Steve Kornacki has something more interesting to say in his read…..
By 2 to 1 Nikki Haley’s supports would vote for President Biden over Donald Trump….
Final NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa GOP Caucus poll: Trump 48% Haley 20% DeSantis 16% Ramaswamy 8%
Steve Kornacki
Trump’s share (48%) breaks George W. Bush’s record in 2000 of 43% for the highest support level in any final pre-GOP caucus DMR poll. His lead of 28 points also breaks Bush’s record of 23.
Steve Kornacki
While Haley runs 2nd here, there are cautionary notes: > Her unfavorable rating has soared to 46%, up from 31%. And her favorability has fallen from 59% to 48% > 88% of Trump’s backers are extremely/very enthusiastic and 62% of DeSantis’s are. But the number for Haley is just 39%
Steve Kornacki
Half of Haley’s voters self-ID as independents or Dems, and 77% of them have an unfavorable view of Trump. Possible that her own unfavorable spike w/ caucus-goers is tied to her increasing consolidation of anti-Trump vote
Steve Kornacki
One other notable finding about Haley’s coalition in our IA poll: We asked her supporters who they would back in a Trump/Biden general election: Biden 43% Trump 23%
Well, there you go Iowa.
White: 87.93%
African American: 3.74%
Two or more races: 3.89%
The DeSantis crash and burn is at least funny.
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving creep
Agreed Scott….
He came out Soooooooo STRONG against Everything and ANYTHING Reasonable….
He was your boy early on.
That’s when you were contending that Trump didn’t really dominate the Republican Party.
Indeed you only turned on him when it was becoming apparent that DeSantis wasn’t about to bring Trump down.
Wrong again,
As usual.
Indeed I was wrong as DeSantis self-destructed under his OWN crazy assed RightWing ‘Do it MY way’ BS policy……
I am waiting for his post stating the Republican Party is now the Party of Trump…
My reply will be, we all said that shit for the last 4 years…Look Trump now just got Rubio to capitulate and endorse him…It’s a wrap…he is the nominee no doubt…indicted and or convicted he is going to November as the Republican Candidate…
Give me an advance warming of when the post comes out James…I will be on to comment.
Come ON!….
I have NOT denied that a GOOD part of the party belongs to Trump….
(It Definitely ain’t all)
I have done countless posts here pointing out that from Iowa on it DOES look like Trumpm owns the majority of Republicans….
I HAVE alos pointed out that Jack’s OLD selling that upwards of 80% of GOPer’s would follow himoff a cliff just ain’t right….
In fact I posted from a poll that reported that a conviction would rob Trump of a MAJORITY of GOP votes….
Jack might be right that some won’t cop to supporting the chief knucklehead in public….
But WOULD vote for him…
The knucklehead’s getting on the Trump line means little to me….
Heck Trump fucked over Cruz’s dad and sent the mob to hang Pence and those two say they’d vote FOR trump….
I have said here several times recently in posts and comments….
‘Absent Trump getting sick or a convection MAYBE ?…Yes GOPer’s Will nominate him”
Now Bdog?
If you REALLY check back a few months?
U’ll see that HAVE indicated that Donald J. Trump as the Grand ole Parties 2024 Presidential nominee IS probably the BEST Damn Thing FOR Joe Biden and Democrats‼️
The guy has the unique ability to FUCK UP almost anything he touches….
I know Jack forgets this…
Donald J. Trump LOST to Joe Biden a little more than 3 years ago….
Trump Conviction Doesn’t Matter to Iowa Republicans
More than 6-in-10 likely Republican Iowa caucusgoers — 61% — say that it doesn’t matter to their support if Donald Trump is convicted of a crime before the general election, a new NBC News/Des Moines Register poll finds.
By comparison, 19% of likely Iowa caucusgoers say a Trump conviction would make it more likely that they’d back Trump, while 18% say it would make them less likely to support the former president in the general election.
(Notice the HUGE drop off among Iowa likely voters IN GENERAL if Trump gets convicted of a crime…)
You “ come on” …
The above diatribe of yours is nothing but a mishmash of self contradictions, indecipherable blather, half truths and out and out lies.
Anyone who has bothered reading your posts over the past eight years or so well knows that your entire line is that Trump in fact does NOT dominate the Republican Party and is nothing but an unwelcomed interloper that would soon be cast out ( see your earlier man crush on the soon to be ex candidate DeSantis).
As to your idiotic and lying statement that I said 80% of Republicans would follow him “off a cliff?”What I said was that 80% of self identified Republicans will VOTE for him for President again.Indeed I might be too conservative as he might get closer to 90% !
As to your laughable suggestion that a “ majority “ of Republicans will not vote for Trump if he is convicted on one of his many pending cases?Thats absurd.No one believes that except maybe you,desperately perusing for some “ poll” to support your silly preconceived notions.
Finally there’s your dumb comment that I “ forgot” that Biden won in 2020.Not to justify your nonsense with a reply but what does that have to do with 2024?Goofy.
Both Jack and blog are telling the absolute truth.
They’re just being way too polite in doing so.
Yes Keith….
The ‘absolute’ truth , eh?
Among ‘likely’ GOP voters Trump poll’s at 50 to 60% in most national polls…..
THAT means he ‘absolutly’ OWNS the voters, Right?
In almost every poll that asks if a GOPwr would vote for Trump if he was convicted?
He drops BELOW the 60-50%…..
To me?
That is a bit softer ….
The question of Republican lawmakers?
In GOP territory?
You bet your ass he ‘owns’ their PUBLIC support….
The same assholes that hid under their desks during the mob overrunning their offices HAVE stood up and kissed the ass of the guy who sent the ‘protesters’ after them….
My guess?
When’the Donald’ LOSES again?
They’ll say they NEVER supported the guy….
You guys knocking me for calling out Republican ‘lawmakers’ makes me laugh….
‘Come ON!’
Let me be sure I understand .
You believe that say Donald Trump is convicted in Atlanta by a likely majority minority jury and he is the Republican nominee for President that upward to 50% of Republicans will NOT vote for him?
Is that correct?
Uh who exactly have you “ called out?”
Morning Jack…..
Happy to get your blood going this morning……
There was a poll in August that said “about half of Republicans” say they *might* not support Trump in a general election if he is convicted but the number being that high seems suspect.
There is a more recent poll from December (NY Times/Siena) that says that *if* he is convicted and has been nominated 66% of self-identified Republicans say he should remain the nominee. So there is about a third who say no he should not be the nominee under those circumstances, but that is different than them saying they would not still vote for him.
Trump won 94% of people identifying as Republican in 2020. If he is convicted and runs against Biden, it is hard to imagine that could fall under 85%.
james would be among the 38 percent of Democrats who believe Trump should remain the Republican nominee even if convicted of a crime.
I saw one with a similar result if he was “ in prison.”
Since there is virtually no chance of that( even if he was convicted he would remain free pending an appeal).
That one is irrelevant.
My 5:34pm applies to ur comment also Jack….
With Democrats OVER performing and 10 more months of misery for “the Donald’?
He should be ripe for ANOTHER LOSS….
And the media can go batshit crazy reporting it….
(Appeal ain’t gonna erase the paid for ole Donald…And judges are NOT his friends Jack…He’s a fucking LOSER with them cept the one down in Florida wqho will probably give a win anyway she can…)
I’ll REALLY get everyone twisted !….
I believe that with his Federal DC criminal case conviction?
Biden WILL pardon the dumb sucker…..
Trump HAS to try to Kempt to do the same after a conviction in Georgia ….
NY IS tricky….
Governors of Georgia cannot issue pardons.
Thank U CG
It’s up to a board/commission I believe?
Your 5:42 is idiotic.
Put the poms poms Homer
You didn’t answer my question.
A common tactic of yours,followed by some irrelevant rah rah silliness.
Answer my 2:55 question .
Yo CG?
He’s got what percent of a chance he ain’t gonna be the nominee?
Biden BEAT him once….
I asked here if ANYBODY that comments thinks Trump could actually beat Biden this time with the TON of legal trouble* he’s in and his self defeating rants?
I got NO takers on a WIN…..
Damn REAL I want Trump to be the nominee….
* I’m up for Donlad Trump CONVICTIONS in NYC and DC along with civil judgments of more than $300,000,000 blowing his mind and ‘some’ of his GOPer support….
Once again what does last time have to do with this election?
He, he, he
Your time in school WAS about HISTORY Jack….
Ut losing ur edge right now
Yes, Trump can beat Biden. This is not saying he would, but he can. Every single bit of evidence suggests Trump is in far better position against Biden now than he was at any point in the 2020 cycle.
And yes, Biden can beat Trump as well. I think that is the slightly more likely result but this is a very different environment and there are many different factors from “last time.”
Both parties seem poised to nominate the one candidate who could lose to the other. Both are making big mistakes.
In 2016 DJT was JUST a rich Real Estate huckster from the Big Apple with a BIGGER then life selling point…..
He IS way the fuck FAR from that now and a LOSER….
With a TON of problems nipping at his ankles….
In the media u”d think he was what he thinks he is….
The ‘savior’ for the misfits!
If the election is about Trump, Trump will lose.
If the election is about Biden, Biden will lose.
In the past, when someone is seeking to stay in the White House, the election has always been about the incumbent which is Biden this time.
However, Trump is a non-conventional challenger to say the least.
Both james (and perhaps stuck in the bubble Democrats) and all the stooges sitting at places in Iowa right now to cast their votes for Trump are convinced their guy cannot lose. They are totally convinced the result is foregone. They are all very wrong.
I agree with ur top two sentences…..
And I beleieve that EVERYTHING that says or smells like ‘Trump’ Is about Trump…..
Biden is doing a losy job….
But in fact Trump & Co. (With Christie ) ARE DEFINING Trump fore the media to carry the water everyday….
I’m repeating myself but with the HARD look at WHO and WHAT Trump is and wants to do and his excess baggage?
Americans in the end WILL do what you say CG…
And vote against lying, crooked and vengeful loser that is just one way…..
And No One or ANYTHING Else….
It is bad enough I am posting here at all knowing I will hate myself in the morning for it, but why is my last post not even appearing?