The media is screaming all over that Donald Trump won BIG in Iowa….
What’s the big deal?
Every poll had Trump up by big double digits…..
Iowa hasn’t been a Democratic state for how long?
For me?
The interesting thing was how close Nikki Haley came to pulling off a upset win over Ron DeSantis who had a ground game in the frozen state that Haley did NOT….
Now I’m gonna say something that won’t be said in the media until the editors run out of Trump won BIG pieces…
Haley did NOT do that bad in Iowa….
She came in a close third …..
Polls for New Hampshire where there will be a bigger anti-Trump vote have her ahead of DeSantis and less than 20 points behind Trump….
She’ll come out strong against DeSantis there and folks ?
Nikki Haley IS gonna come in less than 20 points in her home state South Carolina’s primary…..
After that?
Trump will have the nomination one could think….
But he will be a wounded nominee after a New York criminal trail and a civil judgement against him in the hundreds of millions….
Hang on…
It’s gonna be a bumpy ride….
In watching the midday political analyis it is is also being pointed out thta the Trump voter’s was the less educated ….That IS gonna come back to haunt Trump down the road….
This “ analysis “ is junk as are most of your stuff.
After making a big deal about Nikki getting what 20% in Iowa ( in other words 80% voted against her) ,you then concede that Trump is going to be the nominee!
So who gives a damn whether that did “ not bad” in Iowa?
If she isn’t going to be the nominee?
Much ado over nothing.
In fact THE HALEY much to do about nothing is driving the news cycle in addition to Trump….
He, he, he
Even ur talking about her!
“Trump is back as the dominant figure in American political life…”New York Times
What the Hell do they know?We have James to tell us the truth!Trump is actually headed straight for defeat and Bidens age ?
Not even an issue anymore!
Hey all you dummies paying the NYT for a subscription ,join the smart crowd (. Which is increasing daily ) who get their news from James.
Donald Trump has worked hard to be the media favorite mother load…..
They follow like lemmings
And some here also…
Yeah they should follow you.
Wait a minute!
There are hundreds who do!
I still love ya Jack…..
Despite your negativity
And Jack?
After all the hard damn work i put in here?
It’s GOOD TO SEE the place Growing…….
I thank you and the others for visiting and conversations…
Nice Spin…Haley loses by 20 Points in New Hampshire is like saying you lost a 12 round decision and didn’t win any rounds…but you got some good shots in…no one cares…your still the loser…She going to get trounced in her home state of South Carolina…those C$%$% are going to turn her ass down and select trump…you know this, I know this…and the media knows this…
Though I would agree with you that my reason for riding the trump train is different than the medias…they get eyeballs and money when they speak trump…I just follow the money and the eyeballs, all eyes on Trump…this is a simple one…no rocket science to see this…no matter the spin…
Trump will be broke by the time he is president…but that is what the presidency for him is now at this point…his way to make those lost millions and millions back.
Nikki Haley is NOT gonna lose by 20 points in New Hampshire……
She’s come in strong second in SC…..
But WE ALL agree….
Absent some sort crazy thing….
Trump HAS the nomination….