Schumer on the floor reads statement that was negotiated with Republicans to assert that the debt ceiling bill won’t constrain their efforts to pass emergency aid packages for Ukraine, respond to threats like China and deal with other urgent needs.
“The Senate is not about to ignore our national needs, nor abandon our friends and allies who face urgent threats from America’s most dangerous adversaries,” he said
…..So far, defying the Republican base by supporting aid to Ukraine does not appear to be politically detrimental to the party’s incumbents.
“Not at this time,” said Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican of Georgia, a vociferous foe of assisting Ukraine and a Trump loyalist. “But I’ll be speaking at many of the Trump rallies, and you can bet that I’ll be heavily messaging against the war in Ukraine and anyone who’s funding it. And I guarantee you that’s going to be moving the needle.”….
(May 19, 2023) More….
There remains a sizeable number of Republicans In Congress as well as among the Republican Party as a whole who oppose aid to Ukraine.
Some foreign policy types believe that Putin is playing the long game , awaiting another Trump presidency which he thinks may end ,or considerably reduce ,American assistance .
So things are ok now but a Republican victory in Nov. 2024?
Basically a large part of the Republican Party simply hates democracy, and yes Trump would tank the Ukrainian war effort and withdraw from NATO.
So Putin’s best chance a Trump victory.
Thank God for Joe Biden! Remember when we were told Biden looked weak here on the issue of Ukraine? I do.
I did a post here recently on how Biden HAD to be pushed and dragged into supporting the Ukraine conflict with support for them….
He’s there now
How was he pushed into supporting the Ukraine? Please site specifics.
And you clearly said Biden looked weak in the run up to this conflict when everyone else here wrote what a masterful job he was doing. You don’t remember that James?
You also wrote that January 6th was “in the rearview mirror” and you then doubled down on the comment. Do you still think it’s in the rearview mirror as people are put in jail? Please explain?
Joe Biden is NOT comfortable with conflict
Never was
If you remember when Obama wanted to go big against anybody with troops
Biden suggested Spec Ops small foot print
Biden yanked the troops out of Afghanistan
Go back and check on Biden on the Ukraine
He declassified intelligence to try to talk the Russian’s out of attacking the Ukraine which was a good move
But Putin stepped off anyways
Biden then sat back and watched the Ukraine get rolled
It’s not our war
But Zelensky started begging for help
Biden was not receptive initially
But as the Eurozone leader’s began pushing?
Biden SLOWLY changed direction
As more and Zelensky pleas and images of the war hit the media image ran?
AND as the Post points out he began to come around
He was STILL afraid of Pissing Off Putin who was saber rattling nukes , bit that was BS…..
Biden ‘s hold out on Abrams tanks and F-16’s are over
But his fail safe position is the stuff won’t get to the Ukraine till the end of the year
Zelensky’s new best support is coming from the British PM……
Biden DOES GET MAJOR props for NOT sending US troops into the Ukraine for the fight thus creating a possible WWIII……
Us Spec Ops have visited the place
Almost everything you have written is your opinion and it’s totally uninformed. Starting with Joe Biden was never comfortable with conflict.
He clearly is leading the way on this conflict. But your most ridiculous comment is that he is somehow afraid of Putin.
Your opinions, like your dismissal of January 6th, are completely uninformed and I am trying to be polite here.
You decided out of the box, most likely because you wanted the war in Afghanistan to continue, that Biden looked “weak” and you refuse to acknowledge his accomplishments to the five people who post here.
I have a news flash for you, America is delighted we are no longer wasting our time in that rat hole. If the Afghans had fought half as hard as the Ukrainians they would still have a country.
Nothing you have written supports your initial statement.
No doubt America is out of Afghanistan
So am I
The actual withdrawal was horrible
Now Biden as the American President is
But I stand by MY view that he has to be dragged and punished along the way to weere he is now…
I stand by view that Biden is uncomfortable with conflict
Check Bidens approval numbers….
The guy has my vote
But he his approval numbers tanked after the Afghan evacuation and have not recovered
I’m not alone on my view of the debacle..
You are so wrong it’s actually funny, but sad too since after all these years you still cannot admit that you were wrong when clearly presented with the facts and results of what is happening in in Ukraine.
You might want to consider that your inability to engage in critical thinking and then admit when you are wrong is one of the major reasons you don’t have more posters here.,
I produce a DAILY summary of what IS reported to be happening IN the Ukraine and related to it….
Over 400 of them….
I give the summaries…
I AM informed looking at different sources….
And Jan. 6 HAS come and gone
The scared politicians are kissing Trumps ass
They are carrying the water for Trump against the FBI…..
The Justice System quietly keeps pac-maning those who used violence to try to change an election outcome……
We’ll see if and when the hammer falls on the top people…….
Heck, GOPer’s just want wipe the slate clean
Actually you appear to want the same thing since you dismiss, from your statements, what happened and what might have happened on that day. To dismiss it is just another example of your ignorance of our political system.
Just admit you were wrong James.
Your “weekly reports” miss a big point James, Joe Biden is basically doing a masterful job both here domestically and on the international stage. You’re simply wrong James, you made a silly comment Month’s ago and can’t back off of it.
Joe Biden learned from the mistakes of the Obama Administration in Crimea and has handled this perfectly. When this war started you and others thought the Russians would win in a matter of days. Well, you weren’t right then and you aren’t now. There is one important reason the tide is now on the Ukraine’s side and it’s the Biden Administration.
It doesn’t matter James how many words you write on a topic if your basic premise is wrong, very much like your obsessive prediction that Trump was “fading.”
Every world diplomatic observer, other than the Russians, have praised Biden’s measured response to this threat on democracy. But hey, you stand by what you have written.
Weekly Reports?
467 Daily Reports….
Biden Masterfull Job?
Yes …No American troops engagement …
The Ukraine had to beg Biden to supply weapons when they WHERE getting their asses kicked….
Biden relented reluctantly under pressure, as I HAVE pointed out from those ‘international’ leaders that stood behind him…But shoved him with the help of the Ukraine President who MASTERFULLY used the media to change an American Presidents mind….
Yes NOW the Ukraine IS in better shape….
And a good part IS because the leaders of the UK, Polnad , Germany and others broke Biden’s ball’s along with Zelkensky to get off the dime…..
Stop worrying about Putin and lend support….
Biden HAS sent tens’s of Billions in aid and HAS beat down GOPer’s who danced with Trump’s effort to help Putin and now support the Ukraine funding…
Somewhere along the line in the last year and half it began to sink in to Joe Biden that he could NOT just stand by with his hands in pockets and watch this play out…
NATO IS stronger from this….
Yes Keith…
The US looks a bit stronger…
But there is still worry about how far aggrements to stand together a fight ARE…
And there IS this angle….
Somebody also probnably whispered in Biden ear?
EVERY dollar he send to the Ukraine will come back ten times when the conflict is over and the REBUILDING begins….
Domestically and already in the Ukraine military which IS switching to most American hardware…
Biden masterfully on the ‘domestic front’?
Joe Biden approval numbers dropped into the low to mid 40’s AFTER the Afghan evac fuckup….
They have NOT recovered ….
The American economy isn’t his fault directly..
But he’s taking a hit on it….
He’s also taking hits on environment , immigration and on the budget deal he just signed which I think he did damn good, but others do NOT….
His and democrats saving grace is the Alito 5 and their abortion fuck up…
Biden leads Trump nand will beat the lying criminal enterprise leader if he actually becomes the first ex-President to be convicted that run for his old job that he LOST and tried steal back….
And he LOST to a guy almost 5 years older to him…
If you check?
You WILl finds that Donald J. Trump’s support among the American people HAS dropped….
If you check further?
You will find that his support has actually DROPPED among GOPer’s….
Jack crowed about Trump’s support being in the 80% range back a few years ago…
It now hovers slightly above 50%….
You get props because you ARE a Good Democratic party solider….
But you are also smart enough to see the faults in Obama’s foriagn policy also….
Joe Biden had my vote and he’ll get it again…
Like the rest of us?
He ain’t perfect…..
On this he’s perfect and your refusal to acknowledge his accomplishments only highlight your stubborn ignorance of this conflict and our improved standing in the world.
You decided from the get go that Biden “looked weak” because he withdrew from Afghanistan and you like wars. I get that.
But he’s anything but weak. He purposely led this conflict from behind, driving our allies to support Ukraine, resurrecting our reputation around the world, and got the world to stand up to Putin. His use of US intelligence alone to telegraph what Russia was planning in the run up to the war was brilliant.
So James you can issue all the reports you like that simply amount to a string of your uninformed opinions.. the bottom line: it’s a wrong opinion.
No one of any importance in the diplomatic world agrees with you on this.
Just admit you’re wrong
My point EXACTLY
Led from behind……
I still ad ‘PUSHED’
Your point exactly?
Check the top of your head James.
Nothing that you just wrote here makes any sense.
The whole free world recognizes that Joe Biden has handled this war masterfully.
You, on the other hand, sound like a MAGA Republican on this and the issue of January 6th.
Leadership from BEHIND……
Pushed and shoved……..
I thought it telling that CPAC’s honoree was the democratic hero Vaçlav Havel when the sponsoring American Conservative Union was still managed by Al Cárdenas — while under Matt Schlapp (Trumpist tool) the honoree was the Hungarian xenophobic strongman Victor Orban.
Autocrat’s tend to like other autocrat’s