We repeat this every month here….
Most don’t give a damn what the govrenment or Wall Street numbers people say….
OUR economy isn’t making us feel good….
Views of the national economy remain pessimistic, with 24% of adults rating the national economy as good. This is down from April, when 30% called the national economy good. Democrats are more likely to say the national economy is good compared to Republicans. And adults age 60 and older are more likely to say the national economy is good compared to younger adults (34% vs. 19%). Furthermore, 32% of those with a college degree describe the national economy as good compared to 20% of those without a college degree.
Confidence in banks and financial institutions also remains low, with 11% of adults expressing a great deal of confidence. In September 2020, 22% had a great deal of confidence in financial institutions.
Forty percent of the public approve of how Joe Biden is handling his job as president, just about the same as his approval rating in April. His support among Democrats remains strong.
Views of how Biden is handling the national economy, gun policy, and immigration are more negative. Only a third approve of Biden’s handling of these issues. The public is slightly more positive when it comes to how the president is handling student loans.
The president’s approval overall and his approval on specific issues remain highly partisan….