These people ARE looking to CUT the Social Safety Net by BILLIONS?
Cutting Government SPENDING?????
They make $174,000 a year and get freebies…..
And they want a RAISE?????
(They haven’t had one for 15 years though….They STILL campaign FOR their jobs every two years))
House Republicans would give lawmakers their first pay increase in nearly 15 years under a spending bill for the upcoming fiscal year that the Appropriations Committee approved last month.
The move comes as House Republicans pursue cuts to most federal agencies and programs, sparing only defense, veterans and border security. Lawmakers last received a cost-of-living increase in 2009, but House Republicans left out the traditional language blocking a cost-of-living increase for members from this year’s Legislative Branch bill.
If the provision is not added back during the appropriations process, members would stand to receive a 4.6 percent, or $8,000, pay increase, according to the Congressional Research Service. Most lawmakers — with the exception of certain leadership positions — currently make $174,000, the level salaries have been frozen at since the Great Recession.
House Legislative Branch Appropriations Chairman Mark Amodei, R-Nev., said Wednesday that the debate over whether members should get the pay increase is ongoing, and there are “a lot of strong feelings on both sides.”
But he said he thought after such a long time without an increase, allowing members to receive the cost-of-living adjustment would be good policy.
“The policy supports, hey, once every twelve years, you can have a cost -of-living increase,” Amodei said. “That’s not exactly greedy. But the politics is — you know how that will go.” ….
Amendment XXVII
No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.
Proposed (as part of the Bill of Rights) in 1789 but not ratified until 1992.
I think the piece says court has says they have the Ok to do it whenever?
$170K salary and perks and a Government Retirement ain’t to shabby