For those who have had student loan repayments as a heavy weight on their backs….
A smile….
For those who seem to NOT want help their fellow American’s lift some economic burden …
A frown…
For Most Republicans?
This is another thing they can attack Biden and Democrats for helping out those that are not rich….
(Mind you?…I point out in a prior post that several of the House GOPer’s knocking Biden have had large amounts of their loand forgiven!)
This move HAS to give a slight booost to the US economy, Saving’s and Biden’s approval numbers …..
Joe Biden moved himself on this….
He did NOT want to do this…..
Why Student Loan Forgiveness Might Be Good Politics
Jonathan Bernstein: “What fever-pitch rhetoric combined with poor logic do tell us is that the decision sparked strong feelings. That alone could explain why Biden chose to move forward with the plan and why Republicans are opposing it so fiercely. Politicians don’t always read the mood accurately; the truth is that very few people get riled up about public-policy decisions, especially ones that don’t affect them personally. Unless, that is, their party works hard to get them upset in the first place.”
“So a lesson from the student debt debate is that politicians are always looking for policy questions that will engage their supporters.”
GOP Ad Blitz Mocks Biden’s Student Loan Plan
“The American Action Network, a conservative advocacy organization with ties to House GOP leadership, is going up with a national ad campaign for the next 10 days arguing President Biden’s student debt forgiveness plan is unfair to working-class Americans,” Axios reports.
“The ad, which will be airing during upcoming college football and Major League Baseball games, features a waitress, mechanic and landscaper talking about working extra shifts to help theater majors and business majors get out of debt.”
Did what I needed them to do, they got my vote…
You will NOT be alone……..
Biden didn’t want to do this….
He needs the votes
Works for millions