After getting daily beat downs from Democrats and the media…
The Biden 2024 campiagn IS making changes….
It is NOT enough for Joe Biden JUST to be President, even if he beat the guy he’s running against and is under indictment for ‘crimes and misdemeanors and is gonna be out a half a billion dollars….
Biden officials see next month’s State of the Union address as a big, public reset moment — a chance to overcome or at least neutralize concerns about President Biden’s age and vitality.
Why it matters: Many top Democrats are convinced that if the election were today, Biden would lose a rematch with former President Trump. Biden’s address on March 7 is his biggest chance to shift public perceptions.
What we’re hearing: Biden’s SOTU address played well last year — he seemed agile and riffed about the GOP and Social Security. Officials close to him, needing a repeat triumph, will spend hours on everything from the text to his physical preparation to exploit the prime-time moment.
- “Everyone around him is well aware — well aware — of the need to jack this campaign up,” a source close to Biden said. “The only way to deal with the negative aftershocks of the special counsel’s report [slamming Biden’s age] is for the president to be out there, to be visible — to be strong of presence and strong of voice.”
- One bold move that Biden has considered, we’re told, is an executive order that would dramatically stanch the record flow of migrants into the Southwest. This could even happen in the two weeks before the address, allowing Biden to say he took action while Republicans just talk.
Between the lines: Inside Biden’s campaign, there’s a belief that things are turning around — internal morale is up. But even some super-loyalists have lingering worries that it’s all happening too slowly — and could be too late.
- Some valued campaign hands didn’t like commuting to campaign HQ in Wilmington, Del. Now officials are being more flexible about allowing remote work. A small campaign office has opened near the White House.
Behind the scenes: A new window into the Biden campaign’s flux comes from CNN, which reports that some leading Democrats fear the campaign “might be stumbling past a point of no return.” They’ve been heartened by listening sessions by Vice President Kamala Harris, which they view as a “surprising and welcome change, after months of feeling sloughed off by the White House and Biden campaign headquarters.”…
image…ABC News
New Open Thread is HERE….
Good morning everyone…..
The State of the Union will be Biden’s last real chance to address the voters, after the utterly-inexplicable (if Biden’s really still up to it declining of a pre-Super Bowl interview.
The GOP will have to prepare a good response. Some Republican responses have been persuasive and effective, but many have fallen on their face. Remember Steve Largent (R/NFL-Okla.) ? (or maybe you don’t.)
On the other hand, some Democratic responses to Republican States of the Union have impressed other Democrats so much that they’ve jump-started national careers.
I agree…..
Biden MUST get back out there and show his face….
He’s begun to do that….
He needs to keep at it…..
Chris Cillizza
In a Fox News town hall on Tuesday night, Donald Trump said he thinks he can win:
1. New York (lost by 23 in 2020)
2. California (lost by 29 in 2020)
3. New Jersey (lost by 16 in 2020)
4. New Mexico (lost by 10 in 2020)
So, yeah.
Californians voted for the Republican candidates for President & VP (one usually a fellow Californian) in 9 our of 10 straight elections from 1952 to 1988 (all but 1964).
But (partly due to Pete Wilson’s anti-immigrant campaign) the Golden State hasn’t voted G.O.P. in any of the subsequent eight elections, when the Democratic margin has never dropped below 9.95% in 2004.
And Schiff looks like he’s gonna move up to the US Senate even after the House GOPer’s spanked him…
Seems Russia is trending in the media these days
Good Morning everyone……..
Rough one foe ole Donald hustling for some money for his old home state he left for Florida
Maybe my taxes will go down with his contributions!
Unreported here is the annual meeting of CPAC .
Formerly the premier political event of the year for “ conservative “ activists ,in the Trump era it has become a weird gathering of racists, anti Semites, domestic terrorists, out and out grifters and Donald Trump.
The other night some kook named Probisec ,apparently some wild eyed conspiratorial nut,addressing the collection of nutjobs basically advocated the end of democracy. The authoritarian was cheered on by Trumpite street drunk Steve Bannon and the rest of the creeps .
Conservatism is bunk.
I will post it…..
Thanks for reminding me
It’s Right Wing Nut Festival
And a freak side show now
Good Morning………
As expected Trump pulls a impressive win against Haley in her home state…..
A little bit of truth comes out of the vote….
Good morning
I had never heard of a Texas Republican Congressman named Jodey Arrington,the Chair of the House Budget Committee.Im sure I disagree with him on almost every issue.
However I give him kudos for being one of the few honest members of Congress for the following statement :”It’s only fair to have both revenue and expenditures on the table.The last time there was a fix to Social Security that addressed the solvency …it was Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill and it was bipartisan.It had revenue measures and it had program reforms .Thats just the reality.”
Republican domestic terrorist supporter Scott Perry doesn’t want Biden to give the State of the Union to Congress.
Another primary day….
Biden does entertainment and is trying hard to get a Middle East political win for his campaign and the people there…
Joe Biden gets no help on the foreign affairs front…..
Manu Raju
Tom Suozzi has been sworn in
GOP — 219 seats
Dem — 213 seats
Anyone want to lend Donald Trump a Half a Billion Dollars?
Morning ….
Morning All
Morning guys!
It’s Super Primary Day!
Weirdly Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collin’s have endorsed Nikki Haley.
I mean why didn’t they do it several months ago?
Would it have made a difference?
Probably not but why wait until the race is essentially over?
Like I said,
Perhaps they feel a need to remind Alaskan and Down-East voters that they’re not-Trumpers.
They seem to women giving support with their hearts….
Like a solid 30% of other Republicans it appears
That too DSD…..
Morning everyone…….
President goes before Congress tonight..,..
Big time speech
Dean Phillips is ending his long-shot Democratic primary challenge to President Biden after failing to win a primary contest.….
Boston Globe
“But no one can plausibly argue that a third of Republicans won’t vote for Trump in November.”
Phillip Bump
Washington Post
National Political Correspondent
Oh yeah?
You need to make this site a daily stop off point Mr.Bump!
Our moderator daily lectures us that 20-30% of Republicans supported Haley in the primaries.I know I know ,you and others have shown that the majority of Haley’s votes came from non Republicans.Our moderator though is a” keen observer “ of the national political scene and although lacking any objective evidence he has concluded this.
Maybe you could learn something from him!( tongue firmly in cheek).
There ARE REPUBLICANS swearing they won’t vote FOR THEIR party leader come November…..
I HAVE said here that most GOPer’s WY hold their noses and voye for Trump…..
Bit i stand by view that their will be a good percentage of Republicans NOT VOTING for Trump….
Not voting or in some cases voting FOR Biden…
I am NOT discounting by the November election vote?
Trump could be the sexual offender he is, a convicted felon, Broke and still threatening people……
Biden and others ARE counting on Trump to help Biden beat his raggity ass AGAIN….
A Good Morning with Biden in the headlines NOT Trump…..
We ARE MAKING Progress!
Waiting for the snap polls….
No Labels is considering Geoff Dunxan the former Lt. Gov of Georgia as it’s Presidential nominee.
The joke is on anyone who ever took this effort seriously.
Duncan. Not that it matters. At all.
Just media attention
I happen to think Geoff Duncan is fantastic.
He would also take votes away from Trump in Georgia.
America Runs on Duncan
I am claiming the copyright.
Geoff Duncan is one of those GaGOPers who told DJT where to get off after the 2020 election.
FiveThirtyEight Drops Rasmussen Polls
“The poll aggregation and evaluation site 538, part of ABC News, dropped the right-wing polling firm Rasmussen Reports from inclusion in its polling averages and forecasts,” the Washington Post reports.
Real Clear Politics still has Ras
They lean to the Right….
Afternoon folks…..
Morning People
Afternoon people….
Morning People
Biden Meets with Teamsters Leaders
“President Joe Biden met on Tuesday with leaders from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters as he tries to court the crucial union vote ahead of November,” CNN reports.
“Biden is competing with former President Donald Trump for a Teamsters endorsement. With more than 1 million members, the union is one of the largest in the world and has a large presence in several battleground states.”
Rep. Ken Buck (Co-R) has just announced he’s retiring from the House…..
The House GOP majority is now a hair thin……
It will shrink another seat possibly in the next week or two….
Any more HOUSE GOPer’s leaving could end up in Jeffies becoming the House Speaker BEFORE next year…..
Post later
Post coming
Biden had achieved the 2024 Democratic Presidential Nomination in delegates
Morning people
And let’s try and keep the personal stuff out of this
Roger Stone
Tonight, with the results of the Republican primaries in Hawaii and Washington state, Donald Trump will become one of only two people in history to be nominated for president by the Republican party three times.
Good Morning everyone..,,.
Chuck Schumer joins Sanders is going after Netanyahu……
Another strike out for Trump & Co.
Mike Pence will not endorse Donald Trump or his agenda.
Hot Damn!
Morning to everyone
For Anyone who cares….
RFK Jr. to Pick Nicole Shanahan as His Running Mate
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is planning to tap Nicole Shanahan, a California-based attorney and entrepreneur once married to Google co-founder Sergey Brinn, as his running mate for his independent bid for the presidency, Mediaite reports.