Joe Biden has been thru that during the second 2 years of the first Obama term….
House Republicans are planning to bombard Joe Biden’s administration with investigations next year, from Hunter Biden to the border to the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.
As the GOP prepares for a likely takeover of the chamber next year, committee chairs-in-waiting have laid out a lengthy list of oversight goals that goes beyond Biden’s White House — including Democrats’ formation of the Jan. 6 select committee. But the party’s highest-profile targets are those with the potential to politically bruise the president ahead of 2024: his son’s business dealings, Afghanistan, the origins of the coronavirus, inflation causes and the U.S.-Mexico border.
Months before the midterms, Republican lawmakers are already working behind the scenes to divvy up which committee gets which piece of the investigative action next year. That includes talks with Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and other conference leaders, plus member-on-member discussions.
“I’ve been really impressed with leadership — both from [Rep.] Jim [Jordan], from [Rep.] Jamie Comer, from Kevin’s office — in already starting to talk about that,” said Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.).
Republicans view executive-branch oversight as a significant piece of their 2023 agenda, driven in part by the reality that divided government would leave no path for most of their legislative priorities. Investigations also give the House GOP high-profile chances to lob subpoenas and tough questions at Biden officials heading into 2024, when it hopes to take the Senate and White House too.
CNBC is reporting that Lindsay Graham is now willing to submit to the Ga. subpoena to testify in the probe of Donald Trump and a bevy of Georgia Republicans efforts to steal the presidential election in Georgia.
Graham has been catching Hell from S.C. newspapers over his refusal to honor the subpoena.Then last week , SC native and conservative columnist Kathleen Parker questioned Graham’s seeming reluctance to testify.
Since Graham is a notorious liar , I wouldn’t count on much enlightenment from his testimony.
I said here he would…..
He’s a lawyer….
Better to get ahead of the ball, eh?
I just posted that the Fulton DA is going after the false elector scheme down there….
The Feds will be under pressure to move along with other places….
I have said that Trump HAS to be worried more about this and I feel he’ll have to announce running sooner rather than later to try and use that as cover….
I will further state that i do NOT THINK Donald J Trump has a prayer of getting to be President again…..
The system simply won’t let him….
You think DeSantis,Cruz, Cotton Hawley etc will be any different policy wise?
That’s your problem,
You’re so obsessed by Trump that you fail to see that his influence(yes Trumpism) on the Republican Party is total.
Quick….Explain the difference between Trump and DeSantis and be specific. Here I’ll start you off.DeSantis won’t tweet as much.Now start your list?Ready, set, GO!
NONE of the aforementioned are as stupid as Trump…..
Would they be ‘better’?
Who knows?
I WANT Tump to run so he can lose and bring the Grand ole Party DOWN with him….
That’s all you got?
They’re not as “stupid” as Trump?
Once again you are so obsessed with Trump that you can’t see that ,DeSantis in particular ,is much more dangerous than Trump.
So tell me and be specific how DeSantis or any of these other extremists are any different from Trump.
DeSantis would have to defend some of his hard right positions that would not play well in a general election….
He does not have the ‘juice’ of Trump
Nikki comes in FOURTH in the early polling right now……
Could she be VP material?
Who cares what “place” a candidate is in?
She’s polling in single digits.
Yet she is ahead of Cruz, Cotton and others……
Pence , who IS already campaigning is in in 3rd place….