So says the Republican Governor of New Hampshire…..
The future of the Republican Party isn’t Donald Trump, New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu said Thursday.
“It won’t be his party forever. Right? It just won’t. At some point, Donald Trump won’t be here forever,” Sununu said during POLITICO’s Governors Summit.
Sununu added that he remains “very optimistic” about America’s future.
“Let me put it a different way: Assholes come and go. But America is here to stay,” he said.
The New Hampshire governor’s comments come as Trump appears to be on a glide path to winning his party’s presidential nomination for a third time. Ahead of the South Carolina primary this Saturday, polls have Trump with a solid lead over Sununu’s preferred candidate, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.
Sununu endorsed Haley late last year, giving her a boost in New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary. Though the GOP field has narrowed, Haley has been unable to defeat Trump in any state primaries so far, and is expected to fall to him again in her home state.
During the interview, Sununu, a moderate and self-described “pro-choice” Republican, also panned an Alabama Supreme Court ruling granting legal personhood to frozen embryos as “scary.” Critics say the ruling could have sweeping implications for fertility treatment in the state. At least one Alabama hospital has already stopped in vitro fertilization treatment….
There REALLY ARE …’NOT Trump’ Republican’s out there that will go ‘on the record’…..
The “ grand old party” is trash and Sununu ,a so called “ moderate,”reiterated yesterday that he would vote for Trump .
Then there were the “ moderates” in the House. Every one of whom voted for this sham “ committee “ to investigate Biden for possible impeachment when ,and many of them admitted this,there was NO evidence whatsoever to indicate Biden had committed any impeachable act.All this after those “ moderates “ unanimously voted for this right wing religious kook Johnston to be Speaker of the House.
These “ moderates “ are nothing but a bunch of moral cowards who occasionally will utter some vague misgivings over the Party owner and soon to be presidential nominee Donald Trump.Wow, big damn deal.
We are all used to your pathetic efforts to “ prove” that Trump doesn’t dominate the Republican Party.Youve been spouting this garbage for eight damn years now and ,as usual, you’ve been consistently wrong..No surprise really.You are wrong about everything.
I agree that GOP moderate’s tend to have NO BALLS….
Even in your state?
30%+ of GOPer’s tell pollster’s they will vote for someone BESIDES ‘The Donald’…
After the Big Guy is convicted in NYC and DC and is broke?
How many of these knuckleheads will be still carrying the water for him?
Once again James,you simply don’t understand .
Yes,there are Republicans who don’t particularly “ like” Trump here in S.C.Tomorrow they’re going to vote for Nikki…
When the Election rolls around?
They will vote for Trump.
Last time ,Trump received the votes of 94% of Republicans.He will likely get about that this election.
My point Jack……
Even NOW……
Haley IS carrying 30% of GOPer’s in the polls
Come November?
Trump should be a sex offender, lisr, cheating ex-president, that is a convicted criminal and probably half broke in bankruptcy…..
You and Keith have it!
ALL the stupid assed Republicans ARE gonna vote for the dirtbag…..
I agree Jack, there are no moderates left in the Republican Party, the party of Bush and Romney is dead.
Of course James was wrong about everything. From “Trump would fade” to “January 6th is in the rear view mirror,” simply wrong about everything..
Charlie Dent ,the former Republican Congressman from often referred to as the last true “ moderate “ Republican.
He has said that the present Republican congresspeople that are referred to as “ moderates” are not really.They are simply Right Wingers who aren’t total kooks and are interested n moving forward.So compared to say Jim Jordan ,MTG and these other anti democratic nutjobs and terrorist supporters ,they appear “ moderate.”
Simply calling them “ moderates “ ,as James does,doesn’t make them so .
Meanwhile,George W is back at the ranch,Mitt is hiding out in Utah with guards to protect him from his fellow Republicans and Chris Sununu,James’s latest “ moderate?”
He’s telling everyone how crazy Trump is while admitting that yes he will vote for him!
Ah “ moderates!”
Mitt is paying 5K a day to protect himself from Republicans. It’s because Trump runs the GOP like a mob boss and the racist base complies with his suggestions.
And Yup!
Donald Trump DOES GET THE GOPer crazies to risk jail time for him…..
Last count over 1,000 have been before a judge like him for criminal charges…..
Lot of stupid assed sucker’s in America that Trump looks down on and laughs at for kissing his ass..,..
Not so amazing after all.,..
Donald J Trump ain’t gonna be President again,…
And his sheep ARE gonna be lost and a lot of Republicans are going to come off the pixy dust to come back to ask WTF?
Let me say something PROFOUND!
Most Republicans ain’t going to vote for DEMOCRATS NO MATTER WHAT….
So you two are just selling something that ain’t for sale…..
Those GOPers who can’t stomach Trump gonna NOT vote for him , thus helping Biden, eh?
If you want a laugh pull up the remarks Tommy Tuberville–possibly the dumbest motherfucker to serve in the Srnate– made regarding the ruling that frozen embryos are living beings. It was the worst kind of word salad imaginable. L
Meanwhile Nikki Haley–the supposed voice of reason in the GOP– says that frozen embryos are “babies”.
Good luck finding a fertility specialist if you live in Alabana. They’re all heading for the hills
The Biden campaign is correctly tying
this anvil around the Trumpublican Parry’s neck. It will further Dempcraric inroads in rhe suburbs.
Damn REAL!…..
Rublicans KEEP running the car into a Ditch…..
Backing Up….
And driving BACK into the Ditch….
It really doesn’t play well in suburban America with Woman…let’s see how our own county executive who took full dive into the cultures today with his executive order barring transgender athletes from competing in all Nassau Parks…I think he will get a pass, but it certainly is the general trend of Republicans to push ever deeper into the culture wars to muddy the waters and prevent anything from really ever getting done…
Yo Bdog…..
I didn’t know that….
Who checks the kids?
Who’s going to tell the kid on team ya can’t play?