The Republican Party once stood for something! NOT any more! Their decline probably started with Nixon, got worse under Reagan, and was complete CHAOS under Trump! Does the party have ANY redeeming features today? #RejectChaos #VoteBidenIn2024
That WAS them back in the day…
And Abbott and DeSantis ARE running Fast and Hard to emulate Putin’s way of doing business
From the Republican Party platform of 1948:
To this end we propose as a guide to definite action the following principles:
Maximum voluntary cooperation between citizens and minimum dependence on law; never, however, declining courageous recourse to law if necessary.
Our competitive system furnishes vital opportunity for youth and for all enterprising citizens; it makes possible the productive power which is the unique weapon of our national defense; and is the mainspring of material well-being and political freedom.
Government, as the servant of such a system, should take all needed steps to strengthen and develop public health, to promote scientific research, to provide security for the aged, and to promote a stable economy so that men and women need not fear the loss of their jobs or the threat of economic hardships through no fault of their own.
The rights and obligations of workers are commensurate with the rights and obligations of employers and they are interdependent; these rights should be protected against coercion and exploitation from whatever quarter and with due regard for the general welfare of all.
The soil as our basic natural resource must be conserved with increased effectiveness; and farm prices should be supported on a just basis.
Development of the priceless national heritage which is in our West is vital to our nation.
Administration of government must be economical and effective.
Faulty governmental policies share an important responsibility for the present cruelly high cost of living. We pledge prompt action to correct these policies. There must be decent living at decent wages.
Our common defense must be strengthened and unified.
Our foreign policy is dedicated to preserving a free America in a free world of free men. This calls for strengthening the United Nations and primary recognition of America’s self-interest in the liberty of other peoples. Prudently conserving our own resources, we shall cooperate on a self-help basis with other peace-loving nations.
Constant and effective insistence on the personal dignity of the individual, and his right to complete justice without regard to race, creed or color, is a fundamental American principle.
We aim always to unite and to strengthen; never to weaken or divide. In such a brotherhood will we Americans get results. Thus we will overcome all obstacles….
Lynching or any other form of mob violence anywhere is a disgrace to any civilized state, and we favor the prompt enactment of legislation to end this infamy.
One of the basic principles of this Republic is the equality of all individuals in their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This principle is enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and embodied in the Constitution of the United States; it was vindicated on the field of battle and became the cornerstone of this Republic. This right of equal opportunity to work and to advance in life should never be limited in any individual because of race, religion, color, or country of origin. We favor the enactment and just enforcement of such Federal legislation as may be necessary to maintain this right at all times in every part of this Republic.
We favor the abolition of the poll tax as a requisite to voting.
We are opposed to the idea of racial segregation in the armed services of the United States.
We pledge a vigorous enforcement of existing laws against Communists and enactment of such new legislation as may be necessary to expose the treasonable activities of Communists and defeat their objective of establishing here a godless dictatorship controlled from abroad.
We favor a revision of the procedure for the election of the President and Vice President which will more exactly reflect the popular vote.
We recommend to Congress the submission of a constitutional amendment providing equal rights for women.
We favor equal pay for equal work regardless of sex.
We propose a well-paid and efficient Federal career service.
We favor the elimination of unnecessary Federal bureaus and of the duplication of the functions of necessary governmental agencies.
We favor equality of educational opportunity for all and the promotion of education and educational facilities.
We favor restoration to the States of their historic rights to the tide and submerged lands, tributary waters, lakes, and streams.
We favor eventual statehood for Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico. We urge development of Alaskan land communications and natural resources.
We favor self-government for the residents of the nation’s capital….
This was the platform of NY Gov. Thomas Dewey & Calif. Gov. Earl Warren, when they were facing Harry Truman & Alben Barkley (Dem.), Henry Wallace & Glen Taylor (Progressive) and Strom Thurmond & Fielding Wright (States’s Rights Democratic).
Not all of the platform is so progressive and liberal, but Deway & Warren were considered to come from the liberal or progressive wing of the GOP.
But note that the 1948 Republicans opposed lynching (as most GOP platform did) while the Democratic Party didn’t have such an anti-lynching plank until maybe the 1960’s. The GOP also supported ERA (as it had since the 1920’s), equal pay for equal work, Puerto Rican statehood, and home rule for the District of Columbia.
Try running that platform before a MAGA GOP convention; in fact, imagine such a prograamme even emerging from its platform committee.
Thank Barry Goldwater.
If you read this to your typical Republican today,they would loudly denounce it and incongruously declare you a “communist.”
Indeed on a GOPer reading now….
It was bad before
But now is Ten no A hundred Times worse
And imagine a 2024 Trumpist convention (or one with many Trumpist delegates) promising:
They’d have a stroke DSD….
Unlike in the hallowed days of Politics1, we have only one Republican lurker, who rarely (because of another lurker) offers his views and observations here.
But I’d be curious how he (or Native Atlantan or KyRepub or Dr. Jay or any of the other GOP readers of Politics1) would react to such RINO-sounding platform.
Do the spirits of Ford, Dole, Kemp, GHWB, McCain or Romney still live outside a few governors’ mansions whose occupants could accomplish little without bipartisan help?
I think it IS right to people who have different views featured
I have no problem with CNN or even Twitter
It IS YOUR choice what U want to read
This meme is a perfect comeback when Republicans predictably bring up the fact that southern Democrats supported Jim Crow around the same time.
LBJ probably was the turning point for Southern Democrats….
Even ole Reagan wasn’t like the current crew