The Freedom Caucus isn’t but so many Republicans….
There ARE 212 Republican’s….
Some ARE moderate’s…Yep Moderates……
Those moderates have been watching the McCarthy ‘givebacks’….
All the GOPer’s ain’t rowing together …..
If a few decide to actually cross the aisle to vote?
Will GOP Moderates Press Their Advantage?
“The House Freedom Caucus captured the world’s attention by holding Kevin McCarthy’s speakership hostage, but in a divided government any five members can team up to block Republican leaders’ plans,” Semafor reports.
“That’s why it’s worth keeping an eye on the relative moderates who are making rumblings of their own. They have the power to stall legislation or to try and get bipartisan bills to the floor through procedural workarounds — if they have the guts.”
We will see about these uh “moderates “ in this debt ceiling matter.
U think we get a prolonged government shutdown?