His campaign has cancelled future events as of tonight….
DeSantis campaign has canceled appearances for candidate on CNN’s State of the Union and NBC’s Meet the Press.
BREAKING: Ron DeSantis is on the verge of dropping out His campaign has canceled all events and media appearances All TV spend has been halted as well
Just in: The DeSantis campaign website has removed all future events from the page. Does this mean DeSantis is dropping out?
He’s going nowhere.
Whether he “ drops out” today,tomorrow or next week is of little concern.
As a practical matter his campaign ended weeks, if not,months ago.
It ended with his announcement, what a disorganized disaster that was.
The back & forth here reminds me of a conversation I had with one of my coworkers who announced to me last year that neither Joe Biden or Trump would be their party nominees, and now he is threatening not to vote because of the poor little children in Gaza (Biden hasn’t stopped it don’t you know).
There was never any question that this is where we would land. Trump owns the Republican Party and they parrot his authoritarian talking points. He’s perfect for the racist base of the party, can anyone truly disagree with that?
Trump could shoot someone and not lose any votes. Since he’s done every other horrible act in his life. The man even got a tax break for burying his first wife on his golf course.
What does that say about the typical Republican voter, but we’re supposed to be nice to them in their stupidity?!
So we’re back to a binary choice between a narcissistic asshole and the most successful Democratic President of our lifetimes. A choice to keep our Democracy or slowly lose it. And, did anyone truly think the Democrats would replace Biden because of his age? An incumbent President with a recovered and healthy economy?
The Republicans showed us how they would respond to an attempt to overthrow our government on January 6th, you remember the day James said was in the rear view mirror. The majority of them voted to go along.
And now they defend the coup attempt.
Like I said, it’s binary. Joe wins in a walk.
I TOTALLY Agree Keith…..
Short term GOALS vs the WHOLE BIG PICTURE.….
WTF Vote for a liar, cheat, sexual harasser that tried to STEAL another term in Office……
WTF IS WRONG with this picture as you point out Keith…..
Let me see…
“Trump owns the Republican Party…”
And you “ totally agree?”
Eight long years after claiming such was not true?
Am I reading this correctly
You are Jack!
Ironic isn’t it?
Well Jack?
Then I’ll adjust my comment…….
Nobody actually ‘owns’ ANY party COMPLETELY
DeSantis ran the worst Presidential campaign in my memory.
Laughing my ass off that he was ever rhe hope of Bush-Romney Republicans who thought they could take their party back.
As a Bush-Romney Republican, I really cannot think of anyone who was all in for DeSantis. About a year ago, some would have said he was the only candidate who might possibly stop Trump, but that sort of perception from that particular set stopped a while ago in regards to DeSantis. I cannot think of anyone prominent who would be considered a “Bush-Romney Republican” (i.e. NeverTrump) who was for DeSantis. The only thing I can really think of is that Meghan McCain used to talk him up a bit but I think she said more recently she is for Haley.
Frankly, there are more Bush-R0mney Republicans who threw in the towel a long time ago and capitulated themselves to Trump.
There were a lot of Huckabee-Santorum-Cruz Republicans who preferred DeSantis to Trump but that is very different than the Bush-Romney types in the former establishment.
Yes …..,,
We watch as they chew on the Trump shit sandwich and pretend to smile….
This OS the definition of a politician……
I keep saying they should ALL go over the cliff when Trump LOSES AGAIN…..:
But then it’s not to much of a stretch, eh?
Jan. 6 2021 some thought they’d get hurt?
But NOW they’ve ‘forgotten’ THAT also….
What do these people think or stand for?
DeSantis is out and endorses the owner of the Republican Party ,Donald Trump.
It’s rumored that he’s going to declare the Party on his taxes this year!
Is there any doubt that Mitt Romney and George Bush will be voting for Joe Biden this year?
You can take that to the bank!
Bush II might abstain?
Trump is NOT his flavor i’ve read
I think most likely Mitt Romney and George W. Bush will not actually vote for Joe Biden, although I suppose it is not an impossible scenario. I am sure they will not vote for Trump.
Me either….