr. Biden. In contrast, Mr. Biden is winning only 83 percent of his 2020 voters, with 10 percent saying they now back Mr. Trump…
One of the more ominous findings for Mr. Biden in the new poll is that the historical edge Democrats have held with working-class voters of color who did not attend college continues to erode.
Mr. Biden won 72 percent of those voters in 2020, according to exit polling, providing him with a nearly 50-point edge over Mr. Trump. Today, the Times/Siena poll showed Mr. Biden only narrowly leading among nonwhite voters who did not graduate from college: 47 percent to 41 percent.
An excitement gap between the two parties shows up repeatedly in the survey: Only 23 percent of Democratic primary voters said they were enthusiastic about Mr. Biden — half the share of Republicans who said they were about Mr. Trump. Significantly more Democrats said they were either dissatisfied or angry at Mr. Biden being the leader of the party (32 percent) than Republicans who said the same about Mr. Trump (18 percent)…
Both Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden are unpopular. Mr. Trump had a weak 44 percent favorable rating; Mr. Biden fared even worse, at 38 percent. Among the 19 percent of voters who said they disapproved of both likely nominees — an unusually large cohort in 2024 that pollsters and political strategists sometimes call “double haters” — Mr. Biden actually led Mr. Trump, 45 percent to 33 percent….
The Biden campaign hopes that more and more voters like Mr. Kalarickal snap back into their usual partisan patterns in the coming months. The return of such reluctant Democrats is one reason the Biden campaign has been optimistic that polling will narrow, and eventually flip, as the choice between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden becomes clearer….
Biden IS handling the Presidency ….
Trump is running around (and running his mouth) looking for money and will be sitting in criminal court soon…
Instead, many voters will apparently agonize between two candidates they dislike. It’s exactly what Democrats sought to avoid when they nominated Mr. Biden in 2020. It’s what Democrats largely avoided in the 2018 and 2022 midterm elections, when they mostly nominated acceptable candidates or ran incumbents against right-wing opponents. And it’s exactly what led to the election of Mr. Trump in 2016.
Overall, 19 percent of registered voters in the Times/Siena survey have an unfavorable view of both candidates — a group sometimes referred to as “double haters.” These voters say they backed Mr. Biden by a three-to-one margin among those who voted in 2020, but now he holds the support of less than half. Every vote counts, but these voters will undoubtedly be pivotal in deciding the November election.
The double haters might ultimately return to Mr. Biden’s side. There are still eight months left until November, and it’s not as if these voters like Mr. Trump. If they do come back to Mr. Biden, perhaps their return will have seemed inevitable in retrospect….
Forget the babble above about Biden being a bad campaigner.
That’s not the problem.
The problem is covered very succinctly by NYT political analyst Nate Cohn….
“Why is President Biden losing?There are many possible reasons,including his age,the war in Gaza,the border and lingering concerns over inflation.But ultimately,they add up to something very simple:Mr. Biden is very unpopular.Hes so unpopular that he’s now even less popular than Mr. Trump,who remains every bit as unpopular as he was four years ago.”
This reminds me of what happened to George H Bush in 1992.Not exactly the same ,but people just seem to grow tired of him and were willing to consider the conspiratorial ,erratic Trump like character Ross Perot and the relatively unknown Governor of a small southern state named Bill Clinton .
If Cohn is right and I fear he is?
Then this election is already pretty much set in stone and Bidens fate is tied ,not to his “ campaigning “ or much of anything else.If the American people are just tired of him as the polls now seem to suggest?
Then my sense of foreboding grows ever stronger.
Sure his popularity ain’t Good…..
His poll numbers show it….
I mention what you have mentions as his problems…
But I ALSO keep pointing out that hiding the man from media and the fight , in MY view, IS a BIG mistake…
I have plenty of company with my view….
While many have settled on who they will vote for?
Donald Trump WILL be defined by Election Day is a VERY differnt light…
As we know….
People tend to vote AGAINST who they do NOT want….
They did THAT in 2020….
A replay features a VERY MUCH MORE soiled Trump….
With a history that maybe quiet now…
But will be blazed across the media as they trun on him and they WILL…
This NYTimes ?Sienna poll is already coming under attack
I DO point out a very troubling polint the poll makes that others have also…
Trump’s issues make him unelectable for about 20% of the over voter base…
It seems part of that group ARE Republicans…
So away from the noise?
Biden’s handlers see this and are NOT as worried as others….
I hope they’re right….