The media HAS reported the US Census as saying California lost over 200,000 people in population….
It has also gained MILLIONS in migrants as has other states that the Census reports loses in….
What does mesn for those state’s?
The Constitituin requires that the 10 year Census counts include …“counting the whole number of persons in each State”….
In it’s history there have been efforts to change the counts for Native Americans and Minorities…..
Legal migrants and actually illegal immigrats ARE person’s that would located IN states and should be counted…
If so?
California , New York and other states getting migrants shippoed to them might be albe to use those numb etrs to keep their US House seats and even increase them?
Be able to obtain more Federal funding ?
New York, California, and Illinois—three large, highly urbanized states—showed the greatest population losses in 2022-23 (see Figure 3). Yet it is noteworthy that each of these states—which bore much of the brunt of population losses during the peak pandemic years—showed smaller losses in the past year due to a combination of reduced domestic out-migration and high immigration from abroad, as well as gains in natural increase.
The rising population gains (or reduced losses) in most states have tended to somewhat disperse the division that evolved during the pandemic between growing and declining states and regions. While it is true that the South continues to be the big winner—accounting for 87% of the nation’s 2022-23 population gain—this differs from 2020-21, when southern gains represented 170% of the nation’s overall growth because each of the other regions sustained population losses. In 2022-23 large-gaining states such as Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee showed smaller gains than in the previous year, and all eight population-losing states—six of which are located outside the South—showed reduced declines. Some of this reflects shifts in domestic migration, to be discussed below.
Immigration and natural increase bolstered state gains
Just as net international migration bolstered the nation’s population gains, so is the case for most states. Thirty states showed increases in international migration in 2022-23 beyond the already high levels in 2021-22. (In 49 states, 2022-23 international migration levels exceeded those in 2020-21.) Some of the biggest gains occurred in the high-immigration states of Florida, California, and Texas, with New York only modestly declining from its already high levels (see Figure 4). Other states showing substantial international migration gains were New Jersey, Illinois, and Maryland. Among the states where net international migration was lower in in 2022-23, notable reductions occurred in Virginia and Washington (see downloadable Table B)…..
Moreover, among states that lost population, immigration served to reduce the magnitude of those losses. California, which lost about 75,000 people in 2022-23, would have lost more than 225,000 people if not for international migration. New York’s overall loss of 101,984 would have approached 175,000 if immigration were not included……
All the media talk about Blue state’s losing population excludes the fact that migrany imports from Texas has cut their overall loses of people residing within their borders….