Letter to the editor NY Times…..
To the Editor:
There is only one course of action that can achieve a viable solution. And that is to indict Donald Trump, try him, convict him and then have President Biden issue a pardon. He would then be forever in the disgraced category of Richard Nixon, a politician without portfolio. Justice will have been served without creating a martyr, and Mr. Biden would come across as the person he truly is, one who cares more about the health of our nation than any form of vengeance.
Joe Sundeen
Lower Makefield Township, Pa.
(A LOT of us would be happy if Trump could NEVER run for elected office again….That would HAVE to be part of a plea bargain …U can run for President as a convicted felon)..so a pardon wouldn’t be enough )
The author of this letter ,like you ,simply refuses to understand that the vast majority of Republicans.DONT CARE whether Trump is indicted.They still support him and what he stands for..
Convict him? Pardon him?
They will STILL support him.
Indeed….Like lemmings…They’d go off a cliff for him
I just don’t want him to be President again…..