The job given to Special Counsel Robert Hur was to decide to investigate the Biden files case and decide if a crime was committed….
The result has been no criminal action….
There has been a immediate STRONG reaction to the Hur report making slights at Joe Biden age and physicality…
The President has just finished a presser dispolaying anguish and anger….
The word ‘Politics’ IS being thrown around in a sitaution that should NOT have been…
There IS a Presidential Election coming in November….
Politics …..
“I know what the hell I’m doing,” he declared from the Diplomatic Reception Room at the White House.
He grew emotional recounting a line from the report that suggested he did not recall the year in which his son Beau died.
“There’s even reference that I don’t remember when my son died,” he said. “How in the hell he dare raise that.” Beau Biden died in 2015, when his father was vice president.
Capping a tumultuous afternoon, the White House scrambled to put together the address, notifying reporters just 20 minutes before it was to take place.
Biden even cited specific page numbers in the report of Special Counsel Robert Hur to bolster his case….
This IS the first President Biden presser in a LONG time….
We did witness reporters firing screaming questions at him….
Special counsel Robert K. Hur, is a Republican, was appointed to his probe, by Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland….
lets deal with ur 9:08 PM
Joe Biden gets his punches in just like Trump and GOPer’s….
I and others have been waiting for THIS!
Hur did do what he was supposted to do LEGALLY….
Props on THAT….
My and other’s complaint is going off on making judgement calls he’s NOT really supposed to do and qualified to…
He’s NOT a doctor….
He does NOT Reference a medical review…
I’m NOT a lawyer …
Jack IS or was….
But I’ve been in situations where the brief IS?
If you do N OT know the naswer to a question?
Do NOT freelance …
Answer ‘you do NOT REMEMBER’
Legal shit 101….
On the excuses?
U ever seen tapes of Trump undre questioning?
Joe Biden did what he should have done tonight….
He’s getting props
And Demn’s will cover his BACK…
The campaign IS ON!
You may have like it. But he was elected to not be Trump. To be an “adult.” To not be careless. He was not elected to “punch back just like Trump.” However, that has sort of been his persona from his early days in politics.
In this report, Hur goes out of his way to compare Biden cooperating favorably to Trump. He calls him “sympathetic” and “well-intentioned” and he does not recommend charges. Yet, they are furious at him still. Somehow it would be better if a jury would conclude that Biden is still capable enough to be a criminal mastermind.
Take responsibility and stop blaming the investigator. That’s what Trump would be doing.Who will be the first Democrat to call Hur “deranged” and say he is an agent of China?
Biden IS NOT like Trump….
But turning the other cheek is NOT gonna work these time’s….
I HAVE said the same thing Rep Clyburn has said …
Biden needs to STOP being a Senator and be THE PRESIDENT…
He did that tonight in a presser….
Something he has stayed away from…
U and others ALREADY are knocking THAT….
Oh, Wait?
Trump shitcans EVERYBODY and THAT is Ok ??????
Damn REAL that Biden turned things over upon DISCOVERY….
He did NOT tell staff to ‘hide’ things…
He did NOT claim that the ‘secret filess’ were HIS
Joseph R. Biden DID say he messed up not supervising his staff…
Taking Hur as a agent of another countrey is something GOPer’s might DO….
Another complex post of mine.. gone.. it doesn’t appear. Please find it. I have the best words and I don’t know what the issue is.
This has been more than enough for one day for me.
I still think Hur bringing up Beau Biden was a huge mistake. People who have lost someone they love–especially a child–will sympathize.
I have not seen the transcript but I doubt Hur brought him up first. They have not suggested he brought him up out of nowhere. Most likely, Biden brought it up in regards to his being Vice President at the time and the questions that he was asked about what year he became Vice President and if he was still Vice President in 2013 or not. He says he remembers but did not feel like he needed to answer the question. He was under oath and is something he talks about all the time.
I very much doubt that Hur brought up Beau Biden out of the blue to mock the President or anything like that. If so, they would have said he did so. Biden’s lawyers have a transcript of any meeting and they would release that if they were truly blindsided or victimized in some way.
Now, he may be mad they put it in the report. I get that. The report is accurate though. Both sides will have complete transcripts, if not also videotapes.
He’s mad about the report but if the facts have established you did something wrong that you should not have done and you spent a whole lot of time attacking your rival for doing some of the same things you also did and insisting you would have never done so, and the end conclusion is that you are being “cleared”, then you do not really have that much of a right to complain, no matter who you are. Keep it to yourself if you think its in an L and call it a W.
You have NO factual knowledge on the Beau Biden comments..
Kelly ツ🌊 Kellwoohoo
Thank you,
for calling out Merrick Garland for not policing the Special Counsel guidelines and allowing Robert Hur to put out a report with opinions that are outside the guidelines in the same way Comey did with Hillary.
has let us down again.
Andrew Weissmann (weissmann11 on Threads)🌻@AWeissmann_
It was entirely foreseeable Rob Hur would pull a Comey in his report. Garland was 💯 right to have appointed a Special Counsel but wrong to pick Hur and to think only a Republican could fit the bill.
Garland IS ALSO getting a Beatdown in the media and on social media right now…..
He says he did NOT review Hur’s final ….
I’m sure he was worried about some might say he would the final conclusion…
But he’s getting beat up for allowing Hur to go off topic…
I looked up the report and while I have not read all 388 pages, I know how to search for key words and the reason for why he was asked about the time of Beau’s passing is extremely clear.Everyone can read the report for themselves.
I agree Scott…
The guy went someplace he should NOT have and he’s getting a beat down by some for that….
I am looking at the full report and there is discussion (page 82) about notebooks he had written in that contained classified information related to his time as Vice President and the contents of those notebooks which include “personal reflections” including entries about the illness and death of his son. They are establishing a time frame in regards to these documents and these notebooks.
There seems to be a pretty clear legal reasoning for asking what should be a simple question and one he has spoken about at length at various times. People testifying or speaking to investigators often have to discuss uncomfortable matters. Nonetheless, Biden has said many times that talking about his personal experiences with grief have helped him and he has for a very long time encouraged others to openly discuss grief and loss as well.
Specific comment about Beau?
The report goes on to discuss this relates to a book Biden wrote (with an author) after leaving the Vice Presidency called, “Promise Me, Dad” which is literally about coping with the death of his son. In this book, Biden discussed issues regarding Afghanistan that happened when he was Vice President and shared classified material with the author surrounding that. Clearly, there were legal grounds to discuss the matter. The writing of the book was key to the case.
The conclusion was that sharing this information with the writer was a “significant national security risk.”
Please find and publish my last post… once again.
The report goes on to discuss this relates to a book Biden wrote (with an author) after leaving the Vice Presidency called, “Promise Me, Dad” which is literally about coping with the death of his son. In this book, Biden discussed issues regarding Afghanistan that happened when he was Vice President and shared classified material with the author surrounding that. Clearly, there were legal grounds to discuss the matter. The writing of the book was key to the case.
The conclusion was that sharing this information with the writer was a “significant natio,nal secu,rity ris,k.”
either the S word or the R word is causing a problem.
I made a ajustment on the filter lets see if it works….
So if Garland was wrong to appoint a Republican to look into Biden, was he wrong to appoint a Democrat to look into (who charged) Trump?
Trump would say yes. Left-wingers on Twitter agree apparently.
I don’t think he was wrong….
This was Politics by Biden and Garland…..
The overall result was correct….
Like Comey?
Hur made conclusions he had NO RIGHT to do so….
Garland should have reviewed the final product like any GFood boss does…
He was afraid to….
He was wrong….As was Hur…
Especially with such a political time as now….
Garland recused himself for good reason, just like Jeff Sessions did when he appointed Mueller.
Now, we have a similar situation when partisans in both parties want to blame an Attorney General for not protecting a President of their party enough.
For the record though james, you were the one who insisted that Garland was the only person who should be Attorney General. I was pulling for Doug Jones.
I don’t have a big problem with Garland who has a historically tough job with ALL of Trump’s law breaking….
But somebody should have checked Hur’s final….
And Garland IS the AG….
They maybe seen as independent , but they ALL work for the AG…..
I don’t have much sympathy for politicians in either party who do something wrong and when they don’t get charged are upset they were not given a medal for not getting charged. The Mueller Report was very harsh on Trump when he did not get charged (and Barr softpedaled it before it officially came out) and nobody who dislikes Trump was complaining that it was too harsh on him.
People like Hillary and Biden should be glad their probe is over and blame themselves for the political problems they brought upon themselves.
For CG and Scott but completely off-topic:
CNN’s list of the 731 different people who received votes for President or Vice President at major-party conventions from 1836 to 1992:
Overall comparative statistics of nominations
I’m sure that CG can remember (or claim to remember) all 731. Of course, not everyone who once ran for President received even one delegate’s vote.
Weird Convention Trivia
I sure hope my HTML/XML linking syntax is correct. My apologies if this comes out as spam.
And not everyone who received a Pres. or V.P. nomination had in fact run for President (e.g. at least one dead foreigner):
Is Archie Bunker one of them? D convention for VP in 1972
Yes. My favourite (which I saw live) was the 1968 New York delegation’s vote for the legendary liberal New York Democrat, Paul O’Dwyer, which the Convention secretary (herself an Alabamian) heard and read out as Paul “Bear” Bryant, equally-legendary coach of the Crimson Tide (’Bama).
My reply to CG’s query (affirmative) seems to be stuck in moderation.
The Yes one In brought back…..
I can’t find anymore….
Please re-send it….
Joe Biden DOES need to do a few more appearances in front of the media….
… without helicopter blades
He, he, he….
Yup DSD…..
Better prepared by staff….
Short in duration….
But YUP…..
Not with Marine One in the background ready to whisk him away