There ARE at least four possible criminal cases running with Donald Trump’s name is playing…..
They are in three states and coming from the Federal and State prosecutor’s….
There are ALSO several BIG civil cases cooking….
Donald Trump tends to NOT listen to lawyers who of course practice LAW….
If you are aware of what is going on in national politics in America you KNOW that Donald Trump is working HARD to define his future in terms of POLITICS NOT Law…..
Trump, who has to be nervous about his future, is back doing his old sidewalk act….
Make himself LARGER than Life to conquer his problems….
Lets look at the calendar …
Trump has not be indicted, charged, with any crimes YET….
We KNOW he will…
Probably within the next few months….
The process and system kicks in….
And THAT will have Trump & Co. doing what they do….
I’d bet that Trump and the prosecutor’s are KEENLY aware that trials are lining up to be scheduled for late this year and early next year….
(They WILL indict him…The list will be longer I’d gamble…)
What happens next year?
Party primaries for President!
And THAT is where Trump WILL try to beat all challenger’s for the Republican Presidential nomination and more important for him?
Beating the efforts to convict him of CRIMES…
He doesn’t care about the rules or law…
He never has…
But he will be doing his best to show that those things are for everyone else…
Criminal trials with Donald Trump in court…
Playing while?
At night he does campaign rallies ranting against the ‘law and system’….
And the media playing the show ….
We just found out why the Trump Grand Juty case charges are on hold…..
Post coming……