Others say they will be busy prodding Youngkin and his allies in phone calls from afar. “He appears to be leaving the door open,” Thomas Peterffy, a billionaire who has already given millions of dollars to Youngkin’s PAC, told me this week. “And if Republicans win in Virginia, maybe we can talk him into it. He obviously wants to see what emerges, what the state of play is….
Nate Silver
I don’t understand what parallel universe these guys are living in. Trump has lots of well-credentialed challengers (Haley, DeSantis, Pence). The issue is that the GOP electorate really likes Trump, not that they all just so happen to be the wrong guy/gal.
Robert Costa
SCOOP/NEWS: Push for Youngkin 2024 now taking shape as donors and Rs grow alarmed. “Red Vest Retreat” Oct. 17-18 in VA Beach… Billionaire backer Peterffy assures me “money would be there.” Bill Barr telling him to put his “oar in.”
He’ll get no higher than 2% nationally, maybe stall Haley’s “momentum” in NH. That’s it.