Them, along with Alabama GOP US Senator Tupperville will get headlines….
But in the end?
Won’t change much …….
House Speaker McCarthy has to dance with them to keep his spot…
But ?
WILL use Democratic help along with GOP moderates and swing district members to get something the majority US Senate will pass to keep the US Military running for President Biden to sign….
Tupperville’s hold’s are gonna be put in the bill’s passage one would guess to get around him also….
A group of right-wing House Republicans pushing to load up the annual defense bill with socially conservative policies on abortion, race and gender have another demand: severe restrictions on U.S. military support for Ukraine.
The pressure has set the stage for a divisive floor fight beginning on Thursday over backing for the war effort just as President Biden tries to rally European allies to support Kyiv in its conflict with Russia.
The group’s proposals on military aid stand no chance of passing the House — where strong bipartisan support for backing Ukraine’s war effort continues — or going anywhere in the Senate. But the far right’s insistence on casting votes on the matter anyway has further imperiled the defense legislation and transformed what is ordinarily a broadly supported measure that provides the annual pay raise to U.S. military personnel and sets Pentagon policy into a partisan battleground that has placed Republican divisions on display.
The House on Thursday was set to begin casting votes on some of the measures, after Republican leaders agreed in the wee hours to the demands of ultraconservative lawmakers who insisted on votes to scale back Ukraine aid and add social policy dictates…
Some mainstream Republicans say they relish the fight, seeing it as a potential opportunity to put the rebellious right wing of the party in its place.
“It’s going to fail big time,” Representative Mike D. Rogers, Republican of Alabama, said of the hard right’s bid to scrap U.S. support for Ukraine. “So I hope they make it in order — I think you’ll see it go down overwhelmingly.”
The defense bill is the latest forum right-wing lawmakers have been using to challenge Mr. McCarthy’s leadership. Their protest, which began during the protracted speaker fight in January, resumed last month, when 11 far-right lawmakers brought the House floor to a standstill to express their fury at Mr. McCarthy’s debt ceiling deal with Mr. Biden. They have threatened similar tactics in the future if he fails to bow to their demands….
Last year, 57 House Republicans voted against a measure to provide $40 billion in military and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine. Congress approved a total of more than $113 billion in Ukraine aid last year.
House Republican leaders expressed confidence on Wednesday that they could defeat any proposal to strip funding for Ukraine, thus preserving the integrity of the underlying defense bill. But they worried aloud about the social policy measures, which they noted would alienate Democrats whose votes would be needed to pass the bill.
But the proposals on abortion, race and gender could be more difficult, they warned.
“Those I think are actually dicier,” said Representative Tom Cole, Republican of Oklahoma and the chairman of the Rules Committee. “You’re not going to get any Democrats that way.”…
Update .…The House Bill passed….
It will go nowhere in its current form…
The House’s version of the bill, totaling $886 billion, passed on a vote of 219-210, carrying a razor-thin Republican majority. Four Democrats voted in favor of the legislation. The outcome sets up a showdown with the Senate, where lawmakers are expected to vote next week on its version of the legislation which lacks the divisive components pushed by House GOP’s hard-right wing.
Democrats and moderate Republicans predict that the defense bill, in its current form, will die in the Senate, raising uncertainty for the fate of major items that leaders from both political parties had identified as national defense imperatives….
House adoption of conservative amendments to a defense bill has thrown the fate of the must-pass package into doubt, sparking widespread opposition from Democrats and putting new burdens on Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to rally enough Republican votes to pass it through the lower chamber.
The threat to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is unusual for an annual legislative ritual that sets the budget for the nation’s armed forces — and routinely enjoys broad bipartisan support…..
“It’s not going to pass the Senate anyway; it doesn’t matter,” Mace said. “So if you vote against the NDAA, you’re going to be voting against the men and women in uniform