They may get up a knock gun laws and smirk at minorities and crime…
But check below…..
Republicans continually talk about crime and promote their candidates as crime fighters. Yet the murder rate in red states has outpaced blue states by 23% over the past 20 years. The highest murder rates are in four red states- Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Missouri.
Red states, I believe, have looser gun-control laws, and perhaps we see one result.
But there’s another interesting phenomenon. When I looked at this a couple of decades ago, the state with the highest rate of marital stability was deep-blue (Gore-Lieberman) Massachusetts, while the states with the highest underage pregnancies were deep red (Bush-Quayle) southern states, the ones whose fundamentalist and evangelical leaders inveighed so heavily for old-time morality against the evil, practices of liberal, blue, cosmopolitan and de-Christianized states in the Northeast and Far West.
(Remember when Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell agreed that 9/11 was divine retribution on New York and the United States for tolerating homosexuality?)
Addendum: Maybe Jack could tell us of social conditions and behaviour in deep-red S. Carolina.
He, he, he…..
I’m NOT at ALL surprised….
Their ‘Ur on your own’ way leads to problems….
But ‘They’ are forever pointing to Blue states and poor whites and minorities in general as ‘Trouble’….
‘MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN’ while they Fuck it up????
No wonder Trump fits….
They where ALREADY diverting from the TRUTH…..