Immigration has worked for Republicans for decades….
Why stop now?
IN THE DAYS following Donald Trump’s remarks that migrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” the 2024 GOP frontrunner was met with a wave of Democratic and media criticism, likening his speech to Nazi rhetoric. In response to the Adolf Hitler comparisons, Trump has privately vowed to further amp up the volume on his extreme, anti-immigrant messaging, according to two sources who’ve spoken to him since his rally in New Hampshire last weekend.
“He wants the media to choke on his words,” one of these sources says. “The [former] president said he’s going to keep doing it, he’s going to keep saying they’re poisoning the blood of the nation and destroying and killing the country … He says it’s a ‘great line.’” (Trump has been publicly using this specific phrase since at least September.)
According to the second source, Trump said in recent days that he was being “too nice” about the “animals” and alleged gang members who cross the southern border, whom Trump routinely accuses of flooding the United States with drugs, diseases, and violent crime. This person relays to Rolling Stone that Trump also said he and his campaign will be rolling out newer, even “tougher” policy proposals on immigration in 2024, and that his supporters should look out for them because they’ll be “very happy.” His current slate of 2024 immigration policy prescriptions include militarizing the southern border to a shocking degree, reimposing and expanding his travel “Muslim ban,” and building a vast network of new detention camps to house undocumented immigrants awaiting deportation…..
image…Jabin Botford/Wash Post/Getty
While Trumps deplorable rhetoric is to be condemned,immigration issues will remain a major part of the coming campaign..
Just condemning Trump won’t be enough.
Biden and the Democrats must come up with solutions.
Difficult? Yes Necessary? Yes.
Immigration is AGAIN a no win situation for a Democratic President…….
Obama AND Biden went through this back in the day and Obama took a beating for s crack down and Republicans wanted even mote…..
People ain’t NEVER gonna stop coming
The same Republicans don’t want to pay the bill to hire more border cops and people to catch up the paperwork that I hear is MILLIONS behind….
That said?
Biden IS bending a bit to get aid fir Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan….But?….I’m SURE it won’t stop the beat down from GOPer’s….
Europe has the same immigration issues we do
He’s going to have to bend a lot more than a “ bit.”
This isn’t eight or ten years ago.
Even Democratic Mayors are demanding more than a mere wringing of the hands .
Further Hispanics are voting more and more Republican ! Why should Democrats be all concerned about these immigrants when their brothers and sisters are in many cases voting for a party that disdains their coming here?
This is a major issue in this country presently and mealy mouthed replies such as yours( basically do nothing ) is a recipe for electoral disaster.
Of course since you’ve declared that Biden is doing “ fine?” Why should you worry about any of this?
Hispanic and other minorities have and WILL vote FOR Biden OVERWHELMINGLY..,,
I agree that Blue state mayors ARE being screwed by Texas and Florida exporting legal migrants…..
And they should be getting money….
My response on this addresses the complicated political and administrative issues of the situation …..
As with young voters, the question about disappointed minority voters is less about voting for Trump and the GOP than about they will still feel motivated to vote next November.
Democrats In assume WILL push to explain what another Trump Presidency could mean for them and America….
The choices ARE STARK….
The thing is to get them to understand that policy from on high DOES filter down to them and things they ARE conserned with….
Despite strong wage growth ,low unemployment and declining inflation Americans largely think the economy is in poor shape.
The Atlantic commisioned a poll to find out why.The results revealed that the major factor in their feeling tht way….grocery prices.
Not surprising really.After all,that’s something tangible that people see daily or at least weekly.Its also one of the most difficult to solve.
That’s why the Consumer Price Index is reported two ways: with and without the “volatile” food and energy components.
The first two things people notice are changes in gas/petrol prices at the pump and in grocery prices, something they encounter many times and week and are usually paid with cash, a debit card or a credit card.
Gas prices have dropped a good bit…..
The ‘experts’ say things ARE BETTER….
Interest rates are heading down….
Some people are actually getting raises
And around my way Biden money has streets getting paved
We’ll see if Biden’s numbers rose
They should
Jack’s point about Hispanics is gaining considerable truth…Hispanics are slowly voting more Republican each year and seemingly supporting a party that overall doesn’t want them or people like them in the country…but Hispanics as a block (and that is loosely) tend to be more socially conservative and issues of abortion, transgender, etc…don’t play well with their blocks adult voters…and as we all know here..the older vote way more than the young…
Solutions to immigration…wow…thats the million dollar question..Republicans don’t want a solution because they want to bludgeon Biden with immigration, Democrats are all over the place on their immigration policy so they can’t get focused behind one plan so I doubt any real substantial change will occur in 2024…I don’t see us giving too much more support to Ukraine, Israel or Taiwan despite the political/war threats to these countries because of the Republican Party cause they have no real goal of governing in any sense of the word us rational folks understand.
I agree with ur basic Bdog…..
There IS. Good amount of minority conservative feeling….
But the vote still goes mostly Democratic
I also agree Democrats have the same issues as GOPers with hard right as Dem’s have with their left
Immigration is NEVER gonna go away as a political football…
Yup…GOPer’s ain’t gonna give it up….
And in Reality?
People WILL continue to come here ANYWAY they came…
I’m no longer interested in the Democrats taking it on the chin on immigration ,while a substantial number of Hispanic voters in ,what can only be described as a case of idiocy ,vote for a party ,whose leader essentially questions their legitimacy as American citizens.
Trump has ,at various times, questioned birthright citizenship.Yet, large numbers of Hispanics ,due to something called “ conservatism,” to vote Republican?
Democrats should take a hands off approach to all these Republican moves on immigration.
Well Jack?
I still hear Muslims saying they won’t vote for Biden because of Israel and Gaza….
I DO remind them about past Muslim bans from Trump and his PROMISE to ‘Bring them back’….
It seems like once people get ‘there’s’?
They careless about the person on line?
I agree with ya…
Don’t make NO sense
And of course Americans of Cuban, Nicaraguan or Venezuelan descent will have strong anti-Communist and pro-Republican views to begin with.
Ironic when the G.O.P. (or a large part of it) have become apologists for and enablers of Russia and China.