§14. Election of Speaker Pro Tempore
A House rule(13) provides for the election of a Speaker pro tem- pore when The Speaker is absent and has omitted designating a Speaker pro tempore.
This rule has been rarely in- voked. Ordinarily, The Speaker will invite the election of a Speak- er pro tempore before leaving(14)
13. Rule I clause 7, House Rules and Manual § 633 (1973).
14. See §§ 14.3–14.5, infra.
or the House will elect a Speaker pro tempore after The Speaker has already designated one.(15)
A Speaker pro tempore is elect- ed by formal resolution and the President and Senate are notified of his election.(16)
When a previously designated Speaker pro tempore is the Mem- ber who is to be elected Speaker pro tempore, he momentarily des- ignates another Speaker pro tem- pore during the election proc- ess.(17)
An elected Speaker pro tempore is more than a ‘‘stand-in’’ Speaker. Indicative of this is the require- ment that he swear a new oath upon his entering the office of Speaker pro tempore.(18)
Moreover, an elected Speaker pro tempore assumes a much greater scope of authority from The Speaker than a designated Speaker pro tempore. Being elect- ed, he does not have to have the
15. See § 14. 6, infra.
Parliamentarian’s Note: As the il-
lustrations under §14.6 indicate, normally the Member designated Speaker pro tempore by the Speaker is the person the House elects. How- ever, the House has the inherent power, and has exercised it, to elect a person other than the Member so designated. See § 14.7, infra.
16. See §§14.1, 14.2, infra, respectively. 17. See §§ 14.6, 14.7, infra.
18. See § 11, supra….
Gaetz has NOT addressed ANYTHING except being pissed at McCarthy…..
I believe McCarthy IS technically still Speaker until the temporary one is in place or a new one is voted on…..
I could be wrong……
No, he’s done. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) is the Speaker Pro Tempore.
They did it in one move……
He is in the American President line of succession…..
Gotta be VERY EMBARRASSING for McCarthy who it turns out ain’t tooooooo smart…..
I do not believe McHenry is in the line of succession.
Zero Republicans are currently.
As Speaker of the House I would assume he is unless there is something expressly different in the succession law……
Hey CG?
Do they go after Gaetz next?
He’s not the Speaker. He’s the Speaker Pro Tem. Essentially the same role as anyone who sits in the chair and has the gavel at any given time. Constitution makes it clear the Speaker is in the line of succession.
Give me something to see on that?
McCarthy gives up will NOT try to get the spot again…….
WTF would he want the headache?
The Constitution seems pretty clear.
An Acting Secretary of State would not be in the line of succession either.
And McHenry banged that gavel today like he meant business.
As for Matt Gaetz, I am sure a lot of Republicans do not want his “leg bones to be ok.”
He, he, he
Yes he did…….
He ain’t seen Nothing yet!
No CG…….
Quick research shows that there is NO mention of acting or pro-tempore Speaker….
McHenry IS THE Speaker…..
There is NO timetable for a election of a permanent one…….
He IS the person behind the Vice President in the line of succession……
Find me something that proves otherwise?
Common sense tells me he is not but since you are so stubborn, here you go
I see where u got view
The Politico piece
I’m looking for confirmation on this
McHenry HAS been picked by McCarty
(Irish to Irish, eh?)
Ok my research seems to point to this..,.
McHenry has been ‘picked’ by McCarthy
His power IS LIMITED
Ur Right
If McHenry is ELECTED I WOULD ASSUME he can move up if needed to fill the Presidency
I just read the Linked Business Insider piece which says the same thing that McHenry would have to be elected by the House……
Indeed Senate Pro Tempore is a Democrat
Washington Post says the House itself make’s call on if McHenry could move up….
U can bet your years salary that for some unfortunate situation it came to that?
House Republican’s WOULD say yea he SHOULD move up…
Yes, McHenry was selected to act as Speaker temporarily. He has not been elected. It’s a figurehead position at this point. The House cannot act on anything until there is a Speaker.
Whoemver is elected Speaker by the full House will be in the line of succession that hopefully never has to matter.
President Pro Tem of the Senate (Patty Murray) is a position specifically referenced in the Constitution. They are also chosen by the full Senate.
The job would have belonged to Dianne Feinstein but she did not take it.