The above isn’t entirely true….
True enough to make one wonder were have their minds gone…..
The Old Republican Party Is Dead
Tom Nichols: “Cheney’s defeat was no surprise, but it is an especially bitter pill to swallow for the Never Trump former Republicans (as Charlie Sykes and I discussed in a podcast today) who saw Cheney as the last outpost of the party they once knew. Cheney nodded to the GOP’s free fall in her concession speech.”
Said Cheney: “I believe deeply in the principles and the ideals on which my party was founded. I love its history, and I love what our party has stood for, but I love my country more.”
“Notice the use of the past tense there. The remarkable thing about Cheney’s speech is that it was aimed squarely at the voters. It was certainly not aimed at Trump; Cheney, as well as anyone, knows the pointlessness of addressing Trump in anything like an adult conversation. It wasn’t even really directed at the institutional Republican Party, which is beyond repair at this point. Instead, Cheney grabbed Republican voters by the lapels and told them to snap out of their Trump-induced trance.”
Just a thought?
If Trump goes down hard under the weight of criminal charges in several places?
What does his party do?
Will they wake up from their stupor?
Gee what happened to the “ Trump is losing support” line that you’ve bern pushing for several years now?
Are you finally understanding what has happened to the Republican Party?
Or will we continue to read these little anecdotes ( usually of little or no consequence) that you continuously post here that you claim “ prove” Trumps support is “ slipping around the edges” or other such silliness?
Republicans enjoy lying and cheating . It’s who they are. And Trump ,or any of his acolytes ,feed the rabble with what they want.
The Republican Party today is pure T trash.
Trump’s support IS slipping from what it was….
Let me see….
U was talking about Trump and the 70-90%’s a while ago?
Now a whopping 58% of GOPer’s want him to run in. 2024?
I stand by my view that Trump DOES have support from the party’s voters that hate most things Democratic anyways….
Keep send the guy their hard earned nmoney…
ARE will to go to jail for crook…
I stand by my view that smart GOP law makers KNOW their head guy is a crook and a idiot….
But unlike Cheney?
They value their jobs more…..
Donald Trump is by far the dominant figure in the Republican Party.
EVERY political observer in the country admits that.Hell even Liz Cheney does?
Then we have a clown like you babbling on about “smart GOP lawmakers.”
Who are they exactly?You seem to know.Name them!
The Republican Party is Trash.Do you agree ?
I agree with the word ‘dominant ‘…..
The un Trump ARE right out there but aren’t gonna flash THAT….