I agree with Steve A. Smith…..
WTF is this even being looked at by the National Football league….
Watson has settled with all of the women…
His contract was done to acomidate his settlements….
A judge in the process (The Union contract madated ) says 6 games….
(She said she has gone by the facts)
That should be it….
If the NFL (Owners) goes over the judge?
They shouldn’t have the judge involved….
And Watson and the innocent thing is not the decsion…
Two grand juries said no crime….
This could get very messy if the NFL appeals the judges call….
Deshaun Watson, the Cleveland Browns quarterback accused by more than two dozen women of sexual misconduct during massage treatments, was suspended Monday for six games for violating the N.F.L.’s personal conduct policy and was not fined, according to two people with knowledge of the ruling who were not authorized to speak publicly.
As a condition of his reinstatement, Watson was also directed to use only club-approved massage therapists, in club-directed sessions, for the duration of his career, one of the people said.
The N.F.L. and the N.F.L. Players Association did not immediately return calls for comment.
The ruling was made by Sue L. Robinson, the retired federal judge jointly appointed by the N.F.L. and the players union to oversee player discipline. The league and the players union have three business days to submit a written appeal, which would be handled by Commissioner Roger Goodell or a person of his choosing. The players union said in a statement on Sunday night — before Robinson informed both sides of her decision — that it would not appeal and called on the N.F.L. to let the ruling stand….
Watson missed games last year on this already….
Couldn’t care less about this hoodlum.
Glad to see you do.
How predictable.
No it’s NOT about Watson who has mangaged to put himself in place were he will give at least 24 women some of his contract money for his idiotic behaviour….
I look at this as an even dumber move by the NFL owners…
They sign a contract with the players leaGUE to have a judge make a call…
They may not like a call po0n something TWO grand juries voted NO BILl…
And now?
The owner’s of the ‘property’ may want to screw thet guy ANYWAYS?
They are a sports league business…
They gotta pay the guy per his contract…
They seem to want to mess with the guiy and the Browns more….
This is a BLACK athlete and if the owners keep this going?
Sooner…Not later?
The shit IS gonna hit the fan…
Watson sat the most of last seson already…
The whole thing should be over with 6 games suspension….
We’ve had the people pushing this visiting here from time to time in the past…..
Nice apologia for the hoodlum.
Rather typical of the “lefties” you are always howling about.
No apology ….
He setteled the cases…
No criminal charges stick….
He’s already had ‘time served’….
Owners ain’t a court….
The NFL WILL appeal The Watson 6 games suspension