Yeah for all the talk about a “Civil War” in the GOP over Trump it just hasn’t materialized yet.
If it actually did it wouldy be a bloody mess, but could save the party from it’s string of defeats.
The problem is the vast majority of rank and file Republicans either don’t have any interest in fighting this civil war because Trump is the kind of candidate they were teased with and flirted with for years before sobering up and going to the “safe” nominee. See Patrick Buchanan in 1992 and 1996, the flirtations with the likes of Alan Keyes in 2000, Ron Paul in 2008, Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain in 2012. For twenty years until 2016 I held the theory that there were a lot of Republicans who really wanted a Rush Limbaugh as their nominee–they just held back at the end The results of the 2016 GOP primary proved that. And I don’t see that the average Republican voter wants to go back to the old Romney, McCain, GW Bush type of GOP nominee any time soon.
If they did there would actually be a “civil war” that hasn’t materialized yet….
Scott @ Politicaldog101
image….Ilustration Benjamin Currie/Huffpost; Photo: Getty